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I 摘摘 要要 列夫托尔斯泰的美学思想在西方现代美学史上有着重要的地位。托氏的 现实主义美学思想建立在对传统的真善美“三位一体”说批判的基础上,他坚 决否定将美视为艺术的基本规定性的所谓“美的艺术” ,否定“美是艺术”的观 点。托尔斯泰是由传统的“美的艺术”中对美的本质的研究转向在现代艺术中 对艺术本质的探讨的里程碑。自托氏之后,对艺术实体的研究才真正与美分离, 开始了对艺术的独立地位的研究。托氏的现实主义美学原则、伦理化的审美理 想,尤其是关于艺术的本质、艺术与情感的关系以及艺术的感染力等观点拓展 了现代美学的思维空间和发展前景,规范和引导了现代美学的走向,具有一种 桥梁性的作用。 托氏的现实主义美学理论注重从伦理学的角度研究美学问题,把美和艺术 与人类社会现象特别是宗教现象紧密相联系,从道德理想和审美理想的高度对 传统的“美的艺术”进行了彻底的否定,对资本主义工业化的现代艺术的种种 弊病从内容到形式上进行了无情地批判和嘲弄,高度重视艺术和美的现实基础, 重视艺术传达情感的社会功能,在美和艺术以及艺术创作等方面提出了许多独 到的见解。 托氏美学思想及其发展变化,始终受着世界观中的道德理想主义倾向和宗 教哲学思想的制约。他的宗教哲学思想基本上是他那个时代以及贯穿其一生的 人格体验的产物,其中影响较大的有“人生的意义”和“道德的自我完善”学 说,而且此二者是相互关联、彼此融通的。通过对人生意义的不断地叩问和探 询,托氏认为人生的头等大事就是通过道德的自我完善最终达到与上帝的融合, 这是一种至真至善,并将艺术视为追求生命意义的终极目的的重要手段。托氏 创作中的现实主义思想和伦理化的审美理想,无不与他对人生意义的艰苦探索 和今生今世的执著追求紧密联系在一起。正因为托氏注重的是一种道德情感, 特别是宗教情感,因此,他对艺术的审美追求实际上应归结为对实现这种道德 情感的追求。在审美理想和艺术创造上,他积极主张“为人生而艺术” ,反对“为 艺术而艺术” ,特别崇尚以善至上的真善美的统一,而这种真善美的统一,正体 现着托氏所追求的道德境界和审美境界相融一的终极所在。 II 正是在这种伦理化的宗教哲学思想和审美理想之光的烛照下,托氏形成了 他那个时代的、超凡脱俗的、比较独特的美学思想。这些美学思想散见于托氏 的言论、谈话、日记、书信及其美学和艺术著作中,其中艺术论是托氏较 完整、较系统论述其美学思想的美学著作。在艺术论中,托氏提出了著名 的“艺术是情感的表现”的艺术本质观,以情感为贯穿,他对艺术的本源、艺 术的创作过程、艺术的社会功用、艺术的使命、艺术的思想内容、艺术真伪的 评价、艺术感染力的奥妙、艺术的神秘论和颓废主义等作层层分析,从而揭示 出艺术的基本规律;同时预言,未来的艺术无论在内容或是形式上都将和现在 所谓的艺术不同:它的内容只可能是使人们趋向团结或现在正在把人们团结起 来的那些感情;而艺术的形式将是所有的人都能理解的。只有这样,未来的艺 术才能获得它所应有的性质:它将成为传达基督教的宗教意识的工具,把宗教意 识从理性的范畴转到感性的范畴,借此把人们在实际生活中引向宗教意识所指 示的完美和团结。尽管托氏所强调的情感主要是指宗教情感,但他的关于艺术 的魅力或使命在于传达情感、艺术感染力的程度依赖于独特性、清晰性和艺术 家的真挚程度,等等,这些真知灼见,无论是对艺术创作还是艺术欣赏都有其 现实意义。 而且,托氏的人生探索和以善为上的真善美相统一的审美理想,曾经受到 中国传统文化的影响,甚至他的一些观点与中国古典文化中的某些思想相一致。 总之,托尔斯泰的美学思想是其世界观的重要组成部分,其现实主义美学 思想和伦理化的审美理想与其伦理化的宗教哲学思想是分不开的,与其毕生所 追求的终极人生审美境界和终极道德伦理境界是统一的。 关键词:关键词:伦理化的宗教哲学思想;现实主义美学原则和伦理化的审美理想;美 学里程碑;美学思想;列夫托尔斯泰 III Abstract Leo Tolstoys aesthetic ideology has an important place in the history of modern western aesthetics. Tolstoys realistic aesthetic ideology builds on the basis of criticism of the traditional “Trinity”: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. He strongly denies the viewpoint that beauty is regarded as the basic prescription of the so-called “fine arts”, and he is also against the opinion of “beauty is art”. Tolstoy is the milestone from researching the nature of beauty in the traditional “fine arts” turning to discussing the nature of art in the modern art. And since Leo Tolstoy, the study of art entity has just been truly separated from beauty,people have begun to make a study of the independent status of art. Therefore,Tolstoys realistic aesthetic principles and ethical aesthetic ideal,especially about the viewpoints of the nature of art, the relationship between art and emotion,and the infectiousness of art ,etc. greatly expand modern aesthetical thinking room and developing prospects, normalize and guide the trend of modern aesthetics. So, his viewpoints have the function of a bridge. Tolstoys realistic aesthetic theory pays attention to research aesthetic questions from the angle of ethics. He links beauty and arts closely with human social phenomena ,in particular the religious phenomena,and whats more,he denies completely the traditional “fine arts” from the height of moral ideal and aesthetic ideal ,and criticizes and mocks mercilessly the various diseases of capitalism industrialized modern art from content to form ,and attaches great importance to the realistic foundation of art and beauty,and also pays attention to artistic social function of transmitting emotions .And thus, he puts forward many original insights in beauty and arts and artistic creation,etc. Tolstoys aesthetic ideology, the development and changes of his are always constrained by the tendencies of moral idealism and religious philosophical ideas in his worldview. As the outcome of his personality experience ,his religious philosophical ideas belong basically to his ages,throughout all his lives .And among IV his religious philosophical ideas, “the meaning of life” and “moral self-improvement” theory have a greater impact ,moreover,the two are associated and transferred each other. Basing on making enquiries and hunting constantly for the meaning of life, Tolstoy thinks that the most important thing of the life is to mix together finally with God by means of moral self-improvement ,which is perfectly true and perfectly goodness. And he also regards arts as the important means to realize the ultimate purpose of seeking the meaning of life. Therefore,the realistic ideology and ethical aesthetic ideal appearing in Tolstoys artistic creation are all without exception closely associated with his constantly seeking the meaning of life and consistently pursuing(the unity of Truth ,Goodness and Beauty) throughout his life. It is because of his attention to the moral emotion, especially the religious feelings,that his aesthetic seeking for arts should be attributed to realizing the pursuit of moral sentiment. So, in the aesthetic ideals and artistic creation, he advocates “art for lifes sake” actively and objects to “art for arts sake”,an
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