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中国海洋大学 硕士学位论文 高密市小城镇建设研究 姓名:李庆华 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:公共管理 指导教师:郑敬高 2011-06-04 高密市小城镇建设研究 摘 高密市小城镇建设研究 摘 要要 小城镇是统筹城乡发展的重要节点和推进城镇化的重要载体。高密市位于山 东半岛与内陆结合部,具有较好的区位优势,人口规模、经济社会发展处于中等 水平,其小城镇建设与发展具有较强的典型性和代表性。对高密市小城镇建设进 行研究,提出科学的对策和建议,不仅是高密市县域科学发展之需,而且也能为 山东半岛乃至全国小城镇发展提供有益的决策依据和实例参考。 目前,国内外小城镇发展理论成果丰硕,在实践中取得了许多宝贵经验,具 有较强的指导借鉴意义。国外的区位理论、城乡结构转换理论、非均衡发展理论 和协调发展理论,国内的费孝通、温铁军等学者著述,以及国内外小城镇发展历 史和美国等典型国家经验的有益启示是:加快小城镇建设、推进城镇化发展是实 现工业化、现代化的必由之路;小城镇成长是经济增长与社会发展的有机统一; 小城镇建设发展必须与经济社会发展水平、速度结合起来,把提高投资环境、生 活环境质量作为重点,根据自身区位条件培育发展支柱产业,积极推进体制机制 变革增强发展活力。 高密市近年来经济社会快速发展,小城镇建设取得明显成就,城镇化率达到 50.8。加快小城镇建设发展,对于高密市率先实现全面建设小康社会、建成现 代化中等城市目标具有重要意义。高密市小城镇建设的问题是:规划相对滞后, 档次偏低,执行缺乏严肃性;产业发育不足,层次偏低,同构现象严重;建设资 金匮乏,无法保证发展资金需求;环保问题突出,发展缺乏可持续性;户籍、土 地流转、建设用地指标等方面政策障碍较多;小城镇建设发展机制不健全,等等。 高密市发展的目标定位是建设现代化中等城市。围绕这一目标定位,高密市 应以科学发展观为指导,把小城镇建设摆在突出位置,坚持城镇化、工业化、农 业现代化“三化”互动,城乡一体化、公共服务均等化协调推进,遵循规划引领、 突出特色、产业支撑、政府主导、改革创新、统筹协调、可持续发展、建管并重 的原则,以科学规划为引领,构筑新型城镇化体系;以特色产业为支撑,打造城 镇化发展的强大引擎;以完善基础设施和公共服务为重点,加速城乡一体化进程; 以体制机制创新突破瓶颈制约,增强小城镇建设内生动力;以加强城镇管理为手 段,提升城镇品位和档次,形成城乡融合、布局合理、特色鲜明、活力迸发的城 镇化发展新格局。通过加强组织领导、健全工作推进机制、加大督查考核力度, 保障小城镇建设各项目标任务落到实处。 关键词: 小城镇;建设;高密市 Study on Gaomi Small Town Construction Abstract Small town is the node of Coordinating Urban-Rural Development and carrier of advancing urbanization. Gaomi, link of Shandong peninsula and inner land, enjoys an ideal geographic location, with middle-sized population and middle-leveled. Gaomi development and construction is very typical and of great representativeness. Study on Gaomi small town construction and puting forward constructive ideas and strategies, which is the necessity of Gaomi scientific development, provides scientific evidence for policy-making and example for reference. Nowadays, There are many fruitful theories of small town development and precious experience, which is of great significance for reference.Location theory, rural and urban construction theory, unbalanced development theory and harmonious development theory abroad, studies of Fei Xiaotong and Wen Tiejun, and successful experience of typical countries, such as US illustrate that: speeding up small town construction and boosting urbanization is the necessity of industrialization and modernization; small town development is the unity of economy and society development. To promote small town development, we must take the quality and speed of economy and society development into consideration, focus on improvement of investment and living environments, ground on local conditions to cultivate pillar industries, actively push structural reform and enhance development vitality. Recently Gaomi develops quickly, small town construction makes great achievement and urbanization rate arrives at 50.8%. Speeding up small town development is of great significance for Gaomi to establish an all-around affluent society and turn into a medium-sized city modern city. However there are also some problems. For town development, there is slower programming, lower level and bad execution of policies; for industries, insufficient growing, low level and unbalanced structure exist; for investment, development capitals cannot be guaranteed; there are serious environmental issues and development lacks sustainability; there are many obstacles to domicile, land transferring and constructive lands index applying; there is unsound system of small town construction and development. To develop into a medium-sized modern city, under the guidance of scientific development concept, Gaomi should focus on small town construction, stick to the harmonious unity of urbanization, industrialization and agriculturalization, push forward integration of urban and rural areas and equalization of public services, follow the principle of planning and leading, spotlighting characteristics, industry supporting, government guiding, reform and innovation, management and coordination, sustainable development and combination of supervision and management. With support of local special industries, establish engine of urbanization development; focusing on optimization of infrastructure and public services, speed up the integration of urban and rural areas; with institutional innovation to break bottleneck, cultivate inner development energy of small town; improving town management, enhance town taste and level, integrate urban and rural area, establish new and rational setup with distinguish features and great energy; through strengthened organization and guidance, perfect work advancing mechanism, strengthen supervision and inspection, guarantee carrying out of every task. Key Words: Small Town, Construction, Gaomi 独 创 声 明 独 创 声 明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研 究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他 人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含未获得 或其 他教育机构的学位或证书使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任 何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。 学位论文作者签名: 签字日期: 年 月 日 - 学位论文版权使用授权书 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,并同意以下 事项: 1、学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论 文被查阅和借阅。
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