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? 北京天梯志鸿教育科技有限责任公司 专题专题 10 连词和状语从句(押题专练)连词和状语从句(押题专练)-2017 年高考二轮年高考二轮 复习英语复习英语 1We dont need magic to change the world_we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: the power to imagine better,said JK.Rowling. Athough Bunless Cbefore Dwhen 2 He says_difficulty you meet with in your work,you can turn to him for help. Ahow Bhowever Cwhat Dwhatever 解析:选 D。考查连词用法。句意:他说不管你在工作中遇到什么样的困难你都能向他 求助。题干中 says 后跟的是宾语从句,that 引导宾语从句,已省略。whatever 引导的是宾语 从句的让步状语从句,意为:不管什么。空后是 difficulty,应用 whatever,若是形容词或副 词,应用 however 引导让步状语从句。故选 D。 3When my father and I traveled to Shanghai,he asked me to take a picture of him_stands the famous Oriental Pearl TV Tower. Athat Bwhere Cwhich Dthere 解析:选 B。考查状语从句。本题 where 引导的地点状语从句,表示“在地方”。句 意:当我和我父亲到上海旅游的时候,他要求我在著名的东方明珠屹立的地方给他拍照。故 B 正确。 4_he visited,he wasted no time hearing farmers voices at home and in the fields. AEach time BIn case CEven if D In time 解析:选 A。考查状语从句的连接词。句意:每次他下乡,他都抓紧时间听听家里和田 间农民的心声。这里 each time 意为:每次。名词用作连词,引导时间状语从句。所以选 A。 2 5_you have got a job,you should learn to be independent of your parents. ASo BAlthough CBefore DNow that 解析:选 D。根据语境,你“既然”有了自己的工作,就应该学会独立了。now that 引导 原因状语从句,相当于 since。 6I took my ID card with me on holiday,_I wanted to live in a hotel. Ain case Bever since Ceven if Dif only 解析:选 A。考查状语从句。句意:我度假的时候随身携带我的身份证,以防万一我想 住旅馆。这里用 in case 引导目的状语从句,表示“以防万一”。 7Dont press the red button,_you will set off the alarm. Abut Bor Cso Dand 解析:选 B。句意:别按那个红色按钮,否则你会弄响警报器的。空处前后两句在语意 上为转折关系,应用 or,表示“否则”。 8_much advice I gave her,she did what she wanted to do. AHowever BWhatever CHow DNo matter 9Dean refused to join in the game,_we all did our best to persuade him. Aeven though Bonly if Cin case Dnow that 解析:选 A。考查状语从句。句意:尽管我们尽全力劝说,但是 Dean 还是拒绝参加这 个游戏。前后两句在逻辑上是转折关系。even though“尽管”,符合句意,故选 A。 10It is said that Chinese people are living for others,_the Americans are for themselves. Awhile Bbecause 3 Cas Dsince 解析:选 A。考查连词。句意:据说中国人(总是)为别人而活,而美国人为他们自己而 活。此处用 while 表示两者之间的对比,故选 A。 11An anticorruption campaign has continued_Dec.25,2013 when the Communist Party of China issued a fiveyear anticorruption plan. Ain Bon Cby Dsince 12You never really understand a person_you consider things from his point of view. Aif Bonce Cas Duntil 解析:选 D。考查状语从句的用法。句意:直到你能从他的观点角度上思考问题你才能 真正了解一个人。if 如果;once 一旦;as 由于;until 直到。故选 D。 13He hasnt got any hobbies,_you call watching TV a hobby. Awhen Bif Cunless Dsince 解析:选 C。考查状语从句。句意:他没有任何爱好,除非你将看电视称为爱好的话。 when 当时候;if 如果;unless 除非,要不是;since 既然。根据主从句之间的关系和连 词含义判断。故选 C。 14Students active performances in class will be the new normal_teachers give them more chances. Aalthough Bonce Cuntil Dsince 解析:选 B。考查状语从句。句意:一旦老师们给孩子更多的机会,学生们在课堂上的 积极表现将成为新的常态。although 尽管,虽然;once 一旦;until 直到;since 自从,既然。 4 根据主从句之间的关系判断选 B。 15This is a very interesting book. Ill buy it,_. Ahow much may it cost Bno matter how it may cost Chowever much it may cost Dwhatever may it cost 解析: 选 C。 考查状语从句的用法。 句意: 这本书很有趣, 不论多贵, 我都要买。 no matter howhowever 无论,引导让步状语从句,其后直接跟形容词或副词引导从句。故选 C。 16_I cant fully understand what his music conveys,his performance is quite impressive. AAs BSince CIf DWhile 解析:选 D。考查连词。A 因为;B 自从;C 如果;D 尽管。结合语境可知前句为让步 状语从句。句意:尽管我不能完全理解他音乐所传达的东西,但他的表演是相当令人印象深 刻的。故选 D。 17He found it increasingly difficult to read,_his eyesight was beginning to fail. Athough Bfor Cbut Dso 18Did he come back early last night? Yes.It was not yet eight oclock_he arrived home. Awhen Bthat Cbefore Duntil 解析:选 A。题干中用了 it was 时间点when.结构,从属连词 when 引导时间状语 从句,答句句意:是的,他不到八点就到家了。 19Can a person enjoy the pleasure from his work? _he can have his interests and the work combined. 5 AAlthough BSince CWhile DUnless 解析: 选 D。 考查条件状语从句。 句意: 一个人可以从他的工作中获得快乐吗? 除非他能把他的爱好和工作结合起来。unless“除非”,符合句意。 20He was so deep in thought,thinking of the problem_he knocked into the tree without noticing it. Awhen Bwhile Cbecause Dthat 解析:选 D。考查结果状语从句。so.that.表示“如此以致”,引导结果状语从 句。句意:他思考问题太投入了,以致一不留神撞到了树上。
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