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密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号: 20090432 文学硕士学位论文 基于现代汉语词典(第 5 版) 的属性词研究 学位申请人 :贾君叶 指 导 教 师 :武文杰 副教授 学 位 级 别 :文学硕士 学 科 专 业 :语言学及应用语言学 授 予 单 位 :河北大学河北大学 答 辩 日 期 :二一二年五月 Classified Index: CODE:10075 U.D.C.: NO.:20090432 A Dissertation for the Degree of M.Arts CCTV CCTV 360360 A Study on Attribute Words of Modern Chinese Dictionary (Fifth Edition) Candidate: Jia Junye Supervisor: Associate Prof. Wu Wenjie Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Arts Speciality: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination : May, 2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 汉语属性词是从传统的名词、动词、形容词中脱离出来的一类词, 现代汉语词典 (第 5 版) 第一次对这类词进行标注,已有不少学者对其进行研究。本论文对现代 汉语词典(第 5 版) 所标注的 564 个属性词,从不同角度进行分类,逐一进行考察, 通过文献研究、比较分析、数量统计等方法,对属性词的语音、结构、语法以及来源和 未来的发展进行了全面系统的研究。论文主体由四部分构成: 第一部分主要对现代汉语词典(第 5 版) 中所标注的属性词从语音、结构、功 能角度进行分类,特别是从成组和不成组的角度分类,而且列举了字母词作属性词的示 例,并对属性词的语法特征进行考察,包括我们比较熟知的属性词的一般语法特征,以 及属性词作状语、补语、受“很”修饰的特殊语法特征。 第二部分主要对属性词的产生和来源进行了考察,除个别原生态属性词外,其主要 来源于词类的转化、词语缩略、新词语、新词义,有一小部分来源于古语、口语以及其 他语种。 第三部分主要从功能角度划分属性词, 对成组成对和不成组不成对的属性词分别进 行分类,探讨其成组成对与不成组不成对的原因,总结出其独特的语法特征。这一部分 是本论文的重点,也是创新之处。 第四部分主要研究属性词三十年来的变化以及未来的发展预测,将现代汉语词典 (第 5 版) 所收属性词与吕叔湘、饶长溶试论非谓形容词一文中所收属性词进行 比较,发现属性词变化快,不稳固,并对其未来的发展方向做一简单预测。 本论文在前人研究的基础上,针对现代汉语词典(第 5 版) 中的属性词做了全 面系统的总结性研究, 特别是提出属性词的一些特殊用法以及对成组不成组属性词重点 考察,拓宽对属性词的认识。 关键词 现代汉语 属性词 成组成对 不成组不成对 Abstract II Abstract Chinese attribute words are deviated from the traditional nouns, verbs and adjectives. “Modern Chinese Dictionary (Fifth Edition)“ marks this kind of words for the first time, which have been researched by scholars for years. In this paper, I will study the 564 attribute words charted in the “modern Chinese Dictionary (Fifth Edition)“ one by one from different angles to classify, through literature research, comparative analysis, and statistics methods, they have overall studied the word pronunciation, grammar structure, the origin and future development of the attributive words. The subject of this thesis consists of four parts: The first part mainly to classify the attribute words marked by “ modern Chinese Dictionary ( Fifth Edition )“ from angles of the speech, structure and function, especially from angles of the group and the no group, and list examples of the letters used as the attribute words, and investigate the grammatical features of the attribute words, including the general grammatical features of the attribute words which were widely known by all of us, moreover, the special grammatical features of the attribute words which used as adverbial modifier, complements and modified by “Hen”. The second part is mainly to investigate the production and source of the attribute words, except several original attribute words, they mainly originates from word transformation, clipped words, new words, new meanings, a small part come from the archaic, spoken English and other languages. The third part divided the attribute words mainly from the angle of function, classifying from the groups, pairs and no groups and discussing the reason of that, finally summarizing the unique grammatical features. This part is the innovative focus of this paper. The fourth part mainly studies the changes over thirty years and forecasts of the attribute words, by comparing the attributes in “ modern Chinese Dictionary (Fifth Edition)“ with “the non-predicate adjectives“ composed by Lv Shuxiang, Rao Changrong, we can concluded that attribute words change quickly and they are also very unstable, so we can only predict it simply. Abstract III On the basis of previous studies, this paper have made a comprehensive study on attribute words which aimed at the“ modern Chinese Dictionary ( Fifth Edition )“, especially putting forward the special usage and the group and no group of the attribute words , expanding our horizons the attribute words. Keywords Modern Chinese Attribute words Group and no group 目 录 IV 目 录 第 1 章 绪论1 1.1 研究的背景和意义1 1.2 属性词的界定及归类问题述评2 1.3 属性词的语法性质研究述评 4 第 2 章 属性词分类及其语法特征6 2.1 属性词的分类6 2.1.1 语音角度6 2.1.2 结构角度10 2.1.3 功能角度13 2.
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