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Chapter 6 Employee Testing and Selection Part Two | Recruitment and Placement Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Chapter 6 Employee Testing and Selection Part Two | Recruitment and Placement Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall 第6章 员工测试和甄选 Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall43 我们学到哪了 第1,3章 人力资源管理导论,公司战略规划 我们处在什么样的行业中? 我们的竞争基础是什么? 为了实现我们的战略目标,我们的员工需要具备哪些特征和技能? 第4章 职位分析 第8章 员工培训 与开发 第11,12,13 章 薪酬管理 第17,18章 全球化和 创业型企 业中的人 力资源管 理 第9,10章 绩效管理 与绩效评 价、教练 辅导、职 业生涯与 人才管理 第6,7章 员工测 试与甄 选、面 试 第5章 人员规划 与招募 第2,14,15,16章 公平就业机会和相关法律、HRM中的道德、公正和公平对待问题、劳资关系和集体谈判、员工安全与健康 Introduction Case ? Summarize the passage Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall65 1.1. Give examples of some of the ethical and legal Give examples of some of the ethical and legal considerations in testing.considerations in testing. 2.2. List tests methods.List tests methods. 3.3. Give examples of work sample/simulation tests.Give examples of work sample/simulation tests. 4.4. Explain the key points to remember in conducting Explain the key points to remember in conducting background investigations.background investigations. LEARNING OUTCOMESLEARNING OUTCOMES Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall66 1. 1. 举例说明在测试中需要考虑到的一些伦理道德和法律举例说明在测试中需要考虑到的一些伦理道德和法律问问题。题。 2.2. 列出员工甄选的测试列出员工甄选的测试方法。方法。 3.3. 举例工作样本与工作模拟方法。举例工作样本与工作模拟方法。 4. 4. 说明在进行背景调查时需要牢记的若干关键点。说明在进行背景调查时需要牢记的若干关键点。 学习目标学习目标 Key Point uueight tests you could eight tests you could use for employee use for employee selectionselection uuwork sample/simulation work sample/simulation teststests Difficult Point l l eight tests you could eight tests you could use for employee use for employee selectionselection l l work work sample/simulation sample/simulation teststests 重点 uu员工甄选的测试员工甄选的测试方法方法 uu工作样本与工作模拟方法工作样本与工作模拟方法 难点 uu 员工甄选的测试员工甄选的测试方法方法 uu 工作样本与工作模拟方法工作样本与工作模拟方法 Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall69 Examples of Web Sites Offering Information on Tests or Testing Programs 提供测试或者测试项目的网站 www.hr- Provides general information and sources for all types of employment tests Provides technical information on all types of employment and nonemployment tests.www.ets.org/testcoll Provides information on over 20,000 tests Information from Kaplan test preparation on how various admissions tests work www.assessments.biz One of many firms offering employment tests Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall610 Legal Privacy IssuesLegal Privacy Issues DefamationDefamation Libeling or slandering of employees or former Libeling or slandering of employees or former employees by an employer.employees by an employer. Avoiding Employee Defamation SuitsAvoiding Employee Defamation Suits 1.1.Train supervisors regarding the importance of Train supervisors regarding the importance of employee confidentiality.employee confidentiality. 2.2.Adopt a “need to know” policy.Adopt a “need to know” policy. 3.3.Disclose procedures impacting confidentially of Disclose procedures impacting confidentially of information to employees.information to employees. Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall611 合法的隐私问题合法的隐私问题 诽谤诽谤 雇主书面或口头诽谤现在或以前的员工雇主书面或口头诽谤现在或以前的员工 防止员工的诽谤诉讼防止员工的诽谤诉讼 1.1.确保你清楚地知道需要对员工的信息保密确保你清楚地知道需要对员工的信息保密 2.2.采取一种采取一种“ “有必要知道有必要知道” ”的政策的政策 3.3.将涉及信息秘密的程序向员工公开将涉及信息秘密的程序向员工公开 Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall612 Types of TestsTypes of Tests(1 1) Cognitive abilities Motor and physical abilities Personality and interests What Different Tests Measure Current achievement Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall613 测试的类型(测试的类型(1 1) 认知能力运动和身体能力个性和爱好 不同测试所要衡量的内容 现有成就 Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall614 Type of Question Applicant Might Expect on a Test of Mechanical Comprehension A Slide from the Rorschach Test 图1、你认为上图最像什 么? A、显示鲜红心脏、 肺部和血液的胸部X光片 B、古怪的大鼻子教 授,头发四周有白发, 头顶还盘发 C、黄貂鱼或鳐鱼 图2、你认为上图最像什么? A、两只披着羽长围巾、 彼此相对的鸟 B、甲虫或圣甲虫,可能 还长着蟹爪 C、眼镜、胸罩或胡须 图3、你认为上图最 像什么? A、展示肌肉力 量的猛男 B、蝎子 C、输卵管 A Slide from the Rorschach Test 图4、你认为下图最像什么? A、流鼻涕的小丑、动人面孔,或是伸舌 头的人 B、穿连衣裙的女士,裙子下面是两只 跳跃的海豚 C、丢失已久的可爱玩具 图5、你认为下图最像什么? A、有舌头、扁桃体和咽喉的一张嘴 B、两只黄色雏鸟啄食 C、一只有胡须或爪子的红猫,可能 还在吃蝴蝶,或是毒蛇嘴巴 Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall617 Work Samples and SimulationsWork Samples and Simulations(2 2) Work samples Management assessment centers situational testing / Video-based situational testing Measuring Work Performance Directly Miniature job training and evaluation P206-207 Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall618 工作样本与工作模拟工作样本与工作模拟(2 2) 工作样
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