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人教新起点三年级上第五单元一课一练51听录音,用数字为下列图片重新排序 2 我是书法家。(正确抄写下列单词)bag sing dance cinema3判断下列说法是否正确。(1)在10月9日的时候,我们都会向老师说:Happy Teachers Day! (2)英国国旗是由red, blue和white这三种颜色组成的。 (3)10月31日的Halloween是西方孩子们最喜欢的节日之一。 (4)Kangaroo是澳大利亚有代表性的动物之一。 (5)UK是英国的简称,USA是美国的简称。 4你想问对方能不能跑的快, 你应说:A. Can you run fast? 来源:学科网ZXXKB. Can you jump far?5你想告诉对方英国人使用刀叉, 你应说:来源:学科网ZXXKA. English people dont use a knife and fork.B. English people use a knife and fork.6你想问对方正在吃什么,你应说:A. What are you eating ? B. What are you doing ?7听音连线。 来源:学科网ZXXK答案1(1)We are making a cake.来源:Z&xx&k.Com(2)Hes got a headache.来源:Zxxk.Com(3)We use a knife and fork.(4)Dad is watering the flowers.(5)Daming has got a football.2 bag sing. dance cinema(注意书写格式)3 略4 A5B6A7(1)This is Linglings book.(2)A: Can you eat fish, Amy ?B: Yes, I can.(3)A: What are you going to do, Ms Smart ?B: Im going to watch TV.(4)Sam has got a computer game. (5)A: What is Daming doing?B: Hes playing football.
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