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1 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 Error Proofing 防错 2 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 Topics - Error Proofing Training 3 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 Topics主题 4 Objectives of the Training 4 培训的目的 4 What and Why of Error Proofing 4 什么是防错,怎样进行防错 4 Application of Error Proofing 4 防错应用 4Identify Opportunities for Errors 4防错时机的确定 8Overview of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) 8失效模式和效果分析总括 4Error Proofing Options 4防错的选择 4Prevention & Detection Through Poka Yoke Devices 4通过Poka Yoke进行预防与探测 4 Move to The Next Level 4 转入下一级 4A Benchmark Within Eaton 4伊顿内部标准 4 Summary 4 概要 4 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 Objectives of the Training 培训的目的 4Understand What Is Error Proofing and What It Can Do 4了解什么是防错和防错能做什么 4Understand the Principles of Error Proofing 4了解防错的原理 4Learn How to Apply Error Proofing to Products and Processes 4了解怎样对产品及工艺过程应用防错 4Learn About the Poka Yoke Devices and Systems 4了解Poka Yoke装置和系统 4Learn the Process of Implementation and Continuous Improvements 4了解实施防错的过程和持续改进的过程 5 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 What Are Your Expectations? 你们的期望是什么? 6 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 What and Why of Error Proofing 什么是防错以及为什么要防错 7 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 Definition 定义 Error Proofing Is a Systematic Approach for Anticipating and Detecting Potential Defects and Preventing Them From Reaching the Customer (Internal or External) 防错是一种预测及探测潜在缺陷以及阻止缺陷影响客户 的体系方法(内部防错和外部防错) 8 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 Error Proofing by Other Names 以其他名称进行防错 4Fool Proofing防止愚蠢行为 4Idiot Proofing防止白痴行为 4Mistake Proofing防止错误行为 4Fail Safing安全失效 4Poka Yoke 4Zero Quality Control (Zero Defects) 4零质量控制(零缺陷) 4Design for Manufacture and Assembly 4制造和装配的设计 Let Us Not Argue the Merits of These Names Let Us Decide What We Want to Achieve 我们不要争论这些名称,让我们决定想要完成什么? Demoralizing Terms 防错 术语 9 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 Characteristics of Error Proofing 防错的特点 4 Proactive Identification and Prevention前期识别及预防 4Prevent First首先进行防错 4Do Not Allow Defect From Going Further 4其次不准许缺陷进一步发展 4 Intentionally Designed, Not Happenstance 4 设计错误,非偶然错误. 4 At the Source - Close to the Origination 4 错误的来源_接近发源地. 4 Inexpensive First 首先成本不高 4 Transparent to the Operator 操作者很容易发现 4 Absolutely Reliable 错误根源查找绝对准确 A Means to Achieve Zero Defect Product 一种达到0缺陷产品的方法 10 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 4Defects in Products Are the Imperfections (or Faults, or Flaws, or Blemishes, or Shortcomings, or Failings, or Deficiencies) 4 缺陷是指产品里的不完整性(或者故障,或者裂纹,或者瑕疵,或者短处,或者过失 4 ,或者不足) 4 Resulting From Errors 4 错误产生的结果 4Errors Are Human Oversights (or Faults, or Blunders, or Boo-boos, or Slip- ups, or Inaccuracies or Miscalculations) That Cause Defects in Products 4 错误是人为疏忽(或者过错,或者失误,或者低级错误,或者失败,或者精度失误或者计算 4 失误),这些引起产品的缺陷。 Defects and Errors 缺陷和错误 SO, Errors Cause Defective Products! 所以,错误导致有缺陷的产品产生! 11 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 Why Are Errors Made 为什么会导致错误 4 Any Product Is a Result of Numerous Decisions Made and Actions Taken by Human Beings, During: 4 任何产品都可以在下述一系列人为行为中产生错误: 4Product Design 4产品设计 4Process Design 4过程设计 4Equipment Design 4设备设计 4Component Fabrication Processes 4零件加工过程 4Product Assembly Processes 4产品装配过程 4Inspection Processes 4检验过程 4Paperwork Generation 4程序行程过程 4Etc.等等 And Human Beings are Fallible or Imperfect 人是容易犯错或不完美的 12 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 SOME Examples of Defects 属于缺陷的一些例子 4 Wrong or Inappropriate Material 4 错误或不适合的材料 4 Wrong or Non-functioning Components 4 错误或者没有功能的零件 4 Wrong Dimensions or Tolerances 4 尺寸或公差错误 4 Missing Components 4 零件漏装 4 Foreign Matters, Contamination 4 杂质物质,污秽物 4 Damaged Product or Components 4 受损产品或零件 4 Wrong Paperwork, or Wrong Product Shipped 4 程序错误或者运输了错误的产品 4 Non-functioning or Malfunctioning Product 4 没有功能的产品或者是故障产品 4 Wrong Shipping, or Wrong Billing 4 运输错误或者是填单错误 13 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 SOME Examples of Causes of Defects 导致缺陷的一些例子 4 Poor Design Decisions 4 设计比较乏味 4 Omitted or Wrong Processing 4 过程疏忽或过程错误 4 Missing / Extra Parts or Wrong Parts 4 漏装/多装了错误的零件 4 Omitted or Wrong Adjustment / Testing 4 遗漏调整/测试或调整/测试过程错误 4 Wrong Equipment Setup or Loss of Setup 4 设备设置错误或没有进行设备设置 4 Wrong Material, Components or Assemblies 4 材料,零件或者装配错误 4 Wrong Communication, Instructions, Procedures, or Methods 4 错误的信息,指令,程序,或者方法 4 Inexperience, Lack of Training, Wrong Training, Lack of Retraining 4 缺乏经验,缺乏培训,培训错误,缺少再培训 14 2003 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4/11/03 SOME Examples of Results of Defects 缺陷导致的结果示例 4 Malfunction or Non-functioning Product 4 有故障或者缺乏机能的产品 4 Inconvenience, Discomfort, Injury, Death 4 麻烦,不便,伤害,死亡 4 Delays, Cancellations 4 延期,取消 4 Financial Losses 4 财政损失 4Loss of Use or Productivity 4效用或者生产力的缺乏 4Damage to Customers Property 4损害客户的利益 4Liabilities and Law Su
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