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中南民族大学 硕士学位论文 流域跨界水污染下的利益协调机制研究 姓名:梁治文 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:区域经济学 指导教师:陈祖海 20100412 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 III 摘 要 摘 要 随着社会经济的不断发展, 环境问题已越来越成为摆在人们面前 的最严峻挑战之一,其中水污染问题显得尤为突出。流域跨界水污染 作为水环境问题比较特殊的一类情形而渐渐的引起学术界和国家相 关部门的重视。之所以说它情况特殊,是由于流域跨界水污染问题不 仅仅是环境问题,而且还涉及到相关方的利益博弈问题。如果该问题 得不到处理或者没达成一个有效的解决方案,不但环境受到严重破 坏,而且还容易因为利益分歧引起纠纷,甚至爆发冲突,对经济的可 持续发展和社会的和谐稳定带来严重影响。因此,本文在借鉴国内外 学术界的相关成果后,对流域跨界水污染问题,进行了深入研究。研 究内容如下: 第一章,分析了我国流域跨界水污染问题的研究背景和意义,并 阐述了国内外学者针对相关内容的学术成果和研究动态, 最后提出了 本文的研究思路和研究目的。 第二章,结合经济学的相关理论,对流域跨界水污染问题进行了 一般性描述。这些理论包括,外部性理论和博弈论。 第三章,为了辨认在流域跨界水污染问题中存在的各方行为主 体,探寻他们的利益驱动,明确他们的责任,将博弈论引入研究过程 中,从微观和宏观两个层面对跨界水污染问题进行了分析。其中,微 观层面以流域某段的单个行政区域为研究对象, 论述了在该地区内相 关主体的博弈行为,包括企业与企业的排污行为博弈、企业与企业的 流域跨界水污染下的利益协调机制研究 II 治污行为博弈以及政府管理与企业排治污的行为博弈, 并在每段分析 后,得出了相应的结论;宏观层面则以全流域为视角,论述了跨界的 行政区域之间因为追求自身利益最大化而导致的排污和转移污染的 行为博弈。 第四章,将当前国内外流域管理体制作了对比,并结合第三章的 研究基础,分析了我国流域宏观管理体制的现状,最后运用经济模型 提出了流域宏观管理体制的新模式。建立该新模式从两方面来考虑: 全流域水环境成本最优和补偿激励措施。在构造水环境成本函数时, 提供了一套明确的建模方法;在探索补偿机制时,设计了一种相对公 平的支付方案。 第五章,基于第四章的模型,以汉江流域为例,对流域的宏观管 理新机制的可行性作了较为详尽的实证分析。 该分析分为三步: 首先, 选取合适的变量指标,采用计量方法,得出了汉江流域两省的水环境 成本函数;其次,假定汉江流域监管机构对流域的设置了治理目标, 从流域最小水环境成本的角度, 算出了两省各自的污染物应去除量和 污染转移量;最后,结合补偿模型,给出了可行的支付方案。 第六章,综观本文的全部研究过程,给出了最终结论,并根据结 论, 从微观和宏观两个层面提出了解决流域跨界水污染问题的可行途 径。 关键词关键词:流域,跨界水污染,水环境成本函数,补偿机制 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 III ABSTRACT ABSTRACT With the development of social economy,environmental issues have increasingly become one of the most serious challenges which people face, including water pollution problem which is particularly prominent. As a special kind of water environmental issues, transboundary Water Pollution is being attached importance to academic and the relevant government organs. Transboundary water pollution not just an environmental problem, but also refer to the interests of stakeholders Game. If the problem is not addressed or did not reach an effective solution, not only the environment will be severely damaged, but also lead to conflicts because of the interest. It can have an negative effect on the sustainable development of economy. So, after referring to the academic achievements at home and abroad, this paper takes carefully research on transboundary water pollution. The items as following: Chapter I, The background and significance of Tansboundary Water Pollution in China are analyzed, and the results of academic scholars and research dynamic are described. This study put forward ideas and research purposes at last. Chapter II, Combined with the theory of economics, the paper gives a general description to transboundary water pollution. The theories include externality theory and Game Theory. 流域跨界水污染下的利益协调机制研究 IV Chapter III, In order to seek out every actors in transboundary water pollution and look for their interest drivers, and define their duties, the Game Theory is referred to. The micro and macro levels of cross-border water pollution problems are analyzed. A single administrative area was chosen as research object of Micro-level. Game behaviors among enterprises and government in the area were discussed. From the perspective of the whole basin in Macro-level, the game behaviors between the areas of basin were described. Chapter IV, the current domestic and international river basin management system were compared, and Combined with the study basis in Chapter III, the Current Situation of our countrys River Basin Management System is analyzed. A new model of River Basin Management System in our country will be made. Two sides are considered in the new model: one side, the cost of the water environment in whole basin must be the minimum; the other side, an appropriate compensation system must be established .when making the Cost function of water environment, I give a definite method. On additional, a relative fair payment plan will be designed. Chapter V, With the basis of the model in Chapter IV and the case of Han River basin, a positive analysis to the feasibility; of the new River Basin Management System will be made. There are 3 steps in this analysis: step 1, selecting the appropriate variable index, then using 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 V quantitative methods to make the cost function of water environment of the 2 provinces in Han River Basin. Step 2, we assume that the Han River basin regulatory agencies set up a treatment goal, then the reducing quantity and transferring quantity of pollution will be computed. Step 3, we give an appropriate payment plan. Chapter VI, Final conclusions will be given through the all study, And according to the conclusions, some advice will be give to resolve the transboudary water pollution. KEY WORDS: basin, transboundary water pollution, water environment cost function, compensation system 中南民族大学中南民族大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取 得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其 他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。 对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个 人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果 由本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学 校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论
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