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Force Majeure 经济学院 2014-05-17 第12组 Force Majeure 策划: 演讲: PPT设计: 翻译: 材料收集: Part1Part1 含义含义 Part2 范围 Part3 几种 规定 方法 Part4 案例 分析 结结构图图示 Force Force majeuremajeure is an exemption clause refers to the signing of the sales contract, not due to the fault or negligence of the contracting parties, but because of the occurrence of the parties to a contract can not be foreseen, can not be prevented, and unavoidable events beyond our control, that it can not perform or can not schedule party to perform the contract. Therefore, force majeure is a disclaimer, one unexpected event or natural disaster can be exempted from liability to perform their duties or delay to perform their duties. Part 1. Definition of Force Majeure Force majeure force majeure in international trade implications and it is called is not uniform. In common law, there is frustration (Frustration of Contract) principles prescribed. In civil law countries the law, there are provisions of the so-called change of circumstances or contract failure in principle. 不可抗力不可抗力:是指买卖合同签订以后,不是由于合同当事人的 过失或疏忽,而是发生了当事人无法预见、无法预防、无法避 免和无法控制的事件,以致不能履行或不能如期履行合同,发 生意外事件的一方可以免除履行合同的责任或推迟履行合同。 因此,不可抗力是一项免责条款,即免除由于不可抗力事件 而违约的一方的违约责任。 在国际贸易中,对不可抗力的含义及其叫法并不统一。在英 美法系国家中,有“合同落空”原则的规定。在大陆法系国家 的法律中,有所谓“情势变迁”或“契约失效”原则的规定。 when it comes to the force majeure, what do you think of? Some events of the force majeure Part2 Define the scope of force majeure events To define the scope of force majeure event: according to the force majeure means know it is not to foresee and chance, so, even though the world has admitted the force majeure can escape, but there is no one nation can specifically stipulate the scope of force majeure, and because the habits and legal consciousness is different, the different understanding on the scope of force majeure. According to the practice of international trade practice and the interpretation of the most relevant state law, the scope of force majeure event mainly consists of two parts: one is caused by natural causes, such as fire drought earthquake cyclone storm landslide tsunami lightning; Second is caused due to political or social events, such as war turmoil government intervene in the strike embargo, etc. In general, the natural phenomena and the war, serious unrest in the countries is the same as a force majeure event, and artificial barriers to the outside of these events, such as government intervention, not licensing, strikes, market volatility, often classified as a force majeure event caused controversy. 不可抗力事件范围界定:根据不可抗力的含义知道它是不可预 见和偶然性的,所以,尽管世界各国都承认不可抗力可以免责,但是 没有一个国家能够确切地规定不可抗力的范围,而且由于习惯和法律 意识不同,各国对不可抗力的范围理解也不同 一般来说,把自然现象及战争、严 重的动乱看成不可抗力事件各国是一致 的,而对于上述以外的人为障碍,如政 府干预、罢工等行为归人不可抗力事件 常引发争议。因此,当事人在签订合同 时应具体约定不可抗力的范围。 根据我国实践、国际贸易惯例和多数国 家有关法律的解释,不可抗力事件的范 围主要由两部分构成:一是由自然原因 引起的事件,如火灾、旱灾、地震、风 灾、暴风雪、山崩、海啸、雷电;二是 由政治或社会原因引起的事件,如战 争、动乱、政府干预、罢工、禁运等。 Part3 Several provisions of the scope of force majeure event method On the nature and scope of force majeure, usually are the following provisions ways: (1) summarize the formula In the contract does not specify which events belong to a force majeure event, but only loosely defined: Due to reasons of force majeure recognized, resulting in the seller can not deliver or backordered seller irresponsible; or does not make the contract due to force majeure event fulfillment. occurrence event whereby a party may be exempted from liability. Such provisions force, law, too general and vague interpretation stretches, easily lead to disputes, it should not be used. (2) enumerated Set out in the contract, force majeure events, Whatever happened to the events listed in the contract or constitute a force majeure, is no. such enumerate ways, though clear and specific, but the text cumbersome and omissions may occur, therefore, is not the best approach. (3) Mixed Force majeure event may occur frequently stated (such as war, floods, earthquakes, fire, etc.) at the same time, coupled with the force majeure events and other mutually agreed upon, Not only summarized the specific meaning of force majeure in the contract, and belong to the force majeure event Such provisions ways both clear and specific, but also some flexibility is a desirable approach. In China import and export contracts, in general, have taken such a provision approach. 不可抗力事件范围的几种规定方法 (1)概括规定 在合同中,只是笼统的规定:“由于公认的不可抗力的原因, 致使卖方不能交货或延期交货,卖方不负责任”或“由于不可抗力 事件使合同不能履行,发生事件的一方可据此免除责任”。 因为这类规定办法,过于笼统,含义模糊,届时伸缩性大,容易引 起争议,所以我们不宜采用。 (2)具体规定 在合同中一一列举不可抗力事件的办法,凡是发生了合同中罗 列的事件即构成不可抗力,没有 则不构成。 这类规定办法,虽然明确具体,但文字繁琐,且可能出现遗漏情况 ,因此,也不是最好的规定方法。 (3)综合规定 列明可能经常发生的不可抗力事件(如战争、洪水、地震、火 灾等)的同时,再加上“以及双方同意的其他不可抗力事件”的文 句,这种规定方法,不仅在合同中概括不可抗力的具体含义,又列 举属于不可抗力事件。 明确具体,又有一定的灵活性,是一种可取的办法。在我国进 出口合同中,一般都采取这种
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