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FoodandRestaurants 学练优七年级英语上(JJ) 教学课件 Unit4 Lesson 21: At the Market 1. 掌握新单词:market,grape,carrot, sweet,pear,cabbage,watermelon 2. 掌握重点的短语:take.to.,like to do sth,look good,how about 3. 掌握重点的句型:Do you like.?提升语 言表达能力 Learning Objectives Objective S Search for food earch for food t e a t h a d f me a t g h g i c f d g w h mb r e a d w n k p a a r o r a n g e mn c p e a r t r r i f g h j l i c a k e u o p l h r c h u y t i i a j h b c v b ml o e mi l k k k wa t e r p l n mt n w g r a p e l p c o l r e t p j Lead-in a morning market Lead-in cabbagewatermelon grapes carrots pears Do you know these fruits and vegetables? Lead-in At the Market Li Ming tekes Jack to the morning market. Li Ming: This is the morning_, Jack. Many people buy fruit and _here. Do you like fruit and vegetables? Jack: Yes, I like vegetables very much. Potatoes are my_. market vegetables favourite Text Reading Presentation Jack: Wow! Look at the_. They are so big in Canada. Li Ming: Do you like_, Jack? I like to eat cabbage in soup. Its _. Jack: Yes, I like cabbage. In Canada, we eat cabbage in_. carrots cabbage delicious salads Presentation Li Ming: I like_. They are _. Lets buy a watermelon. Jack: OK. How _the pears? _ are sweet, too. Li Ming: The pears dont_. But the apples look good. Jack: OK. Lets buy some apples. watermelons sweet look good about Pears Presentation I. Listen and fill in the blanks. Li Ming takes Jack to the morning _. I like _ very much. Potatoes are my favourite. I like watermelons. They are _. vegetables sweet market While Reading Presentation II. Read the lesson and write true (T) or false (F). 1. Li Ming likes fruit. Grapes are his favourite. 2. In Canada, people like to eat cabbage in salads. 3. The apples dont look good, but the pears look good. Presentation III. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. 1. _ are my favourite. They are sweet. 2. Lets buy a _ at the market. 3. I like to eat _ in soup. Grapes watermelon cabbage Presentation Do you like.? Yes,./No,. Work in pairspairs Presentation Do you like carrots? Yes, I do. Presentation Do you like apples? No, I dont. Cabbage is my favourite. Presentation Do you like pears? Yes, I do. How about you? I like apples. Presentation Do you like watermelons? Yes, I do. Lets buy some watermelons. 1. my favourite +名词 表示“我最喜欢的” e.g. my favourite colour my favourite food 2. Do you like? 表示“你喜欢吗?” 肯定回答:Yes, I do. 否定回答:o, I dont. e.g. Do you like English? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Language Points Presentation 3. They are not so big in Canada. 在加拿大,它们没有这么大。 (1) 在某个国家用in+国名,一般不用 冠词。例如: in China 在中国 in England 在英国 (2) so 在此句中是副词,修饰形容词, 表程度,译为“这么,那么”。 Dont walk so fast! 别走那么快。 Presentation 4. The pears dont look good, but the apples look good. 梨看起来不好看,但是苹果看起来好看。 look 在这里是连系动词,意为“看起来, 看上去”,后接形容词作表语。 Mary looks beautiful. 玛丽看起来很漂亮。 Presentation 一、英汉互译 1. 十五根香蕉 _ 2. 十四个橘子 _ 3. twelve carrots _ 4. Do you like apples? _ 二、完成句子 1. He has _ (十一个) friends. 2. Whats your_ (最喜欢的) food? 3. I dont like _ (水果) 4. you_ (喜欢)English? fifteen bananas fourteen oranges 十二根胡萝卜 你喜欢苹果吗? eleven favourite fruit Do like Practice Pratice 5. He _ (看起来)very strong. 6. Whats your _ (最喜欢的) food? 7. I dont like _ (水果). 8. _ you _ (喜欢) English? 9. Tom _ me _ the garden.( 带领) looks Do like favourite fruit takesto Pratice Summary Phrases and sentences: 1. take sb. to 2. morning market 3. would like to do sth.= want to do sth. 4. Lets do sth. Summary Summary Key sentences: 1. -What fruit/vegetable do you like? -I like 2. Do you like ? 3. How about pears? 4. Lets buy a watermelon. Summary
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