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UNIT 8 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Making comparisons 进行比较 Compare opinions 观点的对比 Comparison with quantifiers 用量词进行比较 Look at the pictures on page 79 and find out what they are doing? Picture 1: scuba diving Picture 2: mountain climbing Picture 3: hot air ballooning What dangers may be involved in the activities? Encounter the fierce fish, like sharks Fall down from the mountain The balloon crash LESSON 36 DANGER FOR THE FUN OF IT Would you translate it into Chinese? 为乐趣而冒险 there are some thrilling extreme sports mentioned in the text, do you know them? White-water canoeingscuba diving 在急流上划独木舟斯库巴潜水 Hang gliding mountain climbing 悬挂式滑翔爬山 Skin divinghot-air ballooning 裸潜乘热气球飞行 NEW WORDS AND PHRASES Thrill seeker: 寻求刺激者 Bill collector: 收款人 Alien: 外国的,完全不同的 Clinical psychiatry:临床精神病学 Masculinity:男性,男子气 Confront:勇敢地面对 Habit forming:使人上瘾的 Addictive:令人上瘾的 Novelty:新颖,新奇性 Some Americans like to take some risky sports in their leisure time by taking some examples The common features that the people who seek for risky sports share While-reading The reasons why people seek for the thrilling sports FOCUS QUESTIONS 1. what do those who are interested in risky sports think of sports like tennis and golf? 2. what does Steve Kaufman look on scuba diving as? 3. what are these dangerous sports these people take up? 4. Why do they willingly seek out danger? They look down on sports like tennis and golf. They think there is nothing happening in such sports He describes his sport as a total isolation from anything that can interfere with his own personal sense of self. Scuba diving, skin diving, hang gliding, mountain climbing, hot air ballooning. To prove their masculinity, to find a totally alien environment, because it is not something many people do. PARA 1 DENNIS JOYCE To put some excitement into his life, he spends many weekends and vacations white-water canoeing. 为了给生活增添一些新鲜刺激的东西,他把周末和假期的 很多时间都用来在急流上划独木舟(冲浪)。 To表目的,相当于in order to An English Corner will be held next Thursday a seminar on cross-culture will be arranged at the Swan Hotel on November 25. The company will carry out the Casual Fridays to arouse students interest in English study To create an awareness of cross- culture differences in order to create a relaxed and productive working environment. SPEND, TAKE, COST, PAY 我花了三个小时修好了单车。 I spent 3 hours repairing my bike. It took me 3 hours to repair my bike. Repairing the bike cost me 3 hours. Spend主语常为人,常用句型: Sb spend some money/ some time on sth/ in doing sth Take主语常为it,常用句型: It takes sb some time/ sth to do sth Cost的主语为物,常用句型: Sth costs sb some money/ some time Pay的主语为人 I paid 200 yuan for this coat. LANGUAGE POINTS He is one of the growing number of Americans who in recent years have taken up dangerous sport to fill their leisure hours. 他是近些年越来越多地从事危险的体育活动来充实闲暇时 间的美国人之一。 Take up:开始从事 We took up physical chemistry at college. 在大学我们选学了物理化学课。 这位科学家开始研究一个新的课题。 The scientist has taken up a new subject. 与TAKE 相关的短语 1. Jacksons son took over his business when he retired. 2. The flight is taking off and the passengers are beginning to board. 3. I took after my father where character is concerned. 4. Before you translate a sentence, you should first take in the meaning of the words. 接管 起飞 相貌、性格像某人 理解,掌握 PARA 3 THE COMMON FEATURES People who participate in risky sports usually have several things in common. 那些参与冒险性体育活动的人往往有一些共同之处。 Most are men. They dont like others to think of them as thrill seekers, yet they admit the dangers of their sport. And almost all of them look down on sports like tennis and golf. 他们大多数都是男人,他们不喜欢别人把他们当成是 追求刺激的人,但是他们承认他们所从事的活动具有 危险性。 还有他们几乎所有人都看不起像网球和高尔 夫球这样的体育活动。 PARTICIPATE IN Take part in: 积极参与,起一份作用 我们应该积极参加学校的活动。 We should take an active part in school activities. Join in:与其他人一起参加活动 我可以参加这个比赛吗? May I join in the game? Participate in:参与并分享快乐 多少人参加了开业典礼? How many people participate in the opening ceremony? Attend: 出席会议,上课 He didnt attend the board meeting yesterday. LOOK DOWN ON 轻视,看不起 He used to look down on the disabled. Look up to:尊重 Its the Chinese tradition to look up to the elderly! Look out: 小心 Look forward to:期待 We are looking forward to your favorable reply. 根据某人的说法 According to him: 据他说,他的意见是 我的意见是 According to me (wrong) In my opinion/ as far as Im concerned/ from my point of view, I think, in my view, it seems to me that INTERFERE WITH Kaufman describes his sport as “a total isolation from anything that can interfere with your own personal sense of self.” Kaufman把他的这项爱好描述为“完全与世隔绝,没有任何东西能干扰 你自己感受到的自我存在。” Interfere with: 妨碍,扰乱 The sound of the TV in the sitting room interferes with my work. 任何国家不得干涉我国内政。 Any country should not interfere in Chinas internal affairs. PARA 6 GORGE WEIGEL Although many risk-takers see hang gliding as the most dangerous sport of all, Weigel feels hang gliders shou
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