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方法与技巧 英语第一轮复习具体备考 高三英语第一轮复习在高考备考教学中起着举足 轻重的作用,因为它时间长,容量大,基础性强,因 此,要作到既周密又要合理,就必须考虑高三复习阶 段的教学特点,那就是:抓著重点,以点带面,纵横 驰骋。在复习中充分调动分类、比较、归纳、总结等 手段,以点带面,形散而神不散,才能在温故中知新 ,在巩固中扩展。这实际上就是要求我们用灵活的方 法去学习旧知识。 一、单词:摆脱词汇表和课界的限制 英语学习到达一定阶段后,已经不存在从哪里下 手的问题了。也就是说,英语的基本知识(如语法 、基本词汇)你已经全部接触到了,那么下一步只 要你想学习,想提高,用哪本书都可以,什么地方 都是开始。对中学生而言,高二英语学习完后,基 本语法也已经学完,下一步的问题就是巩固语法、 扩大词汇。 高三第一轮复习一般都是全面回顾一、二年级 的教材内容,这就更应是不拘一格了。也就是说不 能就词论词,就题论题,拘泥于一个单元。单词的 复习肯定是不能按词汇表上的顺序,一读了之。比 如SB1B Unit 15的词汇可采用分类比较的方法: 2.几个不太常用的名词有 mystery, dormitory, diamond, jewellery, mosquito, author, bat, franc, debt, outline, plot应注意它们的读音及含义; 3.注意几个重要形容词、副词和介词的用法: 1.常用的动词有recongnize, explain, continue, earn, attend着重学它们的含义、用法及搭配; lovely lively likely (adj.), 类似的-ly形容词有:friendly, lonely, deadly silly foolish stupid besides except except for并联想到apart from positive negative ( be positive about/that) (scare sb to death, scary scared scare scare sb away/off, scare ab into/out og sth/doing sth; be scared of sb/sth, be scared to do sth/ of doing sth) 4. 多义词 quality,名词,意为“品质”;“质量” ;“性质”。如: These are goods of the highest quality. (质量) As an actor she shows real quality. ( 品质; 优点) One quality of the plastic is that it is almost unbreakable. (性质;属性;特点) (比较:quantity, “数量”;a large quantity/ quantities of) 。 单词的复习应注意变换方法,通过分类、比较、 联系等方法以加强识记能力。要求学生勤于动手、动 口,把自己想到的都写出来,形成记录,形成复习笔 记。 当然,单词的复习还应该同课文、练习以及阅读 结合起来。高中英语教材每个Unit的配套练习中一般 都会有一、两道专门的单词训练题目(有单词记忆的 ,有单词用法的),应提醒学生根据情况复习选用。 (如SB1B. P.19. EX-1,P.84. EX-2) 通过这些练习去记忆单词,比单纯地去词汇表中 识记要好得多。让学生知道,单词的最有效的记忆是 与课文、练习结合起来。 至于单词的用法,要让学生们学会从英语角度,而 不是汉语角度去理解一个词。有时候,学生会拿几个同 义词让你区别,你最好是用英语句子让他们去理解,而不 是单纯地用汉语讲一大堆用法或是用汉语说明意思。大 部分英语同义词在汉语的翻译上相差无几,需要通过英 语本身去理解。如besidesexceptexcept for这组词, 书中( 见workbook)就是通过练习填空形式让学生去理 解其用法差别: besides except except for 1No one in the office was invited, _ Pierre. 2Mathilde had everything she needed for the ball, _ some jewellery. 3Please remember that people do get a fever for other reasons _ SARS. except except for besides 还可以补充下列典型例句,强化掌握except和except for的区别: 1All the compositions are well written _ Toms. 2Toms composition is well written _ a few spelling mistakes. 3All the buses are on strike _ this one. 4The bus is empty _ an old lady. (让学生把上面句子译成准确的汉语,体会细微差别。) except except for except except for 二、词组: 词组的复习一般要求学生以一个unit为单位, 进行归纳、总结,重要的是让学生到课文中去理解 ,并进行适当的拓展和延伸。如SB1B Unit 15的几 个很实用的词组: call on, bring back, pay off, act out, at most, day and night等等。 词组复习的基本要求是:1)知道意思;2)会 用。知道意思不仅是指知道汉语意思,还要求熟记 、背诵课文或Word study中含有这些词组的句子, 并能用该词再造出一个句子来。这样,可以使学生 对学过的内容进行有目的的复习。 以上词组,学生在复习时应形成如下书面材料: 1She had take several jobs to pay off her debts. 2They had to work day and night to make enough money to buy a house. 3Peter wore his new ring when he went to call on his mother. 4I have not much money with me, so I can only pay 20 yuan at most . 5There was no way he could pay back the money he borrowed from his father on time. 总之,词组的复习应与课文、练习密切结合起 来,并适当地对个别词组进行联系、比较、总结, 使复习有面有点,点面结合。当然,应提醒学生因 人而宜,根据自己的实际情况而有所侧重。比如说 ,课文中也会出现一些并非本课要求的词组、用法 ,也应注意收集。在复习SB1B Unit 15时,在熟练 掌握本单元的用法之后,还应注意拓展和延伸。如 : 由call on 由call on 由bring back 其它含有call的短语 call in, call for, call up call off , call on/upon sb (to do sth.); 其它含有on的短语 get on, put on , try on, keep on, hold on等; 联想到bring about, bring forward, bring down, bring up; 由pay off 由act out 由 at most pay for, pay back, pay out, pay up; act as, act the role of; at least等等。 其实,新教材在Workbook部分配有大量的拓展 和延伸的练习(如SB1B. P.84. EX-1,P.84 EX-2, P.85. EX-3),因此, 老师务必提醒学生,不能只复 习前面的课文部分,也要复习Workbook中的内容。 摘抄部分如下: call on call off call up 1The ball has to _ because of the storm. 2Mathilde _ Jeanne to borrow some jewellery for the ball at the palace. 3I hate it when someone _ me _ in the middle of the night. be called off called on calls up Bring about bring back bring up 1The diamond necklace _ memories of the happy time at the ball. 2Some people fear that air pollution may _ changes in the weather around the world. 3She was _ with the belief that one must return what one has borrowed. brought back bring about brought up get on put on try on keep on hold on 1Just _ a second while I get a pen to write down your phone number. 2He _ working till the job was done. 3He asked the tailor whether he could _ his new suit. 4He _ the light in his room and found that everything was in order. 5My grandmother _ her glasses to read the letter from my father. hold on kept on try on turned on put on 要让学生知道:只有通过全面复习,做大量 的、耐心的阅读(课文、Workbook、课外资料 )和练习,才能遇到大量的词已学过的、刚 学的或是新的,才能巩固已有的,发现未知的。 三、句型就是语法 句型实际上也就是语法。新教材中淡化了语法 的概念,就象淡化单词从前在教学中的主体角色一样 。学习英语的最终目的是理解这门语言。一个特殊结 构,一种特定表达,一个词语的
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