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Unit7.Unit7. WillWill people have robots? people have robots? 人们将人们将会拥有机器人么会拥有机器人么? SUMMER TIME Lets enjoy a song!Lets enjoy a song! Whatever will be will be Predictions What will happen to you in the future ?What will happen to you in the future ? I will be a scientist and I will study hard. Q: What will you be in the future ? How will you do that? What will happen to theWhat will happen to the worldworld in the future ? in the future ? 1.People will have_ in their homes. robots Agree or Disagree? 同意 不同意 2.Children wont go to school. They will study at home on _computers 3.People wont use _ money, but pay by mobile phone. paper 4.People wont live in the earth, but live in the _ space station astronaut 宇航员员 5.There will be more air _, and the earth will be dangerous. pollution 6.There will be _ trees in the future. fewer HowHow will the world be different 100 years from now will the world be different 100 years from now? ? Please write down your predictions.Please write down your predictions. Group Work 1.People will have robots in their homes. 2.Kids wont go to school. They will study at home on computers. 3.People wont use paper money, but pay by mobile phone. 4.People wont live in the earth, but live in the space station. 5.There will be more air pollution, and the earth will be dangerous. 6.There will be less trees in the future. 一般将来时 1.含义 表示将来某个时间时间 要发发生的动动作或存在的状态态。 2句式结构 一般将来时 肯定句: I will fly rockets to the moon when I grow up. We will have robots in our homes in 100 years. My uncle will come to Beijing next week. They will study at home on computers in the future. 否定句: We wont use money in 100 years. Children wont go to school in the future. 一般疑问问句: A: Will people live to be 200 years old? B: Yes, they will. A: Will they use money in 100 years? B: No, they wont. A: Will you go out tomorrow? B: No, I wont. 特殊疑问问句: What will the future be like? Where will you live? When will she leave for London? 主语语+ will +动动原+。 主语语+ wont +动动原+。 Will+ 主语语 +动动原+。 肯: Yes, 主语语+will 否: No, 主语语 +wont 特殊疑问词问词+ will+主语语+ 动动原+。 一般将来时 1.含义 表示将来某个时间时间 要发发生的动动作或存在的状态态。 2句式结构 句式结结构示例 肯定句 主语语 +will +动动原 + . We will see a film tomorrow. 否定句 主语语 +wont +动动原 +. 一搬 疑问问句 Will +主语语 +动动原 +. 肯:Yes,主语语 +will. 否:No, 主语语 +wont/will not. 特殊疑问问句 特殊疑问词问词 +will +主语语 +动动原 +. We wont see a film tomorrow. Will we see a film tomorrow ? -Yes, we will. -No, we wont. What will we do tomorrow? 3.时间状语 类别类别示例 next类类 next week, next month, next year等 tomorrow 类类 tomorrow, tomorrow morning, the day after tomorrow等 其他类类 in +一段时间时间 :多久之后(in a day/in two weeks/in three years ) in the future 在将来 下周我们们将制作一个飞飞机模型。 We will make a model plane next week. What will you do tomorrow afternoon? 明天下午你将做什么? He will be back in two days. 他将在两天后回来。 4.There be句型的一般将来时 (1)肯定句:There +will be +主语语 +其他 Eg:明天我们们学校将举举行运动动会。 There will be sports meeting in our school tomorrow. (2)否定句:There +wont be +主语语 +其他 Eg:地球上将不会有新鲜鲜的空气。 There wont be fresh air on the earth. (3)疑问问句:Will +there be +主语语 +其他 肯:Yes,there will. 否:No,there wont. Eg: -将来会有机器人么? -是的,会有。 -Will there be robots in the future? -Yes, there will. agree v. 同意,赞赞同 ;反义词义词 :disagree 不同意,不赞赞成 Eg : I agree with what he said. agree with sb. “赞赞成,同意某人(的看法或意见见)” Eg : I wants to buy a house, but nobody agrees with me. 我想买买房子房子,但没人赞赞同。 agree to(do) sth. “同意(做)某事” Eg : He agrees to help us. 他同意帮助我们们。 believe v. 相信;名词词:belief 信念,信仰 believe +代词词 /名词词/从句 Eg:I believe you.(代词词) I believe this story.(名词词) I dont believe she will come. (从句) 【辨析】believe sb. 意为“相信某人说的话 ; believe in sb. 意为“信任某人” Eg: I believe him, but I dont believe in him. 我相信他说的话,但是我不信任他。 fall n.秋天/ v.落下,下降 fall down 跌倒,倒塌 Eg: The old man fell down onto the ground. 老人摔倒在地上。 fall behind 落后 Eg: Study hard, or you will fall behind. 努力学习习。不然你将会落后。 fall off 从.上落下;(物)脱落 Eg: Leaves fall off the trees. 叶子从树树上掉下来。 fall in love with 爱爱上 Eg: The boy fell in love with the girl. 男孩爱爱上了那个女孩。 play a part in 参与;发挥发挥 作用 Eg: Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. 每个人都应该应该 参与挽救地球。 take part in 参与/play a role in 发挥发挥 作用 hundreds of 大量;许许多;数百的 Eg: We planted hundreds of trees last year. 去年我们们种了数百棵树树。 We planted two hundred trees last year. 去年我们们种了两百棵树树。 注意:当表示一个不确定的数,hundred前面没有具体数字时,其 后要加-s,且与of连用。 当hundred前面有数字时,其后不加-s,也不和of连用。 look for 寻寻找;寻寻求 Eg : He is looking for a new job. 他正在找一份新工作。 look up 查阅查阅 look after 照顾顾=take care of look at sb/sth 看着某人/某物 【辨析】look for和 find look for意为为“寻寻找”,指有目的地寻寻找,强调动调动 作 find意为为“找到,发现发现 ”通常指找到或发现发现 某物,强调调 结结果。 Eg : I _my pen everywhere, but I couldnt _it. 我到处处找我的钢钢笔,但找不到。 looked for fi
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