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Unit 12 Packing OUTLINE The Function of Packing in International Trade Packing Containers Neutral Packing Packing Mark Examples The Function of Packing in International Trade Packing is of particular importance in foreign trade because goods have to travel long distance before reaching their destination. The purpose of packing is to protect the goods and add value to them. Packaging keeps the goods from damage in transport to the point of sale. The cost of freight is an important factor to the purchaser so the weight of packaging needs to be kept as low as possible while still protecting the goods. Generally we divide packing into transport packing(or outer packing)and sales packing ( or inner packing). 2. Packing Container Bag Sack Carton Case Box Crate Drum Bale Can Bundle Container Pallet Packing Container Bag: May be made of strong paper, linen, canvas, rubber, etc. Sack: A large bag of strong, coarse material for holding objects in bulk, commonly used for powder and granular materials. Carton: Made of light but strong cardboard or fiberboard, widely used in export packing because it is light, cheap and resilient. The carton is double walled or triple walled. Case: A strong container made of wood used for small, heavy items. Box: A small case, which may be made of wood, cardboard or metal. Packing Container Crate: A slatted wooden case not fully enclosed, used for storing or shipping, usually used for large and heavy objects like machines. Drum: A cylinder-shaped container for carrying liquids, chemicals, paint, powders, etc, made of metal, wood or cardboard. Bale: A large package of raw or finished material tightly bound with twine or wire and often wrapped. Can: A usually cylindrical metal container. Bundle: A group of objects held together, as by tying or wrapping. Packing Container Container: A large reusable receptacle that can accommodate smaller cartons or cases in a single shipment, designed for efficient handling of cargo. Used to transport goods by road, rail, sea or air. Pallet: A portable platform used for storing or moving cargo or freight used to hold a number of packages or pieces. Neutral Packing Neutral packing is a kind of packing without carrying the name and address of the manufacturer, the origin of country, the trade mark and brand on both outer and inner packages. The purpose of using neutral packing by exporters is to avoid the tariff and non-tariff barriers of some countries or regions, or meet the special demand of the transaction. In order to identify the packages easily at the port of destination, the outer packing must be clearly marked with the identifying symbols and numbers in accordance with the instructions of the customer. We have three categories : shipping mark 运输标志 indicative mark 指示性标志 warning mark 警告标志 Packing Mark 运输标志(shipping mark) 运输标志俗称唛头,它是一种识别标志或标 准标志,通常由一个简单的几何图形和一些 字母、数字及简单的文字组成。运输标志的 主要作用是容易辨认货物,方便运输,易于 点数、查箱,使单货相符,防止错发错运等 运输标志一般由下列内容构成:目的地名称 或代号,收、发货人的代号或辅以几何图形 ,件号、批号(顺序件号和总件数)。有的 运输标志还包括原产地、合同号、许可证号 、体积与重量等内容。 运输标志(shipping mark) 中英文表达方式如下: 箱号CASE 毛重GROSS WEIGHT 净重NET WEIGHT 体积MEASUREMENT : LONGWIDEHIGHT 数量QUANTITY 颜色COLOUR 规格SPECIFICATION / SPEC 原产国:COUNTRY OF ORIGIN 收货人:CONSIGNEE 发货人:CONSIGNOR 发运人:SHIPPER 由到:FROMTO 目的地DESTINATION货号ARTICLE NO. 制作许多单据时都要填写唛头,如某票货物无运输标志则在 单据相应栏目中填写N / M,裸装货一般填写“NEUDED”, 散装货物一般填写“IN BULK”。 指示性标志(indicative mark) 指示性标志指针对一些易碎、易损、易变质商品的性质,用醒目的图形和简 单的文字提醒有关人员在装卸、搬运和存储时应注意的事项,如易碎、防湿 等。中英文表达方式如下: 小心轻放HANDLE WITH CARE 易碎物品FRAGILE 请勿用钩USE NO HOOK / NO HOOK 切勿倒置KEEP UPRIGHT 仓库堆码极限(4件)WAREHOUSE STACK LIMIT(4 PIECES) 请勿踩踏DO NOT STEP ON 上部TOP 下部(底部,下端)BOTTOM 切勿受潮KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE 保持干燥KEEP DRY 放于凉处 / 宜冷藏KRRP COLD / STOW COOL 警告性标志(warning mark) 警告性标志又称危险品标志,是指对一些易燃 、易爆,或剧毒品、腐蚀性物品、放射性物品 等在其运输包装上清楚而明显地刷制的标志, 以示警告。相关的中英文表达方式如下: 小心有毒POISON,WITH CARE( POISONOUS) 放射性物品RADIOACTIVE 腐蚀性物品CORROSIVE 易燃品INFLAMMABLE Useful Phrases 1. Be packed in.of. 2. Have the products packed in 3. 10 boxes to a carton 包装类型的选择及要求包装类型的选择及要求 对包装牢固程度的要求对包装牢固程度的要求 Useful Phrases Be well protected / strong enough against Be packed in seaworthy cases Withstand rough handling Be nailed / secured/ reinforced by Be lined with be padded with 对外部包装的印刷要求对外部包装的印刷要求 Useful Phrases Mark Stencil Print indicate 【Key to Exercises】 Dear Sirs, We thank you for your order for 500 bench electric fans. Our packing arrangements are as follows: They are packed one set in a poly bag, then in a cardboard carton padded with foamed plastic, four cartons on a pallet. All the cartons are lined with waterproof paper and bound with double straps outside. We hope the above arrangements are satisfactory and look forward to your early reply. (=We hope you are satisfied with the arr
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