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太原理工大学 硕士学位论文 无线传感器信号在圆形下水道内传播规律的研究 姓名:库亚晓 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:测试计量技术与仪器 指导教师:马福昌 20100401 ? ? ? ? ? !#$%,?AB?CDEF.GH )?IJKL?MN*O)PQRSTUVWXYZO? ?_)CDabF.GLcdef?I4g,hijkl- ./?mn9:;$F.GHABCD)? stuvwxy:z)?,6|x?K)?XYZ) ?TOH?F? ?$F.G?J?)?,YZE?NN?F.GH ?=?$?ICD?)?,o4x? ?xF.GH)ABCG?X F.GH%?,?=?$F.GCD?I)?$ ?P)? *OXYZrF.G)U”,?*x .T.G?$CD?I)?,4FQ?,F .G)? F.G?, LnCD)?s F.G)?TN?$AB?I),6? ? ? ,?5)?F.GH).?,$CD )?F.G?)?,?) ?i?)X abN?=?$?CD?IJK)?,o4x ?5?CDEF.GH)AB?IJK,O?ab $F.G)?s%?vwN?,?0)?s?$? ?vw?s?E?H,?s?vw ?iE?,?)?vw?X ?)?PQ?fi GAB?I,YQZ_?5 ?F.GCD)AB?IJK,6?Kfo4x?5 ?ABCG?,J?,?$F.GCDL?)J?)=? ?.?vg, ?f?:?, ;?T?UX ?)U?k,?L?)UVWX ?ABaC,?, Y?(5? !2009011059-15T?#$% the increase of the radius is propitious to guide the wave propagation; the bend, tilt and branches of the sewer will increase the wireless transmission attenuation; and if the water vapor with higher density, the attenuation rate is proved to be more greater; in addition,the wet wall of sewer will cause changes in electrical parameters. Through systematic analysis of various factors on the effect of transmission characteristics, the hybrid model has been proposed to predict the law of signal wireless transmission,and then,the space of the sewer is divided into the near field area and the distant field area at two different regions: in the near-field zone, the free space propagation model could be used to predict propagation loss;while in the far-field zone, the ? ? modified waveguide propagation model could be used. Previous waveguide theory is used for the wireless transmission tunnel, but now,this method is used to study the signal wireless transmission characteristics in the sewer, and the hybrid model is creatively proposed to establish wireless channel model.In particular, the special factors affecting to the signal-the water is taken into account, and cleverly integrated into the model which makes the model more complete and realistic. In the later experiment, it is also proved that the model has good practical value. KEY WORDS: wireless communications, hybrid model, electromagnetic wave, attenuation rate This topic comes from Shanxi Province Natural Science Foundation Project (2009011059-15) and Doctoral Foundation of Ministry of Education (20091402120006). ? ? 1.1 ? ?#?“fi fl ?#x?fl fi ? ”?N?#H?gg ?_?-.?fi ?-. T?89:O?g?MVWfi ?VWS T?z?Pfi P? !?M$;?-.? ?O?j? $PQM?$?_?P? ?PQM0?-.?fi /?PQM0?fi ?9:?_Gg?agPQMEb(K?) gefgjkghi? Q?Z?fi -.? !?9:?$%fi ?z? ?j? ?fi 2?4? u? |?”!?2?4?g? ?!? #$?%OU?,Q?88?88?VWj?U-.fi ?PQM0? ?z?c? 1.2? ?C?68?fi ?8? ?#?P?T?:?B?fi ?gi?R?R? !?fi ?#?c?( fi ?Qfi x“?wIMT-2000q?G2Mbit/s? #fi ?gD?g?L?afi ?Y?/05?3G #fi ?#fi ?g?5?#? ?fi ?G144bit/s?0?fi ?G?384bit/s? ?0?fi G4? 2Mbit/s?k?jqD?L?a?fi 4 ?w?fi /?3G#?IRfi jWCDMAg ? ? CDMA2000?TD-SCDMA |2WiMax?#$%? WiMax(World Interoperability for Microwave Access)?8sfi ?_ ;fi N?IEEE802.167?#?“#fi ?802.16d?802.16e?7 ?Y9:?450?WiMax?9?#fi ? ?btfi fl “?fi ?F?F?“fi m9:G4 10M70Mbit/sfi ?x“?w802.16e7?( ?fl ?g?g?g?l68k3 |4GPRS ?#$% GPRS(General Packet Radio Service)fi ?jq?fi ?N? GSM ?z?jq?#fi ?g? IP ?GPRS ? ?M9:?xRfl ?fi ?R?9:fi ?g?F?m 9:?W?fi ?:gm?Mfi O?x?i?m9:G4? ? 56 ? 114Kbps?=fi fl ?QF?6kfi ?Y?fi V? !gL?g?gkW$;?c?fi P ?$?;fi V !S?fl ?fi ?0?x?fi P?fl c?fi -.?/ ?D?Gfi ZP?/?otfi ?fi -.?/? ?D?G?Nx|4?n?0?-.pq.?9:x Rfi ?CP?r?8cfi ?(?9:)GkPfi ?xRfi ?=)Gfl fi F?fl ?DS?D? |3?ccfi G?He 1.3.2 ? ()*?R?O?O?9:?()*? *?fi ?9:?B?M?5fi ?S?H?B?8?:B ?8?IQ?fi ?B?8?M0?6?fl G?: ? ? B?8?$;U?b9:?x?x?8wLc? fi ?F?fl ?Mo3?()*?fi ?z?;fl fi ? =*?1?y |2?LMEFG?Pfi w?“$?()6?S? SI?fi ?5(?zS? |3fl ?
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