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Topic1 Revision Studying aims (学习目标) 1.复习本话题词汇 2.复习巩固本话题语法和重要句型 Guide One(复习单词) 1. 放开声音 重点背诵Unit 2Topic 1的单词 ,5分钟后,合上课本,进行单词默写训 练. 2.自研共探 学生先自己读背单词,然后两 人小对子互写互评单词掌握情况,并统 计结果给出评价,小组长负责监督检查 。 单词检测 toothache n.牙痛 dentist n.牙科医生 have a cold 患感冒 cough n.(想)呕吐的 ice n.冰 ice cream n.冰淇淋 Guide Two(复习课文) 复习内容: 重要短语、句型和语法; 复习方式: 自己从课文中归纳总结重要语法和重要句型; 复习要求: 各组成员对本组归纳总结的重点短语、 句型和语法加强理解、记忆, 放开声音,读背 重要语法和句型,相互提问。 重点短语、句型 have a cold 患感冒 have a stomachache 患肚子痛 see a headache 患头痛 lie down and rest 躺着休息 see a dentist 看牙医 go to bed 去睡觉 feel well 感觉很好 go to the party 去参加聚会 at the moment 此时 Thats a good idea 那是一个好主意 Im sorry to hear that. 听到这个我很难过 重点短语、句型 have a sore back 患背痛 have a sore throat 患咽炎 have a toothache 患牙痛 drink lots of water 喝大量的水 eat anything 吃任何东西 listen to music 听音乐 have a fewer 发烧 for example 例如 be sick=be ill 生病 plenty of 充足;大量 重点短语、句型 take/ have some medicine /pills 吃药 day and night 日日夜夜 lie down 躺下 brush ones teeth 刷牙 send sb.to. 送某人去 nothing serious 没什么严重的 check over 做检查 notuntil直到才. worry about sth. 担心 get well 恢复健康 重点短语、句型 balanced diet 饮食均衡 Whats the matter? 你怎么了 I hope you feel better soon. 我希望你很快好起来 healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 Whats wrong with you? =whats the matter with you? 你怎么了? You should see a dentist. should/shouldnt 应该/不应该 语法 1.plenty of = a lot/lots of 许多 既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名 词 2.feel like + Ving 3.表达建议和劝告的句型: (1)You should(not). + V原型 (2)You had better(not). + V原型 总结 (3mins) 1.这节课你学到了什么? 2.你还存在哪些困惑? 要求:各小组学生对本课重点短语、句型 、语法进行归纳整理: 方式:抽取一个小组先进行归纳总结,然 后师生共同对展示重点进行归纳补充. 单项选择 ( ) 1. What s wrong _you ? A.to B.for C.with D.at ( ) 2.-_? -I have a headache. A. What s matter with you B. What s wrong with you C. Whats the wrong with you D. How s the matter with you ( ) 3. You shouldnt read_. It s bad for your eyes. A.in the bed B.in the bedroom C.in bed D.on the bed 有效训练 ( ) 4. Why does the bat (蝙蝠) come out only _and stay in darkness in the daytime? A.in the afternoon B.at noon C.at night D.in the morning ( ) 5. You should _in bed and have a good sleep. A.staying B.to stay C.stay D.stays ( ) 6. Xiao Jun has a toothache, so he should see a _. A.film B.dentist C.move D.TV ( ) 7.- Do you like drinking _water? -Yes , I think its good for health. A.boil B.boils C.boiled D.boiling ( ) 8. I have _. I should see a doctor at once . A.sore eye B.sore eyes C.two sore eyes D.the sore eyes ( ) 9. Uncle Zhou has _money , but he doesnt feel happy. A.much too B.too more C.too much D.many ( )10.-How are you feeling now ? -_I can go to school after lunch. A. Not so well. B.Even worse. C. Much better. D. I feel terrible. II.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.He _(hurt) his back yesterday. 2.Michael _(have)an accident last week. 3.I m glad_(help) you. 4.He has a _(back). He should have a good rest. 5.You d better brush your_(tooth) twice a day. 6.His friend _(buy) a gift for her yesterday. 7.Thank you for _(ask) me to come to your party. 8.You d better_(not lift ) heavy things. 9.Lily has a toothache , so she doesnt feel like_(eat). 10._(not worry) about that. III.句型转换 1. You d better tell him about it.(变为否定句) You d better_ _him about it. 2. I can look after myself now.(同义句转换) I can _ _ _myself now. 3. What s wrong with your leg? (同义句转换) What is _ _with your leg? . I m feeling terrible .(对画线部分提问) _are you _? 5.Lily takes pills three times a day.(对画线部分提问) _ _does Lily take these pills? IV.根据汉语提示完成句子 1.听到那件事,我感到很难过。 I am _ _that. 2.Because I have a cold , the doctor tells me to _ _(躺下)and have a good rest . 3.Before the exam,he cant sleep _ _ _(日日夜夜)。 4.我希望你早日康复。 I hope youll _ _ _. 他头疼了,应该好好休息。 He _ _ _, so he should _ _ _ _. Homework: Make dialogs with these words. 1. a cough see a doctor 2. sore eyes not read for too long 3. a backache take a rest
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