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Module 3 Introduction: Vocabulary and Speaking Task 1: Learn some words of vehicles. 学习一些交通工具的词汇 bicycle baisikl 自行车 motorbike mutbaik 摩托车 12 Step 1. Vocabulary learning 词汇学习 electric ilektrik bike 电动自行车 tricycle traisikl 三轮车 Task 1: Learn some words of vehicles. 34 Task 1: Learn some words of vehicles. bus bs 公共汽车 tram trm 电车 56 Task 1: Learn some words of vehicles. taxi tksi 出租车 train trein 火 车 78 Task 1: Learn some words of vehicles. plane plein 飞 机 helicopter helikpt 直升飞机 910 Task 1: Learn some words of vehicles. ferry feri 游船 ship ip 轮船 1112 In old times carriage sedan camel rickshaw bicycle baisikl 自行车自行车 motorbikemutba ik 摩托车摩托车 electric ilektrik bike 电动自行车电动自行车 tricycle traisikl 三轮车三轮车 bus bs 公共汽车公共汽车 tram trm 电车电车 taxi tksi 出租车出租车 train trein 火车火车 plane plein 飞机飞机 helicopter helikpt 直升飞机直升飞机 ferry feri 游船游船 ship ip 轮船船 The words of vehicles The words of vehicles 交通工具词汇交通工具词汇 Vocabulary and speaking(P21) bicycle bus motorbike tram plane ferry taxi helicopter bicycle bus ferry helicopter motorbike plane taxi train tram Match the words in the box with the pictures. 1 train 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 渡船 2 Answer the questions. 1 Which of the vehicles in activity 1 travel on roads? Taxis, bicycles, motorbikes and buses travel on roads. 2 Which of them travel on rails? Trams and trains travel on rails. 3 Which of them travel on water? Ferries travel on water. 载运工具 4 Which of them travel in the air? 5 Which of them can you use to travel a long way? Helicopters and planes travel in the air. You can use a plane or a train to travel a long distance. Exercises in the workbook (Page 80) Complete the table by putting the means of transport in the correct column. bicycle bus camel ferry helicopter horse motorbike ship plane taxi train tram LAND SEA AIR bicycle bus camel horse motorbike taxi train tram ferry ship helicopter plane 4 交通工具 1. get on / get off上 /下 车 2. get into / get out of 上/下(出租车、小汽车等) get on the busget off the bus 上出租车 下小汽车 Step 2 : Language points learning 语言点学习 get into the taxi get out of the car (车、 船、飞机等) Task 3: to learn some key words and phrases /get off /下 上公交车 下公交车 /get out of /下 3. ride raid 骑 5. by bai乘坐,使用 ride a bicycledrive a car bicycle electric bike taxi car go to school on foot / walk to school 6. on foot /walk w:k步行 4. drivedraiv 驾驶 by bus 骑自行车 驾驶小汽车 乘坐公交车 步行上学 Task 5: Translation 翻译 1. 上火车 2. 下飞机 get on the trainget off the plane 3. 上出租车 下小轿车 get into the taxi 6.驾驶小汽车 4. get out of the car 骑摩托车 5. ride a motorbike drive a car 乘坐公交车 8. 步行7. by bus walk /on foot 3Match the verbs with the means of transport in activity 1. Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport. get on get off get into get out (of) ride drive take off land 适用于 KEY 1KEY 2 bicycle bus ferry helicopter motorbike plane taxi train tram 不止一种 board drive fly get off get on get out of land ride sail take off Example: Can you fly a bicycle? Can you fly a bicycle? ride Exercises in the workbook (Page 80) Correct these sentences with the words in the box. 5 1. I dont know how to ride a car. 2. When all of the passengers had boarded, the ocean liner(班船)left the port and flew to Hong Kong. 3. The passengers got out of the bus. 4. The plane got off from Tokyo(东京) Airport and six hours later, it landed in Bangkok(曼谷). 5. How long did it take you to learn how to sail a plane? sailedgot off took offfly drive Task 6: Ask and answer the questions in pairs, then report the daily travelling forms of your partners family. 1: How do you usually come to school, xxx? 2: How does your father often go to work? 3: How does your mother usually go shopping? Step 3: Speaking 口语表达 I usually come to school by car. My father often goes to work by bus. My mother usually goes shopping on foot. By bicycle/ by car/ on foot Model report范例: Hello, everyone. Linda usually comes to school by car. Her father often goes to work by bus, and her mother usually goes to work on foot. Thats all, Thank you. Task 6 . Fill in the blanks with the given words and phrases . get on, get off, get into, get out of, drives, by, on foot, rode, 1 I _ the bus from my home and _ at the school bus station every day. 2 I _ the bicycle down town to visit my friends last weekend. 3 I usually go to school _. 4 He _ his car to see what happened at the crossroad. 5 He _ to work every day. 6 . My parents often go to work _ car. 7 I got up late this morning and had to _ a taxi to my office. get onget off rode on foot drives got out of by get into
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