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Unit2Whatsyourhobby?Unit2Whatsyourhobby? Lesson7 Lets review Warm-up play the pianosee a filmclean the floor clean the windowclean the door What do you do on Saturdays? Look and say Look! What are these? Lead-in They are maps. I like collecting maps.I like collecting maps. Look and say Lead-in I often go to some famous places during the holidays. So my hobby is traveling and collecting maps. Im interested in traveling. my hobby is traveling and collecting maps Presentation What are you interested in? Think and say Whats your hobby? Presentation Look and say My hobby is / I like . playing the pianoplaying basketball singing and dancing Look at our old friends. What are they talking about? Presentation Listen and sayJust read and talk They are talking about hobbies.hobbies What are their hobbies? Presentation Listen, circle and sayJust read and talk Bob Peter Kate Li Yan likes collecting toy cars. collecting stamps. collecting maps. collecting picture cards. Presentation Listen and readJust read and talk collect toy cars collect maps collect stamps collect picture cards Bob: Hi, Peter. I have a new toy car. Peter: Can I have a look, please? Bob: Sure! Open the box and see. Peter: Wow! What a super car! Do you like toy cars? Bob: Yes. I like collecting them. Whats your hobby, Peter? Peter: My hobby is collecting stamps. Bob: How about you, Kate and Li Yan? Kate: My hobby is collecting maps. Li Yan: I like collecting picture cards. Look! Bob & Peter: Oh! Theyre so colourful and beautiful! Presentation Listen and imitate Just read and talk Read it by yourself for one minute . 自读对话一分钟。 Learning tip : 10 2 0 30 50 40 60 30 20 10 Practice 当你自己朗读时,遇到不会 读或不明白意思的单词或句 子,可以把它圈起来,请教 同学或老师! 小组合作,练习对话并表演,其他同学评价 。 Practice Pronunciation (语音) Fluency (流利) Cooperation (合作) OK! Great! Super! Practice Pair work Work in pairs and practice the conversation according to these pictures. Practice NamesHobbies Group work Do a survey about hobbies in groups of four and fill in the form. Bobcollect toy cars Practice 句子接龙 Whats your hobby? My hobby is What about you? I like My hobby is 如何询问某人的兴趣爱好并做相应回 答呢? Whats your hobby? My hobby is / I like. Summary 例句 Whats your hobby? My hobby is collecting toy cars. I like collecting stamps.
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