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小站搬运 雅思口语基本话题答题实例讲解 4 magical steps to make a great long answer: 1. Answer the question directly 2. Explain why 3. Give an example 4. Explain the alternative / opposite By IELTS ex-examiner Simon 1. 1.人物人物类话题类话题 在雅思口语考试的 part 2 部分,人物类卡片题是必考的话题之一。首先,看看 5-8 月题库到 底有哪些人物类话题: 尊敬的老人 Describe an old person you respect. 道歉之人 Describe a person who has apologized to you. 亲密朋友 Describe one of your best friends. 敬仰的领导 Describe a leader you admire 共度时光的人 Describe a person that you like to spend time with 有创意的人 Describe a creative person that you admire 一起住的人 Describe a person who once moved to live with you 近水之地 Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting. 其实只要掌握了对付人物类话题的答题思路, 遇到这类问题的时候应付起来其实不难! 下面 来看一道卡片题的范例。 Describe a family member you would like to work with. You should say, Who the person is; What kind of person he or she is; Whether youve worked together before; And explain why you would like to work with this person. 对于酱紫描述人的话题,烤鸭们可以往这个人物的品质和能力靠拢。一个人为人处世中的 personalities 或是 abilities 往往决定了这个人身上会发生的故事。 因此, 烤鸭在回答这类话题 的时候,可以着重突出一下人物性格或者能力,然后谈论在这个人物身上发生的事情。 在描述或评价一个人物的时候, 可以采取三个步骤, A. 直接说明此人的性格特点或能力, B. 补充解释,C. 举例说明。大家且看答题范例: I would very much like to work with my cousin, who is the son of my aunt on my fathers side. Hes two years older than me, and we basically grew up together. In most peoples eyes, he is a good student who can sail through all kinds of examinations. But for me, he is not merely a diligent student, but an intelligent and versatile young man. Even though we havent worked together on any business projects, I know for sure heis someone I can work with. 在这个范例的回答中,仅仅用了一段,便回答了题目中的“who this person is” 、 “what kind of person he or she is” 以及 “whether you ve worked together before” 这三个问题。 不过 cover 到了这 3 个小问还不够,这个回答中运用了哪些技巧呢? 1. 在回答简单含义的句子的时候, 可以尝试使用定语从句。 如文中的句纸 “I would very much like to work with my cousin, who is the son of my aunt on my fathers side” ,就是将两个简单 的意思连到了一句话中。 2. 可以使用让步状语从句强调自己要表达的意思。如范例中的 Even though we havent worked together on any business projects, I know for sure he is someone I can work with. 虽然还 木有共事,但是还是强调了自己想要和 cousin 共事的观点。 另外,范例中的经典地道表达也要注意: sail through all kinds of examinations 通过所有 种类的考试; versatile 多才多艺的; To be more specific, I think he would be a fantastic leader. If we were to work on something serious, say starting our own company, the team would need a leader, who could unite all the team members and utilise each ones strong points. I am more like a follower, I mean, a good subordinate, but I dont think I am an effective communicator. So for someone who is not leader material, its better to work with someone who is. Besides, as I mentioned earlier, he is really intelligent and versatile. For Example, he speaks really good English, knows all about geography and international relations, and he is also proficient in programming. Ive always wanted to work with someone I look up to, and I think he is just the one. 范例中,用了两大段来说明了最后一个问题“why you would like to work with this person” 。 这其中也包含了一些答题技巧: 1. 范例中用了一个 fantastic leader 来描述 cousin。这样的词汇我们可以联想到另外一个话 题:A friend who you think is a good leader。也就是说,其实烤鸭在准备素材的时候,可以适 当将人物类话题进行分类准备, 将有联系的人物类话题归为一类, 这样有些素材就可以通用 了。 2. 范例在解释 why I would like to work with this person 的时候, 用了两个论点, 一个是 fantastic leader, 另外一个是 intelligent and versatile。 而在展开这两个论点的时候,用了两种方法: A. 虚拟语气,假设共事的时候,cousin 的 leadership 会带来怎样的效果; B. 举例子,用具 体的事例说明 cousin 的 ability。 这样多变的描述方法,烤鸭们在考试的时候也可以采用。 同样,这两段中出现的地道口语表达有:leader material 有领导才能的人; look up to 尊 敬。 小贴士:其实烤鸭们在查看范例的时候不是只是看看就过了哟。看范例也是有方法的!在查 看范例的时候要注意以下两个要点: 第一个要点是范例用的是哪些观点和素材, 看看这些观 点和素材是否可以通用到其他题目中去; 第二个要点则是呈现方式, 范例是如何通过地道表 达和高级语法结构来将观点和素材展现出来的。 如果大家在看完范例之后, 能把这 2 个要点 的内容理清楚,并且归类总结到自己的知识库中,这个范例才算是真正理解掌握了。 2 2 事件事件经历类经历类话题话题 首先粗略总结统计一下 5-8 月口语题库中的事件经历类话题。 早起时刻 Describe an occasion you got up extremely early. 近期让你开心的事情 Describe a recent happy event that you had. 助人的时刻 Describe a time you helped someone. 改变计划的天气 Describe an occasion when the weather changed your plan. 初次用外语与他人沟通 Describe the first time you communicated with someone in a foreign language. 特别的短途旅程 Describe a short trip that was special to you. 儿时的幸福家事 Describe a happy family event from your childhood 积极的改变 Describe a positive change in your life 一次犯错的经历 Describe a mistake that you once made 帮助保持健康的活动 Describe an activity you do to keep fit. 一次生气的经历 Describe a situation that you got a little angry 一次婚礼 Describe a wedding you have been to 糟糕的假期 Describe a (short) journey that you disliked 学校活动 Describe an activity that you do in your school 很多烤鸭在答题时容易讲成流水账式的叙述, 没有突出重点。 事件类的话题往往牵涉到描述 事件的时间、地点、人物、发生的事情这几大要素。因此,要想清晰地描述出事件的始末, 不妨先列出需要表达内容的提纲,这样,按照提纲来描述就顺理成章了。 根据事件经历类话题的特点,我们可以把话题的内容分为几个部分: 1. 事件发生的背景(Why it happened) ; 2. 事件发生前的情况和状态(Prepare for it) ; 3. 事件发生的时间、地点、人物(When/where/who) ; 4. 事件的具体内容(What the people did in the event) ; 5. 一至两个亮点的细节描述(What impressed you most) ; 6. 感受(How do you feel about it 或 What you lear
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