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河北师范大学 硕士学位论文 高中历史史料教学实施探究式学习的研究 姓名:王欣 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:课程与教学论历史 指导教师:任印录 20100407 1 摘 要 新课程背景下史料作为历史知识的基础来源, 已成为当代中学历史教学的重要课程 资源和理论依据。 普通高中历史课程标准强调关注学生学习的过程、注重探究式学 习,倡导历史课堂教学要关注学生思维的发展。在这种形势下史料的学习和运用作为形 成技能、学会思考、解决问题、培养情感与态度的“载体” ,已成为国内外中学历史教 学界的共识。以探究性学习为基础重构基础教育课程,也成为世界各国课程改革的突出 特点。目前在高中历史史料教学中,历史教师对史料的价值了解不够、重视不足、利用 率低,造成学生对历史学习缺少兴趣,课堂效率低下。高中历史史料教学中实施探究式 学习,是转变教与学方式的关键和有效途径,那么如何在史料教学中实施探究式学习则 是一个值得我们探讨研究的课题。 本文基于高中历史史料教学实施探究式学习这一课题, 结合课改中历史教学的新变 化,借鉴国内外的有关研究理论和实践,对高中历史史料教学中怎样激发学生的问题意 识和探究学习的兴趣;怎样提高学生运用史料探究并解决历史问题的技能;怎样在对史 料的探究学习中培养学生自主、合作、交流的能力;怎样对探究史料的过程进行自我反 思等问题加以阐释,以进一步丰富历史学习经验,发展历史创新思维能力,实现历史教 育的目的和功能。 全文从五个方面阐述了探究式学习在史料教学中的实施问题, 论述了新课改下 高中历史史料教学中实施探究式学习的紧迫性、必要性和可行性,重点对史料教学中实 施探究式学习的相关理论问题进行了概念的界定; 结合历史史料教学的特点和需要 在理论分析和实践总结的基础上重点分析了史料教学中实施探究式学习的三维目标; 结合具体史料教学案例剖析了在史料教学中实施探究式学习的方式方法和策略; 针 对史料深入论述了教学中实施探究式学习具体的教学设计过程; 总结了史料教学中 实施探究式学习的反思、对师生的挑战,以及有待进一步研究的问题。 关键词: 高中历史 史料 史料教学 探究式学习 IV Abstract Under the new curriculum reform, historical data as the foundation source of historical knowledge, has become the important curriculum resource and theory basis in the process of middle school history teaching. The “Ordinary High school History Curriculum Standard” stressed to pay attention to students study process, emphasized the inquiry learning and advocated history teaching should care about the development of students thought. In this situation, the historical datas study and using as the medium of forming skills, learning thinking, solving the problems and raising emotion and attitude has become the mutual recognition in middle school history teaching at home or overseas. Take inquiry learning as foundation to restrict the elementary education curriculum also has becomes the remarkable feature of historical teaching in various of countries. At present in the middle school historical data teaching, historical teachers know less about the value of historical data, and the attention to historical data is insufficient, its use factor is low, all these cause the students to lack interest in historical study and the classroom efficiency is low. Implementing inquiry learning in historical data teaching is a key point and efficient path to improve the methods of teaching and learning .Then how to implement inquiry learning in historical data teaching is worth researching and discussing for us . This article is based on the subject of the implementation of inquiry learning in high school historical data teaching, and combines the new changes of history learning in the curriculum reform, draws on the related research theory and practice at home or abroad, explained how to stimulate students question consciousness and inquiry learning interest; How to enhance students skills to inquire and solve historical problems when using historical data; How to train students abilities of independence, cooperation, exchanging in inquiring historical data; How to carry out self-reconsideration in the process of inquiring historical data and some other questions. So as to further rich history learning experience, develop historical innovative idea abilities, and at last realize the historical educational goal and function. The full papers elaborated inquiry learnings implementation in historical data teaching from five aspects. (I) Elaborated the pressing, necessity, feasibility of implementing inquiry V learning in the high school historical data teaching under the new curriculum reform background , the importance is to identify the related theory questions ; (II) Combined the characteristic and need in historical data teaching, based on the theoretical analysis and practice summary and explained the three dimensional goal during the implementation of inquiry learning in historical data teaching; (III) Combined the detailed cases in historical data teaching to discuss the methods and strategies during the implementation of inquiry learning in high school historical data teaching; (IV)In view of historical data analyzed the concrete teaching design process in the implementation of inquiry learning; (V)Summarized the reconsideration in the implementation of inquiry learning during historical data teaching and its challenges to both teachers and students ,as well as some problems needing to be researched in our further studies. Key Word: high school history historical data historical data teaching inquiry learning II 学位论文原创性声明 学位论文原创性声明 本人所提交的学位论文高中历史史料教学实施探究式学习的研究 ,是在导师的 指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的原创性成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论 文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。 对本文的研究做出重要贡 献的个人和集体,均已在文中标明。 本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 论文作者(签名) : 指导教师确认(签名) : 年 月 日 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解河北师范大学有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交学 位论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权河北师范大学可以将学位论 文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保 存、汇编学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在 年解密后适用本授权书) 论文作者(签名) : 指导教师(签名) : 年 月 日 年 月 日 1 一 引 言 (一) 新课改下高中历史史料教学中实施探究式学习的紧迫性 1. 运用史料培养学生探究学习的能力是新课程的要求 1. 运用史料培养学生探究学习的能力是新课程的要求 新一轮基础教育课程改革的重点是要转变教师的教学方式和学生的学习方式, 在历 史教学中提倡以人为本、以学生为本的新教学观念,倡导拓展学生学习和探究历史的空 间,以实现培养目标的调整和人才培养方式的转变。这
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