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微博:孙大圣_GEDU 微信: tmd20101023 我是一个简单的人我是一个简单的人。 大作文之政府类万能解题法 1. 1. 为什么要分写作话题? 1. 1. 为什么要分写作话题? 好好 作作 文文 好语言好语言 词汇词汇(LR)(LR) 语法语法(GRA)(GRA) 好思想好思想内容内容(TR)(TR)结构结构(CC)(CC) 1. 1. 为什么要分写作话题? 有思想 无实力 有实力 无思想 什么是写作场景词汇? Living in a large city is harmful to our bodies because air pollution is more and more serious in some area. People have to bear so polluted air which caused by so many cars on the road. Band 5.0 什么是写作场景词汇? Living in a large city is harmful to our bodies because air pollution is increasingly serious in some areas. The large number of gas-guzzlers should be to blame. Governments might as well encourage people to buy hybrid vehicles or electricity-powered cars to deal with it. Band 6.5+ 什么是写作场景词汇? gas guzzlershybrid vehicles 精准用词 = less common words + topic relevant words 五大泛滥抽象用词 Animals Health Important Poor Social welfare system 2. 2. 什么是政府类大作文? 套路一:政府的财政资金分配问题 Space research is a waste of money. The government should spend money on improving conditions of people living on Earth. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 难度指数: 2. 2. 什么是政府类大作文? 套路一:政府的财政资金分配问题 Some people think that the government should stop supporting art programs financially because arts do not directly improve peoples lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 难度指数: 2. 2. 什么是政府类大作文? 套路二:个人与政府的关系 Some people think that we should keep all the money we earn and not pay tax to the state. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 难度指数: 2. 2. 什么是政府类大作文? 套路二:个人与政府的关系 Some people think that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the government instead of private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 难度指数: 政府类政府类 大作文大作文 个人和政 府的关系 2. 2. 什么是政府类大作文? 政府财政 资金的分 配问题 科学研 究谁来 负责? 要不要 缴税? 要不要投资艺 术? 要不要修建图 书馆? 太空研究值不 值? 保护濒危灭绝 的语言吗? 为人们的教育 和医疗买单? 环境问 题谁来 解决? 3. 3. 政府类作文万用思路 优先投资一:公共服务(public service) 3. 3. 政府类作文万用思路 3. 3. 政府类作文万用思路 3. 3. 政府类作文万用思路 Taxes paid by citizens mainly constitute governments revenues. The government should reward taxpayers by improving public services like basic education, state pension plan, medical care, etc. 优先投资二:解决贫困问题(poverty) 3. 3. 政府类作文万用思路 3. 3. 政府类作文万用思路 In some developing countries, a large proportion of citizens are still struggling on the poverty line. They lack foods and shelters. Therefore, governments must spare no effort in doingawaywithpovertyinacountry;otherwise, impoverished citizens would think they are treated unfairly, which would be a source of social unrest. 3. 3. 政府类作文万用思路 3. 3. 政府类作文万用思路 Money: They can financially support people who are living in poverty/enterprises developing clean sources of energy. Authority: They can introduce new laws/impose taxes. Influence: They can raise peoples awareness of climate change, healthy eating, work-life balance. 3. 3. 政府类大作文经典题目分析 (11-6-11) Some people think that the government should focus the spending only on public services and facilities rather than wasting money on arts such as music and painting. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 思如泉涌 万能分论点汇总 发 展 艺 术 的 价 值 可以推动旅游业发展,创造就业 参观艺术展览能丰富人们的娱乐活动 保护传统艺术就是在保护文化特性 论据解读 背诵直接拿6 6分 First, developing arts in a city is of great help to its tourist industry. Foreigners are able to have a better understanding of the cultures and customs by appreciating arts like music and painting. This will create more jobs and bring much foreign currency. 论据解读 背诵直接拿6 6分 Second, citizens will have more choices for their spare time. By visiting the museum or browsing paintings in an art gallery, they will not only relax themselves, but they will also find some interest of common topics. 论据解读 背诵直接拿6 6分 Third,governmentsshouldfocusontheprotectionof traditional artistic projects of a country, since they are always seen as a kind of heritage of history. So, well- protected traditional arts reflect a countrys cultural identity. 3. 3. 政府类大作文经典题目分析 Some people think the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others think there are better ways to reduce crime. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 思如泉涌 万能分论点汇总 长期 关监 狱的 种种 弊端 对于不知悔改的惯犯恐怕没用 罪犯难以在狱中获得一技之长 耗费政府财力,浪费资源 论据解读 背诵直接拿6 6分 First, it is neither severe enough to hardened criminals, nor makes any difference in rehabilitation of offenders. 论据解读 背诵直接拿6 6分 Second, criminals locked up in prison can hardly acquire any job skill. It means that they would resort to illegal action once again to make a living after they are released. 论据解读 背诵直接拿6 6分 Third, governments have no choice but to allocate public funds to running the prison. It would be a total waste of resources and money, if every criminal were sent into prison without serious consideration. 思如泉涌 万能分论点汇总 减少 犯罪 的其 他有 效措 施 政府应该努力创造更多的就业机会 政府要完善社会福利体系的建设 针对无业人员,给与必要的就业指导 论据解读 背诵直接拿6 6分 Governments need to create more jobs, which ensures every citizen can have a stable source of income. 论据解读 背诵直接拿6 6分 Some criminals can barely make ends meet and survive before heading from crimes. Governments have to improve so
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