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1.differ vi. 不同;相异 eg:Im afraid we shall have to differ. 我们在那个问题上跟他意见不同。 difference n. 不同,相异,差别 different adj. 不同的,相异的 be different from 与不同 2.exact adj. 精确的;准确的 eg:I want an exact translation of this sentence. 我要这一句子的确切翻译。 exactly adj. 精确地 mercial adj. 商业的;贸易的 eg:Myeong-dong is located in Seoul District,is the South Korean representative commercial trade place. 明洞位于首尔中区,是韩国代表性的商 业贸易地点 commercially adv. 商业上,通商上 plicated adj. 复杂的,难 懂的 a complicated machine 复杂的 机器 eg:The problem was complicated. 这个问题很复杂。 5.undertake vt. 着手;从事; 承担(undertook;undertaken) 同义词:set about 着手,开始 go in for 从事 undertaking n. 任务;承诺;丧葬事宜 undertaker n. 承办者,承担人;企业家 undertake to do 保证做 eg: He undertook to pay the money back within six months. 他保证六个月之内还钱。 6.pay off 得到好结果;取得成功;偿清 eg:It would take him the rest of his life to pay off the loan. 他得用余生来还清那笔贷款。 搭配: 1.pay as you go 付现款;量入为出 2.pay back 偿还(欠款),报答 3.pay (a person) back in his own coin 以其人之 道还治其人之身 4.pay up 付清,缴清 5.pay ones respects to 向致敬 7.breakthrough n. 突破 eg:The news caused a breakthrough in gold prices. 这个消息是金价暴涨。 8.cast vt. (cast;cast) 扔,投,掷 eg:The boy cast a stone against the window. 男孩往窗户上扔了一块石头。 搭配: cast down 使失望;使沮丧 cast away 抛弃;使(船)失事 cast back 回想,回忆,追溯 cast off 抛弃,扔掉;摆脱,不再和 来往 摆脱 get rid of 9.altogether adv. 总共;完 全地 eg:I dont altogether agree with him. 我不完全同意他。 10.forbid vt. (forbade,forbad;forbidden) 禁止 ;不准 eg:I cant fobid your seeing that man again. 我无法禁止你再和那个男人来往。 【反义词】permit vt. 准许 【搭配】 bring sth. into forbid (法律)生效,开始执行 forbid of habit (出于)习惯势力 forbid sth. down 强迫某人(自己)咽下;迫降 forbid sth. on sb. 强迫某人接受 in forbid 大量的,大批的 forbid back ones tears 强忍眼泪 【permit】 permit sth. eg:He doesnt permit noise in his room. 他不允许在他的房间吵闹。 permit doing eg:The teacher didnt permit smoking in the classroom. 老师不允许在教室抽烟。 permit sb. to do eg:The policeman permitted him to park there. 警察允许他在那里停车。
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