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Unit 6 Review【学习目标】 1. 扎实掌握Section A (1a-2c) 的词汇和句型并能灵活运用。2. 通过自主学习,合作探究,听力和口头练习,初步学习使用定语从句谈论自己的喜好。3. 培养良好的心态,做任何事情全力以赴,激情投入,做最好的自己。【重点难点】初步学习使用定语从句。【预习导学】自我检测I. 根据句意和首字母提示写单词,使句子完整正确。1. They p_ quiet songs last year.2. I like singers who write their own l_.3. She is a m _and she is good at singing.4. She is speaking in a g _ voice.5. The music is great because you can d_ to it.6. Could you please sing a_ with the song? II. 根据所给例子,结合课本第143页填空。Example: This is the book (that he mentioned yesterday). 先行词 宾语 主语 谓语定语从句 修饰先行词定语从句: _先行词: _关系词关系代词:_ _ _在从句中作_或_成分。关系副词:_ _ 在从句中作_ 成分。关系代词的作用:1)_2)_3)_各个关系代词具体用法 1)who 指_,在定语从句中作_。2)which指_,在定语从中作_或_。3)that指_,也指_,在定语从句中作_或_。III. 用关系代词who which或that填空。1. The girl _ plays the piano well is her daughter.2. He has some friends _ can help him a lot.3. The orange skirt _ is hanging there is my favorite. 4. I prefer music_ has great lyrics.【课堂练习】I. 句型转换。1. I like music. The music is loud and exciting.(合并成一个句子)I like music _ _ loud and exciting.2. Tony likes music. He can dance to the music.(同上)Tony likes music _ he can _ _.3. The girl with long hair is my aunt.(同义句改写)The girl _ _ long hair is my aunt.4. I prefer music. The music has great lyrics. (合并成一个句子)I prefer music _ _ great lyrics.【要点归纳】关系代词who和that引导的定语从句。【达标测试】1. I prefer noodles _dumplings.A. than B. better than C. to D. of2. Do you know the man _is reading a book over there?(襄阳中考2011)A. what B. which C. who D. whom3. He has a friend who _ the piano very well.A. play B. playing C. plays D. played4. The photos _ are on display were taken by Mr Smith.A. what B that C. who D. whom.【学习小结】 我的收获: 我的不足: 需要加强的地方: 【课外加油站】Just be yourself, The best yourself!作最好的自己!
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