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(感谢与道歉) Everyday Idioms (每日短语) 1call it a day在一天的工作、活动要结束的时候 ,可以用此短语,表示“今天到此为止”。 I think we have done a lotLets call it a day 今天已经干了不少,就到此为止吧。 2drop me a line 与亲友分别时常用,表示“给 我写信”。 Dont forget to drop me a line when you arrive Canada到了加拿大以后,记得给我写信。 3I can never thank you enough我真的不知 道要怎么感谢你。 New words and expressions (单词及短语 ) pleasure 愉快,令人高兴的事 trouble 麻烦,烦恼 mention 提到,说起 cause 引起,导致 apology 道歉,抱歉 apologize 道歉,认错 understand 理解,懂 Never mind. 没关系。不用担心。 1、A: Thank you very much. B: You are welcome. 2、A:Many thanks. B: Its my pleasure. 3、A: Im afraid I have given you so much trouble. B: No trouble at all. 4、A: Thank you very much for all you have done for me. B: Dont mention it. 5、A: Im sorry to cause you so much trouble. B: No trouble at all. 6、A:I must apologize for what Ive done to you. B: You dont have to apologize. I quite understand. 7、A: Im sorry. B: Dont worry/ Never mind. Thanking (致谢) Thank youThanks Thank you anywayThank you all the same(不管怎么样,还是谢谢你) 1. Cheers! 谢谢! 2. Thats great! 好棒啊! 3. Cool! 酷! 4. Lovely! 太可爱了! 5. Merci! 谢谢!(法语) 致谢的回答: Thats all right(没关系) You are welcome(不必谢) Its my pleasure(乐于效劳) Thanking (致谢) Sorry, I will do it right away. Would you mind turning down the music? apology(道歉) Would you mind cleaning your room? Sorry, Ill do it right away. Would you mind taking out the trash? No, not at all. Ok, Ill do it at once. Would you mind washing your hand? A pair of broken jeans Would you mind not wearing the broken jeans? Ok, Ill wear another pair. Would you mind not arguing? Sorry, well stop. Would you mind washing your face? Would you mind not putting your finger in your mouth? Sorry, Ill do it right away. 美国人对礼貌的概念与中国也有所不 同。一起讨论一下“请(please)”、“对不 起(excuse me)”和“谢谢(thank you)” 的用法。在大多数场合,中国人和美国人 一样常常用“请”这个词,但在某些场合中 国人却又不用。比如,中国教师在他们的 学生回答问题后很少说请坐,中国的交 通警在他们值勤时也不太习惯用请这个 词。 We say please pass me the salt ins tead of stretching out our arms to reach f or it. So dont forget to say please when ever the situation requires it if you are in t he United States. 在餐桌上,美国人说请把盐递给我 ,而不是自己伸手去拿。假如你们去美国 ,那么,当情况需要时可别忘了说请。 美国人说“对不起”的时候要比中国人 多得多或更为普遍。当美国人要经过某人 的面前、要离开宴会或餐桌,或者是当他 们要离开同伴(或约会迟到等等)时,都 要说声“对不起”。 谢谢你意味着你在某人为你做了什 么事后表示谢意,那通常是一件无足轻重 和极其普通的事情。所以,西方人真是从 早到晚谢不离口。 Parting (道别) 西方人通常会以体态语言来暗示道别。 比如看看表,或者趁别人话语停顿时起身 ,有礼貌地说: “I have to go now(我得走了) WellI am afraid Ive got to go(我恐怕 得走了)” 如果是晚上告别,一般是说 “Well,I think Id better have some sleep (好了,我得休息了。意指该让你休息了 )” Parting (道别) 在英美等西方国家聚会,客人提出告辞后 不应马上离开。离去的时间应在提出告辞 10-15分钟后, 期间需反复告辞2-3次。 送别只需送到门口。 Kiss someone goodbye. Parting (道别) Parting (道别) 拥抱是最常见的见面礼与道别礼,亲吻礼 与吻手礼也较为常见。 美国人在结束谈话有时候可能会比较麻烦 。这大概是因为他们没有一个约定俗成的 方式。但在有些文化里,人们会用鞠躬或 握手等方式来表达这种意思。 在美国你常常会看到人们用好几分钟的时 间来说“再见”,而且几乎是说一句一回头 ,直到双方走开近英尺远了,他们才 说出最后一个“再见”。 Parting (道别) Thanks for coming. Nice to see you again. Good-bye. See you later. Good night. Have a nice journey.(旅途愉快/一路顺风)。 Parting (道别)
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