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Module6 WarandPeace 基础知识梳理 考点知识导练 基础知识梳理 抓主干 固双基 单 词 拓 展 1. /bndn/ v.放弃,抛弃adj.被抛弃的 / 2. /lst/ v.持续adv. 最后(一点) adj. 最近的,最新的 adj.持久的,耐久的 / 3. /kjpaI/ v.占领n.职业,占有 / 4. /kmpni/ n.(陆军的)连,连队 vt.伴随,陪同 / 5. /dran/ v. 淹死,使溺死 adj. 快淹死的 / adj. 已淹死的 / 6. /InveId/ v.入侵,侵略n.入侵,侵略 / 7. /Iventuli/ adv.最后,最终adj.结局的, 最后的 / 8. /reskju/ v.营救,拯救n.救助者 / abandonabandoned last latest lastly lasting occupyoccupation company accompany drowndrowning drowned invadeinvasion eventually eventual rescuerescuer 单 词 拓 展 9. /sensls/ adj.无意义的,欠思考的n.感觉;意义 adj.通晓事理的,明智的 adv.明智地 / 10. /InkrId/ v.鼓舞,鼓励n.勇气 adj.令人鼓舞的,振奋人心的 n. 鼓(奖)励;支持 / 11. /wwaIl/ adj.值得做的,有价值的adj. 值钱,相当于的价值 / 12. /drp/ v.扔下,投下 n.滴,下降 13. /dIspaIt/ prep.不管,不顾 14.overlook /vlk/ v. / 15.strategy /strtdi/ n. / 16.sacrifice /skrIfaIs/ n. / 17.disagreement /dIsrimnt/n. / senseless sense sensible sensibly encouragecourage encouraging encouragement worthwhile worth drop despite 俯视,往下看 策略,战略 牺牲 争论,矛盾,意见不合 短 语 记 忆 1.declare war 向宣战 2.pick 停下来让某人搭车(船等);救起 3.make a 取得重大突破(进展) 4.be involved 被卷入,陷入 5. ones astonishment 令某人惊讶的是 6. the face of 面对 7. view 在视野中 on up breakthrough in to in in 句 型 整 理 1.The survivors lay on the beach, and . 死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸。 2.We . 我们本不应该那么做。 3. in the field of human conflict owed by so many to so few. 战争史上,从来也没有一次像这样,以如此少的兵力,取得如此大 的胜利。 重点 语法 Subjunctive (2)虚拟语气(2) exhaustedshocked werentsupposedtodothat Neverwas somuch 考点知识导练 解疑难 提知能 1.abandon v.放弃,抛弃;离弃,中止 n.放纵;尽情 归纳 拓展 abandon oneself to沉湎于,放纵(感情) abandon doing sth.放弃做某事 abandon hope (of doing sth.)放弃(做的)希望 abandon ones idea 某人放弃想法 abandoned 被废弃的,被抛弃的 英文典例: The boy abandons himself to playing computer games. 那个男孩沉湎于玩电脑游戏。 Imogen had of ever seeing her brother again. 伊莫金已经放弃了再次见到哥哥的全部希望。 Grylls is abandoned in a wild area and has to find his way out.(2015北京,阅读理解A) 格里尔斯被遗弃在荒野之中,不得不自己找出路。 abandonedallhope 写作联想:典例其他表达方式 The boy is abandoned to playing computer games. The boy is addicted to playing computer games. The boy is crazy about playing computer games. The boy is obsessed with playing computer games. 2.last vi.持续;继续存在;够用(一段时间) adj.最近的;最后的;最不想要的;最不可能的 adv.最后地;上次 n.最后的人(或事物);最后 归纳 拓展 last (for)+一段时间 持续一段时间 last sb.some time 够某人使用时间 last of all 最后 last but not least 最后但同样重要的是 last but one 倒数第二 英文典例: But the textile boom lasted only several decades. (2015湖北,阅读理解C) 但是纺织业的繁荣只持续了几十年。 We only had $50 to last us the rest of the month. 我们只有50美元来度过这个月余下的日子。 Last of all,Id like to thank all of you for your help. 最后我要感谢你们所有人的帮助。 ,let me introduce Jane,our new secretary. 最后但同样重要的一件事,让我来介绍简,我们新来的秘书。 Lastbut not least 3.occupy v.占领,占据 归纳 拓展 occupy ones mind/thoughts/attention 占据某人的头 脑/思维/注意力 be occupied with sth./in doing sth.忙于/专心于做某事 occupy sb./oneself in doing sth./with sth.使某人/某 人自己忙于(做)某事 keep sb.occupied 使某人忙碌 英文典例: They often occupy a very wide area,with mountains and rivers. 它们经常占据一个有山川河流的很宽敞的地方。 His parents were occupied with housework while their child occupied himself in learning his English. 他的父母忙着做家务,而他们的孩子在专心学习英语。 Her interest in redecorating the big house / for a whole week. 她热衷于重新装修这套大房子,这使得她忙碌了整整一周。 kept her occupied 4.drop v.扔下,使落下;下降;减少;停止做某事 n.滴;下降 归纳 拓展 drop out (of).中途退出;辍学 drop in (on sb./at sp.) 顺路看望(某人)/顺路到(某地) drop sb.a line 给某人写信 drop sb.off 让某人下车;把某人放下 英文典例: She dropped her glasses and broke them. 她把眼镜掉到地上摔碎了。 The annual death rate for adult condors has dropped from 38% in 2000 to 5.4% in 2011.(2016北京,阅读理解C) 成年秃鹰每年的死亡率从2000年的38%下降到2011年的5.4%。 He dropped out of college.他从大学辍学了。 Please at the school gate. 请让我在学校门口下车。 dropmeoff pany n.(陆军的)连;公司;同伴U 归纳 拓展 set up/start a company 创办公司 keep pany 和某人作伴 in sbs company (=in the company of sb.) 和某人在一起 in company with sb.与某人一起 英文典例: Always keep in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly.(2015湖南,Part ,Section A,31) 永远记住:你的主要任务是使这家公司运转顺利。 We would be glad of his company. 有他陪伴,我们感到高兴。 Ritas husband is away for the week,so I thought Id go over and keep her company. 丽塔的丈夫这个星期外出不在家,所以我想我应该过去和她作伴。 (朗文P369) I will go to the movie Mary. 我要和玛丽一起去看电影。 incompanywith 6.despite prep.不管,尽管,不顾 归纳 拓展 in spite of/despite+名词(=although+从句) 尽管 in spite of the fact that 尽管事实如此 regardless of不理会,不顾 英文典例: And their minds are bright despite their dirty hands and clothes.(2016天津,阅读理解B) 尽管他们的手和衣服是脏的,然而他们的头脑是聪明的。 In spite of all these differences,evidence shows that recent life style changes may be affecting French eating habits. 虽然有这些不同,但证据显示最近生活方式的变化或许正影响着法国的 饮食习惯。 This is a choice you must make for yourself, / what anyon
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