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八、名词性从句 考点1 主语语从句 1. that连连接主语语从句时时, 没有具体意思, 不充当句子成 分, 只是起标标志性的作用, 但that不能省略。what引导导 时时, 既要在从句中充当成分, 又有意义义。 *It never occurred to me that you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind. 我从来没想到你会成功地说说服他改变变主意。 2. whether连连接从句时时, 表示怀怀疑, 不能省略, 意为为“是 否”, 在句首时时不能用if替换换。 *It is still under discussion whether the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not. 旧汽车车站是否应该应该 被重建为现为现 代化的宾馆宾馆 仍然在商 讨讨中。 3. 连连接代词词、连连接副词词引导导主语语从句时时不能省略, 并 在从句中充当句子成分。 *It was never clear why the man hadnt reported the accident sooner. 这这个人为为什么没有尽快报报告这这个事故, 还还不清楚。 4. 主语语从句要用陈陈述语语序, 即主谓语谓语 序。 【点津】(1)用it作形式主语语的常用句型有: It+系动词动词 +形容词词(necessary/right/likely/unlikely/ wrong/important/certain等)+that从句 It+be+名词词(短语语)(a pity/a shame/no wonder等)+that 从句 It+be+过过去分词词(said/told/reported/decided等)+that 从句 It+特殊动词动词 (seems, appears, happens, matters)+that 从句 *It is a pity that I missed the party held last night. 很遗遗憾我错过错过 了昨晚举举行的聚会。 *It is reported that the accident was caused by carelessness. 据报报道, 该该事故源于(司机的)粗心驾驶驾驶 。 (2)在It is necessary/important/suggested/advised/ ordered+that从句结结构中, 从句用“(should+)动词动词 原形” 。 【典例剖析】用适当的连词连词 填空 (2015广东东高考)Now it occurred to him_his farm had much potential and that the death of the cow was a bit of luck. 解题题关键键: 固定句型“it occurred to sb. +that从句”表示 “某人突然想到”, it是形式主语语, 真正的主语语是that引导导 的从句。 答案判定: that 【高考题组题组 】用适当的连词连词 填空 1. (2016江苏苏高考)It is often the case _ anything is possible for those who hang on to hope. 2. (2015全国卷)It struck me _ playing against the other team was a great learning moment for all the girls on the team. that that 3. (2015陕陕西高考)If one is late for a job interview, it is not likely _ he will get the job. 4. (2014全国卷)Exactly _ the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it was probably around 1565. 5. (2013湖北高考)_ delighted the fans was that the young player performed extremely well in the table tennis tournament. that when What 考点2 宾语宾语 从句 1. that连连接宾语宾语 从句时时通常可以省略(但多个并列的宾宾 语语从句中只能省略第一个that), 没有具体的意思, 不充 当句子成分, 只是起连连接作用。what引导时导时 , 既要在从 句中充当成分, 又有意义义。 *Im writing to tell you that my uncle is going to your city for a conference. 我写信是想告诉诉你我叔叔要去你的城市开会。 2. 在whether/if连连接的宾语宾语 从句中, whether/if意为为“是 否”(但在whether. . . or not结结构中, 或者whether引导导的 宾语宾语 从句作介词词的宾语时宾语时 , 以及whether+to do结结构中 和whether引导导的从句作少数动词动词 (如leave, put, discuss, doubt, know等)的宾语时宾语时 , 只能用whether, 不 能用if来替换换)。 *Weve offered her the job, but I dont know whether shell accept it. 我们们已经为经为 她提供了这这份工作, 但我不 知道她是否会接受。 *I dont know whether to leave or not. 我不知道是否要离开。 3. 连连接代词词、连连接副词词引导宾语导宾语 从句时时不能省略, 并 在从句中充当句子成分。 *Our teachers always tell us to believe in what we do and who we are if we want to succeed. 老师总师总 是告诉诉我们们, 如果想要成功, 就要相信我们们所做 的事情以及我们们是谁谁。 4. 有些动词动词 或动词动词 短语语, 如like, hate, appreciate, depend on, see to等, 一般不直接跟从句, 需要借助it。 *You may depend on it that she will go with you. 你可以相信她会与你一起去。 5. 当主句的主语语是第一人称时时, 在think, believe, suppose, expect等动词动词 后的宾语宾语 从句若是否定的, 就运 用否定转转移, 将否定词转词转 移到主句谓语动词谓语动词 上。 *I dont believe she will attend the meeting. 我认为认为 她不会来参加该该会议议。 6. it作形式宾语宾语 , 真正的宾语宾语 后置, 常用此种结结构的及 物动词动词 有find, make, think, feel, consider等。 *I find it important that we should keep calm in face of danger. 我发现发现 我们们在危险险面前保持镇镇静是很重要的。 7. 不论论主句为为何种句型, 宾语宾语 从句都用陈陈述语语序。 【典例剖析】单单句改错错 (2015全国卷)He found where his parents were missing. 解题题关键键: 句意: 他发现发现 父母不见见了。found后面接宾宾 语语从句, where表示在哪里, 不符合句意。that引导宾导宾 语语从句在从句中不作成分, 只起连连接作用, 而且在此句 中可以省略。 答案判定: where改为为that或者去掉where 【高考题组题组 】单单句改错错/用适当的连词连词 填空 1. (2016全国卷)My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live. (改错错) _ 2. (2015全国卷)We would especially welcome articles about _ Americans spend their holidays and festivals. that改为为where how 3. (2014全国卷)I hope _ I will work in a computer company as a program designer. 4. (2014全国卷)I will do a good job in _ I do. 5. (2015全国卷)They come to Lehannes group just to learn to say _ they feel. 6. (2013全国卷)I wonder _ you could sell some Chinese knots for me. that whatever what if/whether 考点3 表语语从句 1. that连连接从句时时从句为为一个句意完整的陈陈述句, that 不能省略, 没有具体的意思, 不充当句子成分, 只是起连连 接作用。what引导时导时 , 既要在从句中充当成分, 又有意 义义。 *(2014全国卷)The end result is that we feel like we cant focus or that were focused on the wrong things. 最后的结结果是我们们感觉觉我们们没能集中注意力或我们们关 注的是错误错误 的事情。 2. whether连连接从句时时从句来源于一般疑问问句, 为为一个 句意完整、语语气不确定的陈陈述句。whether不能省略, 意为为“是否”, 不能用if替换换。 *His question is whether they can be friends. 他的问题问题 是他们们能否成为为朋友。 3. 连连接代词词、连连接副词词引导导表语语从句时连时连 接词词不能 省略, 并在从句中充当句子成分。 *Id like to start my own businessthats what Id do if I had the money. 如果我有这这么多钱钱, 我会自己做买买 卖卖, 那就是我想做的事情。 4. 表语语从句要用陈陈述语语序, 即主谓语谓语 序。 【点津】常见见的表语语从句句型: (1)It looks/seems as if. . . 好像; 仿佛 (2)This is because. . . 这这是因为为(强调调原因) (3)The reason why. . . is that. . . 的原因是 (4)That is why. . . 那就是的原因(强调结调结 果) (5)The question/problem is whether/when/where. . . 问问 题题是 (6)His dream/suggestion/aim/purpose is th
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