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Revision 2【学习目标】1. 能够掌握Uni4-Unit6单词的听说认读写的能力bookshop, zoo, school, park2. 能够掌握Unit4-Unit6句型Where are you going? Im going to;There is/are ;Merry Christmas! Here is a card for you. Happy New Year! Here is3. 能够在生活中熟练的使用句型和单词bookshop, zoo, school;Where are you going? Im going to【学习重难点】1. 掌握Unit4-Unit6句型Where are you going? Im going to;There is/are ;Merry Christmas! Here is a card for you. Happy New Year! Here is2. 能够在一定的语境下熟练的使用句型和单词bookshop, zoo, school;Where are you going? Im going to【知识探究】一、导学:Greeting.二、知识构建:1. 根据ppt图片,操练句型Where are you going? Im going to the2. 小组比赛写句型There is/are in ,看哪个小组写的又多,又快有准确。3. 同桌互相联系对话Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Here is a card/present for you.Thank you.4. “谁来发言”游戏,全班分成三小组。用所学句型,或编与之相关的对话来介绍图片的内容。e.g. There is a boat on the river.最终获胜的小组予以小红花的奖励。三、巩固训练:1. 写出下列划线部分对应的英文。(1)我经常去书店。_(2)学校和超市离的很近。_ _(3)公园里有树和花。_ _(4)圣诞节快要来了。_2. 根据问句写答句。(1)Where are you going? _(2)Whats this? _(3)Where is Mike? _(4)Who is she? _3. 选词填空。(1)I want to a _(book/banana). Im going to the bookshop.(2)There is _(an/a)apple on the tree.(3)They _(are/is)going to the library.(4)_(Here/There)is a present for you.4. 修改病句。(1)There is bananas on the desk. _(2)Its an box on the chair. _(3)There is dog in the park. _(4)Does you like the plane? _5. 用There be句型造4个句子。(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_四、练习作业:1. 将Unit 4-Unit 6每单元的单词,每个写10遍。2. 创编一段关于 “Christmas”或者 “New Year”的对话。【学习感悟】
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