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自 主 预 习 Section A 短语语互 译译 1.打扫扫(或清除)干净净_ 2.(使)变变得更高兴兴;振奋奋起来_ 3推迟迟_ 4.打电话给电话给 (某人);征召_ 5曾经经;过过去_ 6.参加选选拔;试试用_ 7制定计计划_ 8.在岁时岁时 _ 9决定做某事_._ 10.实现实现 ;成为现实为现实 _ 11同时时_ clean up cheer up put off call up used to try out make a plan/plans at the age of decide to do sth come true at the same time Section A 短语语互 译译 12.张贴张贴 ;建起;搭起_ 13想出;提出(主意、计计划、回答等)_ 14.give out _ 15hand out _ 16.care for _ 17hope to do sth. _ 18.be busy with sth. _ put up come up with 分发;散发 分发 照顾;非常喜欢 希望做某事 忙于做某事 Section A 句型在线线 1.你可以帮助打扫扫城市公园。 You _ _ to clean up the city parks. 2他们给们给 我讲讲了关于过过去的生活经历经历 ,讲过讲过 去是什么样样子的 。 They told me stories about the past and _ _ _ _ _. 3但是我想了解更多关于如何照顾动顾动 物的知识识。 but I want to learn more about _ _ _ for animals. 4当我看到动动物们们(病情)渐渐好,看到它们们主人脸脸上喜悦表情 时时,我产产生出那么一种极强的满满足感来。 I get _ _ _ _ of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces. couldhelp howthings usedtobe howto care suchastrongfeeling 互 动 探 究 词汇点睛 Section A 1 cheer v. 欢欢呼;喝彩 观观察 The crowds cheered as the old man ran to the finishing line. 当那位老人跑到终终点线线的时时候,人群欢欢呼起来。 探究 cheer表示“欢欢呼;喝彩”,既可以作动词动词 ,也可 以作_名_词词。如: We welcomed him with cheers. 我们们以欢欢呼来欢欢迎他。 Section A 拓展 cheer up 使振奋奋,使高兴兴起来 如: They all cheered up when they heard the good news. 当听到这这个好消息时时,他们们都欢欢呼起来了。 Section A 活学活用 2015莱芜芜_! Its not the end of the world. Lets try again. APut up BSet up CCheer up DPick up 解析 C Section A 2 notice n. 通知;通告;注意 v. 注意到;意识识到 观观察 Lets make some notices, too. 让让我们们也制作一些通知吧。 Did you notice the hat she was wearing? 你注意到她戴的那顶顶帽子了吗吗? 探究 notice可以作名词词,意为为“通知;通告;注意” ,notice还还可以作动词动词 ,意为为“注意到”。 拓展 notice的固定搭配有:notice sb. doing sth.表 示“注意到某人正在做某事”;notice sb. do sth. 表示“注 意到某人做某事”,此时时强调动调动 作经经常发发生,或注意到某事发发 生的全过过程。 Section A 活学活用 1根据句意及汉语汉语 提示完成句子 I saw a _ (通知) on the blackboard. 2单项选择单项选择 I noticed Tony _ a model plane in the living room. A. made B. making C. to make D. makes notice 答案 B Section A 3 lonely adj. 孤独的;寂寞的 观观察 Yeah, a lot of old people are lonely. 是的,许许多老人都很寂寞。 辨析 lonely 与alone (1)lonely为为形容词词,意为为“孤独的;寂寞的”,一般在 句子中作定语语或表语语,表示“心灵上的孤独”。 (2)alone为为副词词,意为为“独自;单单独”,一般修饰动词饰动词 ,表示客观观上的“单单独”,没有感情色彩。如:The old man lives alone, but he doesnt feel lonely. 这这位老人单单独住 ,但是他并不觉觉得孤独。 Section A 活学活用 2015聊城The old man often feels _ because his children live far away. Acrazy Blonely Chungry Dsleepy 解析 B Section A 4 several pron. 几个;数个;一些 观观察 My brother can speak several languages. 我 哥哥会说说数种语语言。 探究 several只能修饰饰可数名词词复数。 Section A 活学活用 Mike spends _ hours every day volunteering to help sick kids in hospital. Alot of Bmuch Clittle Dseveral 解析 D Section A 5 satisfaction n. 满满足;满满意 观观察 I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces. 当我看到动动物们们(病情)渐渐好,看到它们们主人脸脸上喜悦表情 时时,我产产生出那么一种极强的满满足感来。 探究 satisfaction为为不可数名词词,意为为“满满足;满满意 ”,feeling of satisfaction意为为“满满足感”。 拓展 Section A Section A 活学活用 1根据汉语汉语 意思完成句子 他取得了第一名,有一种强烈的满满足感。 He won the first place and had a strong _ _ _. 2单项选择单项选择 2014黔西南Mr. Green is very happy because he is_satisfied_with his students work today. A. is moved by B. is good for C. is fond of D. is pleased with feelingofsatisfaction 答案 D Section A 短语归纳 1 clean up打扫扫(或清除)干净净 观观察 Your room is untidy. Youd better clean it up. 你的房间间真乱。你最好把它打扫扫干净净。 探究 clean up是固定搭配,意为为“打扫扫(或清除)干净净 ”。如果它的宾语宾语 是名词词,该该名词宾语词宾语 可以位于clean和up之 间间,也可以位于clean up之后;如果它的宾语宾语 是代词词,需用代 词宾词宾 格,且该该代词宾语词宾语 只能位于clean和up之间间。 Section A 拓展 常见见的的同类类短语语有: give up 放弃 wake up 叫醒;醒来 look up 查阅查阅 ;查查找 eat up 吃光 set up 建立;创创立 put up 张贴张贴 ;建起搭起 cheer up (使)变变得更高兴兴;振奋奋起来 Section A 活学活用 2014白银银Daisy, look at your bedroom. What a mess! Sorry, Ill_right now! Aput up it Bclean up it Cput it up Dclean it up 答案 D Section A 2 give out 分发发;散发发 观观察 The boy could give out food at the food bank.那个男孩可以在粮库库分发发食物。 探究 give out是固定搭配,意为为“分发发;散发发”,同 hand out。如果它的宾语宾语 是代词词,该该代词宾语词宾语 只能位于give和 out之间间。 拓展 常见见的give短语语有: Section A Section A 活学活用 (1)I _ some clothes to charity because they were too small for me. Agave away Bgave out Cgave up Dgave in Section A (2)I find it difficult to learn English well. I want to drop it. English is very important in our daily life. Never _ Agive up it Bgive it up Cgive away it Dgive it away 答案 (1)A (2)B Section
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