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第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively (二)兴趣与爱好,个人情感 A.听句子 根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题问题 ,选择选择 符合 题题意的图图画回答问题问题 ,并将最佳选项选项 的字母编编 号填写在题题前括号内。每小题题听一遍。 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively ( ) 1.Which subject is the student interested in at school? ( ) 2.What sports does Dick like to play? C C 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively ( ) 3.What does Wei Ming like? ( ) 4.How did the speaker feel about writing a report? A C 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively ( ) 5.What kind of movies does Jeff like best? C 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively B.听对话对话 回答每段对话 后面的问题 ,在各题所给的三个 选项 中选出一个最佳答案,并将最佳选项 的字 母编号填写在题前括号内。每段对话 听两遍 。 听第一段对话 ,回答第6小题。 ( ) 6.What does the girl prefer? A.She prefers art. B.She prefers history and art. C.She ptefers history. C 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively 听第二段对话 ,回答第7小题。 ( ) 7.What subject are the two students talking about? A.English. B. Chinese. C. Chemistry. C B 听第三段对话 ,回答第8小题。 ( ) 8.What does Li Lei like? A.Dumplings. B. Hamburgers. C. Noodles. 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively 听第四段对话 ,回答第9小题。 ( ) 9.What does the woman like? A. Watching movies. B. Travelling. C. Meeting people. B 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively 听第五段对话 ,回答第10小题。 ( ) 10.What does the boy think of English and science? A. English is more useful than science. B. Science is more useful than English. C. English is as useful as science. C 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively 听第六段对话 ,回答第1112小题。 ( ) 11. Which of the following does the girl like doing? A.Watching TV. B.Doing sports. C.Reading books. ( ) 12.What kind of books does the boy prefer to read? A. Books on history. B.Books on sports. C.Books on detectives. A C 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively 听第七段对话 ,回答第1315小题。 ( ) 13.What are the two speakers going to do this evening? A.To have dinner in a restaurant. B.To go to see friends. C.To make Indian food. A 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively ( ) 14.What does Mary think of Japanese food? A.Expensive. B.Cheap and delicious. C.Terrible. ( ) 15.What does Jim think of Indian food? A.Expensive. B.Cheap and delicious. C.Terrible. A B 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively C.听独白 请你根据所听内容,在每小题给 出的三个选项 中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将其字 母编号填写在题前括号内。独白听两遍。 ( ) 16.The speaker reads _, magazines and newspapers every day. A.cartoon books B.story books C.English books B 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively ( ) 17.The speaker began reading when he was _ years old. A.five B.fifteen C.six ( ) 18.Why did his parents seldom read for him? Because they were_. A.very lazy B.very busy C.very tired A B 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively ( ) 19.The speaker started with _ at first. A.simple ABC books B.simple story books C.simple newspapers ( ) 20.The speaker thinks his hobby is _. A.simple B.fun C.good A C 第二节 常考话题专项 训练 Listen attentively D.听填信息 你将听到的是一篇关于Mr. Brown的爱好的短 文,请你根据所听内容填写下面的表格。并请 将答案写在相应题 目的答题位置上。短文听两 遍。
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