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如何写好个人随笔 个人随笔主要是写自己所见所闻(或按提示要求去写),并适当谈 谈自己的心得体会或看法、建议等。它不拘一格,短小精悍,形式 灵活,可以描写或评论,或夹叙夹议或抒情等。其主要特点是层次 和结构比较简单,内容单一(如写学校、环境等),写作材料易于收集 (主要是身边的世界,比较熟悉),利于用已学知识表达生活中的内容 。 在写作时,要注意把握主题,然后围绕主题安排相关的个人信息 或背景材料、支持细节等。譬如写学校,就要注意地理位置、科目 、课外活动、理想中的学校等,然后安排好段落,使用连接手段,层 次清晰地进行表达。 1.At the moment,I go to a senior high school in. 2.My perfect/dream school would be. 3.We should study all the school subjects such as. 4.Its not difficult to find evidence of. 5.We would save water and electricity. 6.There would be many interest groups,such as. 第一段:写作背景或引子 第二段:具体现象或存在的具体问题 第三段:希望或愿望(譬如理想的校园、课程或课外活动等) 请你根据下面的提示,以“My Dream School”为题写一篇文章,词 数100左右。 内容提示: 1.你校现状(周围有噪音,课程枯燥等)。 2.理想学校:(1)远离噪音,绿色、安静;(2)课程多样化,有选修课等 ;(3)有各种兴趣小组等。 注意:(1)开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;(2)可适当增加细节,以使 行文连贯。 My Dream School At the moment,Im studying in a senior high school in my hometown.My life 参考范文: My Dream School At the moment,Im studying in a senior high school in my hometown.My life there is quite boring most of the time because it is located in the centre of the city,with a market to the south.And we have no alternatives aside from attending classes.Whats more,the timetable is dull and there are no computers or after-class activities. So I hope my school would be a quiet and clean place,away from noise and pollution.The students would also have optional subjects,such as Chinese painting or computer classes.They would have music,P.E.,Chinese,maths,English,chemistry and physics.There would be many interest groups,such as film club,chess association or football club.
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