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【精品】Model 1 Unit 2 We bought ice creams. Period1(练习及解析)外研版(三起)-五年级英语上册一、按要求写单词。1. go (过去式) _ 2. bought (动词原形)_ 3. do (过去式)_ 4. is (过去式)_ 5. did not (缩写)_【答案】1.went 2. buy 3. did 4. was 5. didnt二、根据句意及首字母填写单词。1. I bought an ice c_ yesterday.2. Please w_ for me, Im coming.3. Yesterday we d_ my pen on the ground, and my pen was broken.4. -D _ you come back yesterday? -Yes, I did.5. We went to Beijing by t_. 【答案】1. cream 2.wait 3. dropped 4. Did 5. train三、单项选择( )1. Here are two _ for you.A. postcard B. postcards C. postcardes( )2. -What _ you _ yesterday? -I played football.A. did; do B. do; do C. do; did( ) 3. I went to the park _ my father.A. or B. and C. with( ) 4. She is _ mother.A. my friends B. my friend C. my friends( ) 5. -Did you go to Beijing last Sunday? -_. I went there last Saturday.A. Yes, I did B. No, I didnt C. Yes, I didnt【答案】1.B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B【解析】1. 因有two修饰,所以用名词复数形式加-s。2. 根据答语可知问句是一般过去时态,要用助动词did。3. 该句意为“我去公园我的爸爸”缺少介词“和”with.4. 考查名词所有格,该句意是 “她是我朋友的妈妈”。5. 根据答语last Saturday可知是否定回答。三、给下列句子找出适当的答语。( ) 1. When did you go to the park? A. Om foot.( ) 2. Did you buy a new car? B. Last Sunday.( ) 3. How did you go there? C. No, I bought a new bike.( ) 4. Did your father visit your grandpa? D. I went by plane.( ) 5. How did you come back home? E. Yes, he did.【答案】1B 2C 3 D 4 E 5A四、根据句意,选词填空。 bought went ran met dropped Yesterday I 1._ to the park with Sam and Amy. We 2._ John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We 3._ ice creams. Then we went home by bus. I 4._ to the bus. And I 5._ my ice cream on Johns new shoes!【答案】1. went 2.met 3. bought 4. ran 5. dropped五、根据要求完成句子。1. John went home by bike. (改为一般疑问句)_2. My mother bought a new dress. (对划线部分提问)_3. new/ I/ dropped/ ice cream/ on/ Johns/ my/ shoes (.) (连词成句)_【答案】1. Did John go home by bike?2. What did your mother buy?3. I dropped my ice cream on Johns new shoes.【解析】1.一般过去时态的句子在句首加助动词Did构成一般疑问句,注意句中的动词写成原形。2. 划线部分是“物”用what提问。六、根据对话内容判断正误,对的用T,错的用F。Anna: Hello, Mary. You are happy today.Mary: Yes, I had a good time yesterday.Anna: 1. _May: I went to Beijing.Anna: 2. _ Mary: I visited the Great Wall.Anna: 3. _Mary: I go there by train.Anna: 4. _Mary: My parents went there with me.Anna: Great! I want to go there.A. How did you go there?B. Where did you go?C. Who went there with you?D. What did you do?【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C1. 根据答语“我去了北京”可知,答案是B “你去了哪里?”。2. 根据答语“我参观了长城”可知,答案是D “你做了什么?”。3. 根据答语“我乘火车去的”可知,答案是A “你怎样去那的?”。4. 根据答语“我父母和我一起去的”可知,答案是C “你谁和你一起去的?”。
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