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1 Unsteady-state Conduction 2 Basic ConceptBasic Concept Unsteady-state Cond . ),(zyxft = Periodical unsteady-state cond. Transient unsteady-state cond. 222 2 222 (); or vv qqttttt aat xyzcc =+= + 3 应用背景应用背景 工业工业:金属热处理金属热处理-淬火 动力机械开车、关车 精密机床的热变形 淬火 动力机械开车、关车 精密机床的热变形 民用民用:地球气温的变化 医疗中检测温度范围 地球气温的变化 医疗中检测温度范围-激光手术激光手术(热疗法热疗法) 生物传热生物传热-温度震荡温度震荡 4 Temperature Field An infinite plate of thickness 2 =0, t=t0 At the surface, suddenly to t 2 2 x tt = 5 2 2 x tt = 0 )0(tt= =tt)0( ,),( 0 hxttftt = = tt tt 0 x X = h Bi= 2 0 =F ),( oi FBXf= 过余温度比过余温度比过余温度比过余温度比 6 Analytical solution for 1-D transient heat conduction For an infinite plate =consta=consth=const In a symmetrical system, we can just analyze half of it 7 Differential equation Initial condition Boundary condition x t a t 2 2 = )0,x0( 0Bi h rr 0.2 图图930 24 用诺谟求解非稳态导热问题的思路用诺谟求解非稳态导热问题的思路 1,已知时间,求温度分布及热量已知时间,求温度分布及热量 m 25 2、已知温度分布,求时间、已知温度分布,求时间 26 Question: A large plate of steel 20.0cm thick and initially at 20 is suddenly exposed to the heating environment of 1000 with a heat transfer coefficient of 174W/m2. Calculate the time required for the plate to attain a temperature of 500 at the surface. (=0.55510-5m2/s, =34.8W/m.) When Bi=0.1, 1=0.3111 rad Bi=0.5, 1=0.6533 rad Bi=1.0, 1=0.8603 rad 27 Solution From Fig.9-30, at the surface And From Fig 9-29, F0=1.2, then, 0 . 1 5 . 0 8 .34 1 . 0174 = = = x h Biv 8 . 0= m w 637. 08 . 0/51. 0 51. 0 100020 1000500 00 0 = = = = m m wwm ww tt tt hs6 . 01016. 2 10555. 0 1 . 0 2 . 12 . 1 3 5 22 = = hs6 . 01016. 2 10555. 0 1 . 0 2 . 12 . 1 3 5 22 = = 28 Lumped-capacity problem 集总参数法集总参数法 When we analyze a transient heat conduction system that may be considered uniform in temperature, this type of analysis is called the lumped-capacity method 忽略物体内部导热热阻、认为物体温度均匀一致的分 析方法。此时,温度分布只与时间有关, 即,与空间位置无关,因此,也称为 忽略物体内部导热热阻、认为物体温度均匀一致的分 析方法。此时,温度分布只与时间有关, 即,与空间位置无关,因此,也称为零维零维问 题。 问 题。 )(ft = 0Bi 222 222 () v qtttt a xyzc =+ c q d dt v = 29 For a random body, =0, t=t0 It is suddenly immersed into a cool fluid that t= tt0 Using energy conservation principal, d dt VctthA-)(= 过余温度 =tt, then c q d dt v = 30 d Vc hAd = = = 00 )0( - tt d d VchA Initial conditionInitial condition EquationEquation = 0 0 d Vc hAd Vc hA = ln 0 d Vc hAd = Integral Vc hA e tt tt = = 00 Where, vv FoBi AV aAVh cV A A hV cV hA = = 2 2 2 )( )( 32 2 )( )( AV a Fo AVh Bi vv = vv FoBiVc hA ee = 0 The temperature field is an exponential curve Where, 2 2 3 3 W m 1 m K kgJkg m K m hAw VcJs = 33 %8 .36 1 0 = e Thant means when ,then hA Vc = 1= Vc hA 上式表明:上式表明:当传热时间等于时,物体的过 余温度已经达到了初始过余温度的 当传热时间等于时,物体的过 余温度已经达到了初始过余温度的36.8。 称为 。 称为时间常数时间常数,用表示。,用表示。 hA Vc hA Vc c 34 0 %8.36 e 1 0 c = vv FoBi 应用集总参数法时,物体过余温度的变化曲线应用集总参数法时,物体过余温度的变化曲线 35 如果导热体的热容量(如果导热体的热容量(VVc c)小、换热条件好()小、换热条件好(h h大),那 么单位时间所传递的热量大、导热体的温度变化快,时间 常数 ( 大),那 么单位时间所传递的热量大、导热体的温度变化快,时间 常数 ( VVc c/ / hAhA) 小。) 小。 对于测温的热电偶节点,时间常数越小、说明热电偶对 流体温度变化的响应越快。这是测温技术所需要的 对于测温的热电偶节点,时间常数越小、说明热电偶对 流体温度变化的响应越快。这是测温技术所需要的 (微细热电偶、薄膜热电阻)(微细热电偶、薄膜热电阻) %83. 1 4 0 = 时,当 hA Vc 工程上认为工程上认为 =4 Vc / hA时 导热体已达到热平衡状态 时 导热体已达到热平衡状态 36 Transient heat flux: Total heat flow in the time of 0 : Same equation for heating case W )()( 0 Vc hA ehA hAtthA = = J )1()( 0 0 Vc hA eVcdQ = 37 The physical significance of vv FoBi h lhl 1 Bi = 物体表面对流换热热阻 物体内部导热热阻 Dimensionless Dimensionless heat resistanceheat resistance 无量纲热阻无量纲热阻无量纲热阻无量纲热阻 Dimensionless timeDimensionless time 无量纲时间无量纲时间无量纲时间无量纲时间 Fo越大,热扰动就能越深入地传播到物体内 部,因而,物体各点地温度就越接近周围介 质的温度。 越大,热扰动就能越深入地传播到物体内 部,因而,物体各点地温度就越接近周围介 质的温度。 22 F l o l a = 换热时间 边界热扰动扩散到 面积上所需的时间 38 采用此判据时,物体中各点过余温度的差别小于5% M1 . 0 )AV(h Biv= When can we apply lumped-capacity method? M是与物体几何形状有关的无量纲常数是与物体几何形状有关的无量纲常数 When using lumped-capacity method, it is expected to yield reasonable estimates within about 5 percent when the following condition is met: 39 对厚为2的 无限大平板 对半径为R的 无限长圆柱 对半径为R的 球3 1 M 2 1 M 1M = = = 3 B B 3 R R4 R 3 4 A V 2 B B 2 R R2 R A V BB A A A V i iv 2 3 i iv 2 iiv = = = 40 求解非稳态导热问题的一般步骤求解非稳态导热问题的一般步骤 ,先校核,先校核Bi 是否满足集总参数法条件,若 满足,则优先考虑集总参数法; ,如不能用集总参数法,则尝试用近似公 式或 是否满足集总参数法条件,若 满足,则优先考虑集总参数法; ,如不能用集总参数法,则尝试用近似公 式或Heisler图; ,若上述方法都不行则采用数值解。 图; ,若上述方法都不行则采用数值解。 41 Question: A steel ball, 5.0 cm in diameter and initially at a uniform temperature of 450 is suddenly placed in a controlled environment in which the temperature is maintained at 100. The convection heat transfer coefficient is 10W/m2. Calculate the time required for the ball
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