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Unit One I. Lead in (Warm-up)I. Lead in (Warm-up) II. VocabularyII. Vocabulary III. Text StudyIII. Text Study IV. Exercises IV. Exercises . Grammar. Grammar CONTENTS 1. How many years have you been learning English? 2. Are you satisfied with the progress you have made? Why or why not? 3. Have you discovered some useful ways of learning English? Word-web Find as many words as possible about English learning. Directions: English Learning listening speaking reading writing English corner electronic dictionary BBC VOA II. Text AnalysisNew Words Strategy Means Diligence Diligent Prolonged Prolong Nevertheless Command Sustained Sustain Helpful Complain Complaint Memorize Cram Bound Constant Commit Acquaintance Concentrate (on) Effective Route Enlarge Vocabulary Idiomatic Idiom Usage Basis Addition Movie Repetition Opportunity Communicate Enjoyable Campus Rehearse Rehearsal Partner Instance Detail Purchase Environment Reliable Source to be continued II. Text AnalysisNew Words Input Rely on Handle Apart assign Assignment Pal Motivation Motivate Culture Summarize Process Accumulation Accumulate Absorb Phrases learn by heart 记住,背熟 e.g. He studied his map, trying to memorize the way/route to Roses street. 他研究地图,想要记住去玫瑰街的路. . 5. memorize 辨析: memorize, remember, remind 这四个词都是动词,均有“记忆,记住,回忆”之意。 memorize指有意识的下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑 子里。记住.例如: e.g. Dont write down your PIN number, memorize it. remember表示记得,多指无意识地回忆起往事。例如: He remembers every detail of that occurrence as though it happened yesterday. 那件事的前前后后他都记得一清二楚,仿佛发生在昨天 一样。 remind指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事 。例如: If I forget, please remind me. 近义词:memorize, remember, remind 6. at fault: deserving blame 有责任,有错 e.g. As for air pollution, most people believe that steel factories are at fault. 关于空气污染大多数人认为是钢铁厂的责任。 Teachers should help each child, one at a time, to discover his own strengths and weaknesses. 老师们应该帮助,而且每一次帮助一个孩子去发现自己的优缺点。 7. at a time: on one occasion 一次,在一个场合中 8. be bound to 1) Be certain to do sth. 肯定,一定 e.g. When you are handling so many affairs at a time, mistakes are bound to happen. 你一次处理这么多事务, 肯定会出错。 。 e.g. The plane is bound for Somalia. 【翻译】这架飞机是飞往索马里的。 Translation: 2) be bound for 前往,去往 9. occur vi. happen 发生 It occurs to somebody to do (sth.). 某人想起 occurrence n. 发生的事情,事件 The explosion occurred at 5:30 a.m. 爆炸发生 在凌晨五点三十分。 e.g. It never seems to occur to my children to contact me. 【翻译】 我的孩子们似乎从来想不到和我联络。 Translation: 10. commit vt. 1) do (sth.) wrong or illegal 犯(罪) e.g. In general, women commit fewer crimes than men 【翻译】一般说来,女性犯罪少于男性。 commit a crime/error/murder/arson/suicide 犯罪/犯错/犯谋杀罪/犯纵火罪/自杀 2) give or transfer sb/sth to (a state or place) 将某人/某事物置于某状态或转交 commit (sth.) to memory把记住 我们把抢劫犯交给了警察局。 e.g. We committed the robber to the police. Translation: to be continued 3) pledge sb/oneself 向某人/自己保证 commit (sb.) to doing (sth.) 向某人承诺做某事 commit oneself to sth. 致力于 e.g. He has committed himself to supporting his brothers children. Commit sth to memory: learn sth so that you remember. 记住 【相关词】 commitment n. committed adj. 他已经答应抚养他弟弟的孩子 1. Can you _ this short poem in ten seconds? A. remember B. remindC. recall D memorize 2. Take two pills _. A. at a time B. at one timeC. in timeD. on time 3. As for air pollution, most people believe that steel factories are _ fault. A. atB. forC. toD. in 4.It _ to me that I had met him somewhere before. A. happened B. occurredC. thought D. remembered 5. Premier Chou _ his lifetime to the cause of liberating the whole country. A. devoteB. devoting C. commit D. commits 11. acquaintance n. 1) somebody you know a little 2) knowledge of sb. or sth. 了解,认识 She is a casual acquaintance of my family. 他对于许多不同的 学科都稍有了解。 He has a slight acquaintance with a lot of different subjects. 我们家人偶尔会见到她。 acquaint vt. (acquaint oneself/sb with sth) 使某人/自己熟悉某事物 12. Concentrateon v. 1) give all your attention to what you are doing专心 Mike tried his best to concentrate his attention on his homework. 【相关词】concentration n. 13. watch out for e.g. What problems should I watch out for when buying an old house? look out for; be on (ones) against 密切注意 买旧房子时我应该注意什么问题 14. on a regular/ /weekly basis : regularly/every day/every week 经常/每天/每周 e.g. I write to him on a regular basis. 我经常给他写信. The milkman sends us milk on a daily basis. 15. In addition to as well as, besides P16 Ex IX-4【翻译】除了每周写作文外,我们的英语老师还给 我们布置了八本书在暑假阅读. In addition to writing compositions on a weekly basis, our English teacher assigned us eight books to read during the vacation. e.g. Did God create other people in addition to Adam and Eve? 上帝除了创造亚当和夏娃以外,还创造别的人了么? 除 之外 in addition to besides except apart from except for Besides, in addition to表示“除了还有”。 例如: Besides Li Ming, there are many other students attending the meeting. except表示“
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