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辽宁师范大学 博士学位论文 高校辅导员工作绩效评价体系研究 姓名:吴云志 申请学位级别:博士 专业:思想政治教育 指导教师:曲建武 2011-06 I 摘 要 辅导员是高等学校教师队伍和管理队伍的重要组成部分,是开展大学生思想 政治教育的骨干力量,担负着对大学生进行思想引导、发展辅导、生活指导、组 织管理的重任,是大学生健康成长的引路人和知心朋友。高校辅导员工作绩效评 价体系研究是明确辅导员角色定位、 工作职责、 素质要求和发展方向的重要手段, 是实现辅导员队伍“政治强、业务精、纪律严、作风正”的重要保证。一方面它 将会延伸评价理论的研究视域,为评价理论拓展新的研究领域和研究内容;另一 方面它将为评价的实际操作提供重要的依据, 对加强和改进高校辅导员工作绩效 评价体系研究的现状、增强高校辅导员工作的实效性、提高辅导员队伍的整体素 质、完善辅导员队伍长效机制建设等具有重要的意义。 本文在科学理解高校辅导员工作绩效评价内涵和作用的基础上,对高校辅导 员工作绩效评价的理论基础与知识借鉴、评价的科学理念与基本原则、评价的内 容与指标体系、评价的方法与技术、评价结果的反馈与应用等进行阐述,总结高 校辅导员工作绩效评价的实践经验, 分析高校辅导员工作绩效评价的要素及其内 在联系,探讨高校辅导员工作绩效评价的过程及其规律,回答高校辅导员工作整 体评价和个体评价等实践问题,从而推进高校辅导员工作绩效评价长效机制建 设。 全文共分九部分。其中绪论部分由研究背景、文献综述、研究意义、研究方 法和创新之处等五部分组成。1 6号文件颁布以来,高校辅导员工作得到前所未 有的关注和重视, 各地、 各高校陆续建立起具有地方特色的辅导员绩效评价体系, 并在实践中广泛应用。本文从这一背景出发,比较详细地分析了现行高校辅导员 工作绩效评价中存在的问题, 并通过对绩效评价制度的形成与发展研究和高校辅 导员工作绩效评价体系研究的文献综述, 全面阐述当前加强高校辅导员工作绩效 评价体系研究的意义,并有针对性地提出本文研究的思路和方法,以及本文研究 的创新之处。 正文部分由七章构成。其中前三章(第一、二、三章)是从理论的层面阐释 绩效评价的基本理论、高校辅导员工作绩效评价的理论基础与知识借鉴,以及高 II 校辅导员工作绩效评价的科学理念与基本原则,与之相连的三章(第四、五、六 章)则是理论指导下的实践工作。作者在明晰绩效评价基本理论的基础上,坚持 以马克思主义理论为指导,坚持以科学的教育理论和管理理论为依据,准确把握 高校辅导员工作绩效评价的科学理念与基本原则, 对高校辅导员工作进行评价的 内容与指标体系,对高校辅导员工作绩效评价的方法与技术,对高校辅导员工作 绩效评价结果的反馈与应用,进行系统地分析和阐述,以达到理论指导实践,在 实践中发现和总结规律的要求。 高校辅导员工作绩效评价不是为了满足大学生思想政治教育工作一时之需, 而是大学生思想政治教育工作的重要组成, 是推进大学生思想政治教育长效机制 建设的重要途径。为此, 本文在上述研究的基础上单设一章(第七章) ,阐述“高 校辅导员工作绩效评价长效机制建设” ,提出要建立和完善高校辅导员工作绩效 评价的制度,努力建设一支高素质的绩效评价队伍,要站在学科建设的高度重视 辅导员工作绩效评价的规律研究,从而真正推动辅导员队伍长效机制建设,实现 高校辅导员工作的可持续发展。 关键词:高校;辅导员;绩效评价 III A b s t r a c t Counseling staff is a very important part of teaching faculty and staff in higher education in China which serves as a mainstay of political and ideological direction of collegians and bears the responsibility of guidance of students principles and values, orientation of future career and life development, and organizing and managing students as well. They are guiders and bosom friends of students. Performance Evaluation System of counselors management is of great important means to identify their functions, responsibilities, qualifications and future development of counselors in the organization, which guarantees the team to be “ well- ideologically equipped, high qualified, well- disciplined and integrated” . The research in Performance Evaluation System of counselors, in one hand, enlarges the research discipline of evaluation system and broadens the research scope and enriches the research contents of evaluation management system; on the other hand, it can provide solid data and foundation for the operation of performance evaluation system; besides, it can refine the current research on appraisal of counseling staff on the basis of merits, raise the effectiveness and efficiency of counseling, improve the qualifications of counseling staff as a whole and perfect the long effect mechanism of counseling team construction. On the basis of scientific understanding of working and functioning of performance evaluation management system of counseling staff in higher education in China, by reviewing relevant theories of this field, this paper illustrates the basic principles, research scope, paradigm, methodology and operational system of counseling staff performance evaluation, and feedback of evaluation results and its application as well. It summaries the practices of current performance evaluation in different higher education institutions, analyzes the basic factors and how they interact each other, reviews the historical development of performance evaluation system of counseling staff in higher education, explores its laws and principles and answers some questions of its practice as evaluating the staff as a whole and as IV individual. The purpose of this paper is to promote the long effect mechanism construction of performance management of counseling staff in higher education. The paper is composed of nine chapters. Introduction comprises research background, literature review, research significance, methodology and what the research innovates. Since the Num 16 file was released, counseling work in higher education is unprecedentedly emphasized and concerned. Performance Evaluation System of local colors have been established and widely adopted by a variety of higher educational institutions. My thesis, rooted in this background, analyzes and details the existing problems in the current applications of various performance evaluation systems. By reviewing relevant literature and the historical development of performance evaluation system of counseling staff, it points out the significance of current research and presents the research methodology and innovation of current research. The main body is composed of seven chapters, the first three of which illustrate from theoretical perspective the basic principles of performance evaluation, theoretical basis of performance evaluation management of counseling staff in higher education and its conception and basic principles. The next three chapters relate theory to practice. Based on the detailed theoretical foundation, guided
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