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河北师范大学 硕士学位论文 大学新生分离-个体化与家庭亲密度、学校适应的关系 姓名:何爽 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:发展与教育心理学 指导教师:王桂平 20100520 III 摘 要 分离-个体化最早由 Mahler 提出, 指儿童逐渐形成人我界限, 在心理上与父母分离, 最终脱离父母,个体在这个过程中发展了其内心的自主性。后来,Blos 在 Mahler 的基 础上提出了第二次分离-个体化的概念,他认为青少年正处于第二次分离-个体化时期, 他们此时企图摆脱婴幼儿期内化的母亲形象,脱离对母亲的依赖,并对内化的父母形象 重新审查,开始建立一个明确的自我。分离-个体化是青少年期重要的发展任务之一, 良好的分离-个体化能帮助个体形成清楚、稳定且清晰的人我界限,减少对重要他人的 依赖,使青少年在以后的生活中做到良好的适应。本研究的目的是:1.采用验证性因素 分析的方法考察青少年分离-个体化量表的信度和效度;2.考察大学新生分离-个体 化的特点,描述我国大学新生分离-个体化的群体特征;3.考察大学新生分离-个体化与 家庭亲密度、学校适应的关系,分析家庭因素对学校适应的影响,为提高大学新生学校 适应寻找新思路。正式施测在河北省石家庄市、保定市、山西省太原市等 6 所大学进行 分层整群抽样,选取被试 931 人,男生 350 人,女生 581 人。通过对数据进行分析,得 出以下结论: 1 青少年分离-个体化量表分别测量积极分离-个体化和消极分离-个体化,其中 积极分离-个体化包括寻求融入、自我中心和健康分离,消极分离-个体化包括分离焦虑、 卷入焦虑、拒绝依赖和寻求养育。该量表具有良好的信、效度指标。 2目前大学新生的分离-个体化水平普遍较好,但仍有 13.2%的大学新生积极分离 -个体化水平偏低,有 19%的大学新生消极分离-个体化水平偏高。 3在分离焦虑、卷入焦虑、拒绝依赖以及消极分离-个体化上,男生得分显著高于 女生,在寻求融入、健康分离及积极分离-个体化上,女生得分显著高于男生;在健康 分离上,有恋爱经验的学生其得分显著低于没有恋爱经验的学生;在卷入焦虑上,独生 子女的得分显著高于非独生子女,居住在城市的学生得分显著高于居住在农村的学生; 在自我中心上,居住在城市的学生得分显著高于居住在农村的学生;大学新生分离-个 体化的程度不存在专业、班干部与否的差异。 4积极分离-个体化水平不同的大学新生在家庭亲密度,学校适应及其维度情绪适 应、生活环境、学习活动、交往活动上均存在显著差异。消极分离-个体化水平不同的 学生在家庭亲密度,学校适应及其维度情绪适应、学习活动、交往活动(除生活环境) IV 上均存在显著差异。 5大学新生家庭亲密度和分离-个体化对学校适应具有良好的预测作用,同时积极 分离-个体化和消极分离-个体化分别在家庭亲密度和学校适应及各维度之间起着部分 中介作用。 关键词:大学新生 分离-个体化 家庭亲密度 学校适应 V Abstract Separation-Individuation which was introduced by Mahler means a process of forming the boundary between others and themselves, separating from the parents on the psychology and finally separating from them totally. In the process, the individual develops their inner self-determination. Later, on the basis of Mahlers theory, Blos introduced the concept of the second Separation-Individuation. He considered that Adolescence was in the period of the second Separation-Individuation. They tried to break away from the mother image which was formed when they were babies, be away from mothers dependence, recheck the image of the parents and finally construct a clear ego. Separation-Individuation is a main task of adolescence. The good Separation-Individuation can help the individual form the clear and steady boundary between others and themselves, reduce the dependence on the important others, and fit for the future life. The purposes of this study are as following: 1. reviewing the reliability and validity of Separation-Individuation Test of Adolescence with confirmatory factor analysis; 2. reviewing the characteristics of Separation-Individuation of college freshmen, and describing the colony characteristics of Separation-Individuation of college freshmen in China; 3. reviewing the relationship of family cohesion, separation-individuation and school adjustment, and analyzing the influence on school adjustment of family elements, which provides a new idea for improving the adapting ability of college freshmen. The formal test was conducted in six universities in Shijiazhuang and Baoding of Hebei province, and Taiyuan of Shanxi province. After stratified cluster sampling, 931 students, 350 female and 581 male participated in the experiment. The study got the following results after analyzing the data: 1. Separation-Individuation Test of Adolescence has been used to measure the positive separation-individuation and the negative separation-individuation, in which enmeshment seeking, self-centeredness and healthy separation are included in the content of the positive separation-individuation, as well as separation anxiety, engulfment anxiety, dependency denial and nurturance seeking are included in the content of negative separation -individuation. Meanwhile the scale has good reliability and validity indicators. VI 2. At present, the general level of separation of the college freshmen is good. However, 13.2% of college freshmens positive separation-individuation is lower. 19% of college freshmens negative separation-individuation is higher. 3. In the separation anxiety, engulfment anxiety, dependency denial and the negative separation-individuation, the male was significantly higher than those female.In the enmeshment seeking, healthy separation and the positive separation-individuation,the female was significantly higher than those male; In healthy separation, the students who have love experienced was significantly better than those who have no experience; In engulfment anxiety, the non-single child was significantly better than only one child, and the students who live in rural areas was significantly better than students who live in the cities; In self-centeredness, the students who live in urban areas were significantly better than students who live in the rural students; There is no difference of Separation-individuation of college freshmen on professionalism and class cadre. 4. The freshmen who have different positive separation-individuation have differences on family cohesion, school adjustment and its dimension, living environment, emotional adaption, activities, and communicating
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