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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section B Period 1 (1a-2e) Look at the pictures below. What do you think of them? expensivecheap deliciousexciting news terrible a boring book 1a Match the words with the pictures below. 1. _ delicious 2. _ expensive 3. _ exciting 4. _ cheap 5. _ terrible 6. _ boring a b c d e f fa ce bd 1b Write words on the left. Write words on the right. words words _ _ _ _ _ _ deliciousterrible cheap exciting expensive boring Look at the pictures below. Where were they? What happened? How was the bus trip? It was relaxing. We were on a bus trip. bus trip relaxing How was the museum? It was boring. I was in a museum. museum boring 1c Listen. Lisa is talking about her vacation. Answer the questions. 1. Where did Lisa go on vacation? _ 2. Did she do anything special there? What? _ She went to Hong Kong. Yes, she went to a fun park. 3. Did she buy anything for her best friend? _ 4. Did Lisa like her vacation? _ Yes, she did. Yes, she did. 1d Listen again. Fill in the blanks. What did Lisa say about .? her vacation _ the people _ the fun park _ the food _ the stores _ great(really) friendly (really) exciting delicious (very) expensive Choose a place to have a trip according the tour guiding, and make a new conversation with your partner. Useful expressions: Where did you go on vacation? How was your vacation? How was the food / people / weather there? 1e Ask and answer questions about Lisas vacation. Begin your questions with: Where did ? What did? Did she ? How was ? How were ? New words and phrases activity n. decide v. try v. & n. paragliding n. feel like bird n. bicycle n. building n. 活动 决定;选定 尝试;设法;努力 滑翔伞运动 给的感觉;感受到 鸟 自行车;脚踏车 建筑物;房子 trader n. wonder v. difference n. top n. wait v. & n. umbrella n. 商人 想知道;琢磨 差别;差异 顶部;表面 等待;等候 伞;雨伞 wet adj. because of below prep. & adv. enough adj. hungry adj. as adv. 湿的;潮湿的;下雨的 因为 在下面;到下面 足够的;充足的;充分的 饥饿的 像一样,如同 Did you go to Malaysia? Malaysia n. 马来西亚 Malaysian adj. 马来西亚的 n. 马来西亚人 West (peninsular) Malaysia shares a border with Thailand. East Malaysia (Borneo) shares borders with Brunei and Indonesia. George Town 乔治市 Weld Quay 海墘(滨城) Penang Hill 槟城山 Nasi lemak, the Malaysian breakfast Local delicacies Nyonya dishes 娘惹菜 Roti Canai and Teh Tarik 煎饼和拉茶 Local delicacies Asam Laksa 阿参拉沙 Bah Kut Teh/Chic Kut Teh 肉骨茶 Local delicacies Nasi Dagang 手扒饭 2a Discuss the questions with your partner. 1. What do people usually do on vacation? 2. What activities do you find enjoyable? 2b Read Janes diary entries about her vacation and answer the questions. Did Jane have a good time on Monday? What about on Tuesday? Jane had a good time on Monday but not on Tuesday. Mark T (True) or F ( False) . 1. I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my friends. 2. The yellow noodles were delicious! 3. In the afternoon, we drove a car to Georgetown. 4. My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today. 5. The weather was fine. F T F T F 2c Read Janes diary entries again. Fill in the chart. Things Jane did or saw Did she like it? (Yes/No) Why or why not? tired paragliding They were delicious. walked around Georgetown Yes Yes It was exciting. ate Malaysian yellow noodles Yes She liked the old buildings there and wondered what life was like in the past. went to Penang Hill It tasted great because she was hungry. No There were many people and they waited over an hour for the train. It was raining and they didnt have an umbrella. So they got wet and cold. They couldnt see anything because of the bad weather. They didnt have enough money for food. shared/had one bowl of rice and some fish Yes 2d Complete the conversation about Janes trip to Penang using the information in the diary entries. Anna: Hi, Jane. Where did you go on vacation last week? Jane: I _ to Penang in _. Anna: Who _ you go with? Jane: I went with my _. went Malaysia did family Anna: What did you do? Jane: The weather was hot and _ on Monday, so we went _ on the beach. Then in the afternoon, we _ bicycles to Georgetown. sunny paragliding rode Anna: Sounds great! Jane: Well, but the next day was not as good. My _ and I went to Penang Hill, but the weather _ really bad and rainy. We _ a long time for the train and we were _ and cold because we forgot to bring an _. Anna: Oh, no! Jane: And thats not all! We also didnt bring _ money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. father was waited wet umbrella enough Talk about your favorite day. What is your favorite day? My
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