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Unit Four Text A A Virtual Life 全新版全新版 Book 2 Objectives I. Students will be able to understand the following ideas: 1. Positive and negative effects of virtual life; 2. How to deal with virtual life and real life. II. Students will be able to grasp the following: 1.Words: virtual, submit, stretch, routine, communicate, commercial, sensitive, emotional, crime, restore 2. Phrases: worry about, contact with, confronted with, at times, on line, suck in, keep up with, in sight, set apart, face to face, make ones excuse 3.Structures: 1) be of no / possible + n. 2)find oneself + comparative degree/ p.p / ing. Pre-reading Activities Background Information Oral Discussion While-reading Activities Text Organization Vocabulary and Structure Extra Activities Writing Contents Background Information S OHO SOHO is the term for small office or home office environment and bossiness culture. These people neednt to go to office everyday. They work at home without worrying about their dress and the strict rules of the company. Internet The internet was born out in 1973. It was called the internetting project and the system of networks. People use it to send e-mails, read news headlines, download software, do shopping and chat with friends or strangers. The World Wide Web is the most popular web sites on the internet. However wonderful it is, it has also created some problems, e.g. security and privacy. Oral Discussion 1.What is your attitude toward the digital world? Hints: life online; informative, attractive; a precious resource; internet addicted 2.What do you use your computer for? Hints: up-to-date information; every area of study; a sense of connectedness 3. How much do you rely on internet? Hints: everyday; as much as possible; cant go on without it Description of the authors virtual life (Para. . 23) Her feeling about virtual life. (Para. 1,4-10, 13)Her feeling about virtual life. (Para. 1,4-10, 13) The consequence of The consequence of living a virtual life.living a virtual life. (Para. 1)(Para. 1) The negative effects of The negative effects of virtual life.(Para.4-10)virtual life.(Para.4-10) authors return to authors return to real life.real life.(Paras.13)Paras.13) Her effort of returning to the real world and her feeling of real world. (Para.11-12) Text Organization Vocabulary 1. virtual (adv.) (title ) 1) 1) (物)虚位移功 2)2)虽然她的头衔是秘书,她是实际上 的董事长。 She is the virtual president, though her title is secretary. virtual displacement /work 译 译 Actual , but not exactly or in every way; title 实际上;虚拟的 例 例 2.stretch (Line 5, Para. 1) v. 1) to reach full length or width 伸展, 伸展,伸长, 拉紧 2) go beyond natural or proper limit 曲解,滥用 n. a continuous period of time; a level area; an act of stretching the body 一段时间, 一段路程, 伸展,舒展(身体) 伸缩性 请用下面的提示词造句 伸开,张开,伸长(stretch out) 一气儿, 不休息地 (at/on a stretch) Can you work (for) six hours at a stretch? I stretched out my hand towards the book. 例 例 1 2 极其紧张地, 全力以赴地 (at full stretch) The factory was at full stretch. 3.submit (Line 8, Para. 2) v.1) to agree or obey (使)服从, (使)顺从 2) to offer to consideration 提交, 递交 3)suggest or say 建议,主张 请用下面的提示词造句 服从于, 屈从于(submit to ) 把把提交给提交给, , 向向提出提出 She will submit a case to the court. I refuse to submit to an unjust decision. 例 例 1 2 municate (vi.) (line 9 para.2) 1) 1)自那以后他们再也无法引起观的共鸣。 1.Since then, they lost their ability to communicate with an audience. 译 Make opinions, share or extend ones opinion, be connected 传达,交流意见,( 房间相通) 例 2)2)这个房间与那一个房间相通。 This room communicates with the other room. 译 例 3)3)一般来说教师能把自己的 意思表达清楚。 Generally speaking, teachers are able to communicate their ideas clearly. 译 例 2)无线电是重要的通讯通讯手段。 Radio is an important means of _. 1)你今天早上不大爱说话。 Youre not very _this morning. communicative communication communicator (n.) 交流者, 发报机 communication (n.) 交通,通讯,传达 communicative (a.) 无隐讳交谈的, 爱说话 词汇扩充 例 例 mercial (line 33 para.7) 1) 1)我们在加入欧共体时修改了贸易法。 Our commercial laws changed when we joined the EEC. 译 (adj.) Of related to commerce, be likely to get profit 商业的,商务的,可获利的 (n.) advertisement 商业广告 例 2)2)这部电影得到很好的评价,这部电影得到很好的评价, 却不却不卖座卖座。 The film was highly praised, but was not a commercials success. 译 例 3)3)太多的广告中断了电视节目。 The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials. 译 例 2)这种新药还没有投放市场。 The new drug is not yet _ available. 1)现在圣诞节太商业化了。 Christmas is too _ these days. commercialized commercially commercialize v.使商业化 commercialism n.商业主义,商业习惯 commercialist n.商业家, 营利主义者 commercially ad.商业上,通商上 词汇扩充 例 例 6.sensitive (Line 40, Para. 8) 反义词:insensitive 2) easily hurt 感情易受伤的 3)showing delicate feeling of art, music, etc. 感受力 强的 1)easily influenced by sth. 敏感的,灵敏的, 感光的 请用下面的提示词造句 对敏感, 易感受(be sensitive to) 感光相纸 light-sensitive photographic paper She is sensitive to what people think of her. 例 例 1 2
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