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Unit 8 Logistics documents 物流单证 1. Overview of logistics documents 物流单证概述 Four main features of logistics documents: Accuracy 精确性 Details should be in strict compliance with those in the sales contract. Completeness 完整性 Every necessary detail should be included. Conciseness 简约性 No redundant words should be used. Promptness 及时性 It should be ready as soon as needed. Types of logistics documents Government documents 官方单证 - issued by government bodies concerned (customs) Commercial documents 商业单证 - issued by various business parties (importer, exporter, insurance company, bank) Transport documents 运输单证 - issued by the main parties involved in the course of transportation (shipper, carriers, receivers) 2.Types of government documents Import license 进口许可证 Export license 出口许可证 GSP 普惠制 Certificate of Origin 原产地证书 Inspection certificate 检验证书 Certificate of Origin 原产地证书 P126 The country of origin is NOT the country from where the product is shipped, bur rather where product was manufactured or underwent a significant change or modification. Certificate of Origin 原产地证书 Required by foreign government 根据外 国政府需要所开具的 Issued by a certifying authority in the exporters country 由出口国的商会等认证 中心所出具 Stating the country of origin of the goods 表明商品的原产地国 To set proper duties for the imports 来确 定入境货物的关税 To guarantee the product quality 以及保 证产品的质量 Certificate of Origin 原产地证书 A sample of the Certificate of Origin Part II Commercial documents Types of commercial documents bill of exchange 汇票 commercial invoices 发票 weight list 重量单 packing list 装箱单 insurance policy 保险单(保险凭证) letter of credit 信用证 Shippers export declaration (SED) 托 运人出口报关单 Commercial Invoice 商业发票: Is a bill for the goods from the seller to the buyer; 由卖方向卖方开立的价目 清单。 Is presented to customs officials, so they can determine the value of the goods and calculate customs duties and taxes. 需要向海关官员出示,以 对货物进行估价和计算关税及税金 Contains: sellers contact information 卖方联系方式 buyers contact information 买方联系方式 consignees contact information 收货人联系 方式 date of issue 签发日期 invoice number 发票号码 sales terms (Inco term format) 销售条款 payment terms 支付条款 currency of sale 计价货币 quantities and description of merchandise 商 品数量说明 declaration 声明 (Standard language is “We certify that this invoice is true and correct”.) Packing List 装箱单 : It is a supplementary document for commercial invoice ,showing detailed information about packing modes, packing materials, packing numbers, specification of cargo, quantities and weights, etc. It indicates the quantity of items in each package, along with their weights and dimensions. The consignee can check the right quantity of items at destination and custom authorities can easily identify a specific package.
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