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Module 4 Things we enjoyUnit 10 Funny cartoons. 教材分析This is the first lesson in this module. The main topic is “Funny cartoons”, so improving the students abilities of listening and speaking on sounds is very important. 教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary: head、body、foot、arm、hand、legKey structure:a big head【能力目标】1. To understand the key vocabulary.来源:学科网ZXXK2. Can use the key structures.【情感目标】Learn to respect others when we talk with others.Learn to use the vocabulary and structure to your friends in the right way. 教学重难点【教学重点】Learn to use the words about of funny cartoons.【教学难点】Learn to use the structures “a big head”. 课前准备 来源:学。科。网来源:Z.xx.k.ComTape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程一.导学过程温故互查:1、两人小组互查上节课所学单词。来源:Zxxk.Com2、回顾big、short、long、small,同桌检查背诵big、short、long、small。自学感悟:1、听录音,认读单词head、body、foot、arm、hand 和leg。2、听录音,自学课本第50页listen and say,认读句子。设问导读:1、listen and say.(教材50页)2、播放录音,学生边看书边听录音。再放录音,学生边听边跟读。3、学生自主朗读,教师作必要的指导,请个别学生下前朗读。4、请几位学生示范朗读并解释课文意思。5、同学纠正并补充完整。6、教师做必要的讲解。Funny cartoons是有趣的卡通的意思。来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|KBeebo 卡通人物的名字。a big head 一个大头feet是foot的复数形式。巩固练习:1、听写单词。2、同桌互相检查背诵50页listen and say的内容。拓展延伸:使用学过的big、short、long等单词来描述电视上卡通人物的身体特征。二板书设计1、Funny cartoonshead、body、foot、arm、hand 、leg2、a big head 一个大头feet是foot的复数形式 教学反思略。
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