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安徽大学 硕士学位论文 高校创业教育的现状与对策-以安徽省部分省属高校为例 姓名:施梅 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:高等教育学 指导教师:张晶 2010-05 I 摘摘 要要 创业作为一个全球性话题,已逐渐受到世界各国政府的关注。创业在促 进经济增长、解决社会就业、加快技术创新及提高生产力发展等方面发挥着 越来越重要的作用。全球创业观察项目(GEM)中国报告的研究结果表明, 一个国家(或地区)的创业活动活跃程度与 GDP 增长率之间有正相关关系。 近年来我国创业活动的不断增长以及对经济增长与就业促进作用的凸显, 已 引起党和国家领导人的高度重视。党的十七大报告明确提出,要实施扩大就 业的发展战略,促进以创业带动就业。把鼓励创业、支持创业摆到就业工作 更加突出的位置,这是在总结我国近年来就业工作的实践,科学分析我国就 业形势的基础上提出来的。 在创业的热潮中,青年大学生是一支朝气蓬勃的主力军。在知识经济社 会里,知识、信息取代原材料、资本、劳动力、汇率成为最重要的资源,使 得受过高等教育的人群具有创业的资源优势。然而,随着高等教育的普及, 世界上很多国家面临着日益严峻的就业压力。国务院新闻办发布的中国就业 状况和政策中指出:未来 20 年我国就业形势不容乐观。2009 年 3 月,温家 宝总理在十一届全国人大二次会议上作政府工作报告中提出,“今年要加快建 设一批投资少、见效快的大学生创业园或创业孵化基地。大力支持自主创业、 自谋职业,促进以创业带动就业。 ”由于大学生的学习生活大部分时间都在学 校,学校的课程体系,学生管理体制对学生的创业意识的形成和创业行为将 会产生最直接的影响。因此学校的政策支持,创业教育的开展以及创业园的 建立等对大学生创业至关重要。 自上个世纪 90 年代,我国高校在政府倡导下开始了创业教育的探索。经 过十几年的努力取得了一定成效,但地区间、不同层次高校间创业教育的开 展情况存在显著差异。安徽作为经济相对欠发达的农业大省,大学生创业活 动相较国内其他地区相对落后。相应地,安徽省属高校创业教育的开展相对 于国内发达地区也相对滞后,不利于创业型人才的培养。2010 年 1 月,国务 中华人民共和国教育部高等教育司组编: 创业教育在中国 ,高等教育出版社,2006 年 9 月第 1 版, 第 3 页 II 院正式批复皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区规划,皖江示范区承载着中部安 徽崛起的希望。这就对安徽省属地方高校提出一个重大课题和新的挑战:为 了更好地服务于区域经济建设,如何更有效地开展创业教育?高校应如何调 整培养计划和培养模式,以培养出更多的创新创业型人才?本文的目的在于 通过调研了解安徽省属高等院校创业教育的总体现状,分析我省大学生创业 教育存在的缺失及影响因素,提出在地方高校实施大学生创业教育的基本思 路,以期为安徽省属高校创业教育的开展提供借鉴与参考。 关键词:关键词:创业教育;高等学校;实施策略 III Abstract As a global topic, entrepreneurship has gradually become the concern of governments around the world. Entrepreneurship has played an increasingly important role in promoting economic growth,solving social employment, accelerating technological innovation and improving productivity. The study of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project (GEM) in China reported that there is a positive correlation between the entrepreneurial activity level of a nation (or region) and its GDP growth rate. In recent years, it has caused the leaders of the party and nation paid great attention to the growth of business activities, as well as economic growth and employment promotion. It is clearly emphasized in Report of the Seventeenth Party Congress that, we ought to implement the development strategy of expanding employment, stimulate and expand employment by encouraging business startup. To encourage entrepreneurship and support business placed in employment more prominent position, it is the job of summing up our work in recent years, the practice of scientific analysis of the employment situation on the basis of their argument. In the boom of entrepreneurship, college students have been a major vigorous force. Instead of raw materials, capital, labor, exchange rate, knowledge and information has been the most important resource in the knowledge economy. So highly educated people have acquired the advantages of entrepreneurial resources. At the same time, people face severe employment pressure more and more in many countries with the popularization of higher education. It is stated in the employment situation and policies of Chinas State Council Information Office that: In the next 20 years it is not optimistic about the employment situation in China. March 2009, in the government work report of the Second Session of the Eleventh National Peoples Congress prime minister Wen Jiabao said that, we would accelerate construct a number of less investment business park or college students incubation bases, support people built their own businesses and look for job themselves, promote entrepreneurship to improve employment this year. As IV college students spend most time in school, the curriculum and student management system of school will direct impact their entrepreneurial consciousness and behavior. So, it is essential to the entrepreneurial activity of college students that the policy support, entrepreneurial education and the establishment of entrepreneurial parks in their colleges. In the early 1990s, our universities started to explore enterprise education because of government advocacy. After ten years of hard work, we have achieved certain results. But there are still lots of differences between different regions and different levels of colleges about entrepreneurship education. As a big agricultural province, the economy of Anhui is relatively underdeveloped. College students entrepreneurial activity of Anhui is relatively backward compared to other regions too. Accordingly, enterprise education is lagging behind compared with the developed areas in Anhui Province. It is not conducive to bring up the people who have entrepreneurial talents. January 2010, the State Council officially approved by the cities along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province. Wanjiang city-town zone is the hope of Anhui. So the local universities of Anhui will face some new challenges: In order to serve the regional economic development better, how to conduct enterprise education more effectively? How to adjust the training plan and training model for universities to train more innovative entrepreneurial talent? The author analyzed the main problems and the main factors affecting its development by investigation. On this b
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