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牛津深圳版 Unit10Air SectionB Words review 工厂_smoke_ 脏的_clean_ 感到疼_fresh_ 植树_plant_ 烟factory dirty干净的 hurt新鲜的 种植plant trees Learning aims 1.了解课文Say and act. 2.掌握重点知识点:Whats the matter,make. 3.重点句型: What makes the air dirty? The smoke from .makes the air dirty. What should we do to keep the air clean? We should. 3.字母ch,g,j,sh,s在单词中的发音。 Warm-up 不要让未来窒息不要让未来窒息 Free talk 1.空气污染的危害有哪些? 2.你还知道哪些行为会污染空气? Presentation What makes the air dirty? Useful expression whats the matter whats the matter怎么啦?怎么回事 ? 例如: (1)你怎么啦?我丢了书包。 Whats the matter with you? I lost my schoolbag. (2)你看起来不高兴,怎么啦? Whats the matter?You seem unhappy. make make制作,使 make sth+形容词使某物. 例如: (1)我昨晚做了一个蛋糕。 I made a cake last night. (2)来自汽车的烟使空气脏。 The smoke from the car makes the air dirty. 课堂练习 英汉互译 。 (1)你看起来很累,怎么啦? (2)You look sad,whats the matter? (3)She made the card by hand. (4)来自工厂的废气使空气变脏。 (5)他制作了一个漂亮的卡片。 You look very tired,whats the matter ? 你看起来很伤心,怎么啦? 她手工制作了这张卡片。 The waste gas from the factory makes the air dirty. He made a beautiful card. Ask and answer (1)Whats the matter with Kitty? (2)Where is the smoke from? (3)What makes the air dirty? (4)How is the air in the park? (5)What should we do to make the air clean? Her eyes hurt. It is from the cars and buses. The black smoke from the factory makes the air dirty. The air in the park is clean. We should plant more trees. Complete the notes. cars buse s factory dirty cleanfresh trees clean Ask and answer Look at the pictures.Talk about them with your classmates. S1:What makes the air dirty ? S2:The smoke from the car makes the air dirty. S1:What should we do to keep the air clean? S2:We should ride a bike. S1:What makes the air dirty ? S2:The smoke from the bus makes the air dirty. S1:What should we do to keep the air clean? S2:We should walk. S1:What makes the air dirty ? S2:The smoke from the factory makes the air dirty. S1:What should we do to keep the air clean? S2:We should plant trees. 还有哪些废气污染 ? 我们应该怎么做才能保 证空气的清洁? Think and write Help Ben and Kitty complete the letter. people animalsplants carsbusesfactories plant more trees keep our city clean Pronounce Whats this? It is a chair. chair椅子 Where are you from ? I am from China. China中国 They are poor. She is rich. rich 富裕的 We should help each other. each 每个 chance change much /t/ /t/平舌尖和舌端抬起贴住上齿龈后部,憋住气,然后舌尖稍稍下降, 气流从舌和齿龈间的狭缝中冲出,摩擦成音。发音时声带不震动。 /t/这个音和汉语拼音中的声母ch很相近,很多北方同学会用吃代替 /t/是不正确的。 ch We should know how to share. share 分享 Whats this ? It is a shirt. shirt衬衫 I like eating fish. fish 鱼 There are two brushes on the floor. brush 刷子 sharp short cash / /舌端抬起,靠近齿龈后部,但不要贴住,舌身抬起,靠近上腭,形成 一条狭长的通道,气流通过通道时摩擦成音,双唇略微向前突出,略成 长方形。发音时声带不震动。/和汉语中的声母sh很相近,但要注意的 是/不卷舌,是个平舌音。 sh chair China rich each share shirt fish brush 摘苹果 giraffe 长颈鹿 Their necks are so long. When she is at the age of five,she could play the piano. age 岁数 There are a lot of oranges. orange 橘子 danger 危险 We can find a job to make money. job 工作 There is a glass of juice on the table. juice 果汁 This is a bottle of jam. jam 果酱 He is jumping into the water. jump 跳 page geography jacket join /d/ /d/舌尖和舌端抬起贴住上齿龈后部,憋住气,舌尖稍稍下降,气流从 舌和齿龈间的狭缝冲出,发音时声带需震动 g j 考考你的记忆力 标出单词出现的顺序 jump jam juice job danger orange age giraffe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 How do you usually go to school ? I usually go to school on foot. usually 经常地 Watching TV is my only pleasure. pleasure 快乐 I dont have much time to watch very much television. I have to do my homework. television 电视 decision vision / /舌先将舌端抬起,靠近齿龈后部,但不要贴住,舌身抬起,靠近上腭 ,形成狭长的通道,气流通过通道时摩擦成音,双唇略微向前突出,略 成长方形。发音时,声带震动。 s television television usually 电视 经常地 pleasure 快乐 usually pleasure 巩固提升 Listen and circle. 1.job shop 3.choose juice 2.cheap jeep 4.skirt shirt 5.chair hair6.giraffe usually 选出最佳答案 5.找出划线部分发音不同的一项。 A.green B.job C.age D.jam 1.You look tired,_ A. whats matter? B. whats the matter ? C.thank you D.you are welcome. 2._ I had a cold. A.How are you? B. Whats the matter ? C. How do you do? D.Whats matter? 3.I plan to_a cake. A.bought B. make C.made D.makes 4.The smoke makes the air_. A.dirty B.danger C.clean D.fresh Summary 1.了解课文Say and act. 2.掌握重点知识点:Whats the matter,make. 4.字母ch,g,j,sh,s在单词中的发音。 3.重点句型: What makes the air dirty? The smoke from .makes the air dirty. What should we do to keep the air clean? We should. Homework 1.我们周围还有哪些污染? 2.面对这些污染,我们应该 怎么做?
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