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Unit 6 At the snack bar一 、教学内容 :At the snack bar(Story time)二、教学目标1、通过游戏活动,能初步感知、体验单词“at, coffee, tea, juice, rice, fish, big, snack bar, hamburger, a glass of, noodles, dad, sandwich, a cup of”并理解单词的意思。2、通过在情境中交流,能听说读: “What would you like? Id like , please. Anything else?”并会运用所学句型。3、能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语学会点餐及征求别人的意见。5、能正确诵读歌谣。三、教学重点1、通过游戏活动,能初步感知、体验单词“at, coffee, tea, juice, rice, fish, big, snack bar, hamburger, a glass of, noodles, dad, sandwich, a cup of”并理解单词的意思。2、通过在情境中交流,能听说读: “What would you like? Id like , please. Anything else?”并会运用所学句型。四、教学难点来源:Z*xx*k.Com1、能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。2、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语学会点餐及征求别人的意见五、课前准备人物图片、课件、教师准备一个小纸袋,内装一些本课学习所需要的食品。六、教学过程Step1 Greeting & Warm up1、学生表演对话,要求用已经学过的语言编演。教师可以采取评五角星的办法。T: Hello, class. Today I have some food. Look, here they are.(出示小纸袋)T: Hello, xx. Would you like a pie? S: No, thank you.T: What about a hot dog?S: Yes, please. Thank you.T: You are welcome. 2.以旧带新,教学单词“a hamburger, a sandwich, some noodles”3. Read the words: ” a hamburger, a sandwich, some noodles”来源:学科网ZXXK Practice in pairs. Act the dialogue.来源:学科网Step2 Presentation1. T: Oh dear. Im very hungry. Are you hungry?S: Yes.T: Well, lets go to a snack bar. 导入课题: ”At the snack bar”.询问两、三个学生后,教师板书:What would you like? What about you?Teach: ”rice, a glass of milk” Read one by one.Teach: “What would you like? What about you?” Read one by one.2. 出示图片引导学生问答。Step3 Story time1. Listen to the tape and think:T: Where are Mike, Helen and their dad ? S: They are at the snack bar.再次揭题:Today well learn a new lesson “At the snack bar” 来源:Z|xx|k.Com引导学生回答完以后,将相应的图连线。3. Watch the cartoon again and finish the table.What do they want to eat? 完成信息表格。Food DrinksMike Helen DadStep 4 Consolidation1. 再次读课文将对话改编成短文进行填空。 Mike, Helen and their father are at the . They are . They would like some and . Mike would like a glass of and a . Helen would like some . Mr. Brown would like a and a cup of .2. 模拟场景创编对话。Show some pictures of food and drinks.Ask each other and act the dialogue in groups. ( 仿照课文,创编点餐对话。)Step 5 Say a rhyme 1. Watch the cartoon and answer:2. Listen to the tape and read after it.3. Read and recite the rhyme together.七、作业:A 1.听磁带,读故事3遍并试着背一背。2. 用What would you like? Id like , please. Anything else? 的句型来进行点餐。3. 试着复述课文。八、板书内容: Unit 6 At the snack barA: What would you like ? B: Id like A: What about you ? B: Id like A: Anything else? B: Id like 九、教学反思:
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