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中国科学技术大学 硕士学位论文 无线协作网络中自适应中继选择的研究的功能衰退 姓名:陈慧娟 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:通信与信息系统 指导教师:梁晓雯 2011-05 摘 要 I 摘摘 要要 无线通信近年来的迅猛发展促使人们对无线系统提出了更高的需求。下一 代无线通信网络必须采用更先进的算法和技术,不仅要提高数据速率,还要使 系统能确保不同媒体所要求的服务质量。无线协作通信系统(Cooperative Communication)被认为可以有效对地抗无线信道的衰落,是一种有效的提高频 谱效率和通信可靠性的容量增强技术, 如今正受到学术界与工业界的广泛关注。 与此同时,将协作的思想引入无线通信领域,即新型的协作通信网络,相比于 传统的点对点的通信系统,则带来了一个崭新的研究领域。本文针对目前热门 的协作通信领域的中继选择问题做了相关研究, 并进行了理论分析和仿真验证。 主要研究内容如下: 首先, 本文的第三章基于基本的两跳(Two-hop)多中继协作传输系统, 提出 了一种新的自适应中继选择算法(Adaptive Relay Selection Scheme, ARSS)。在 该算法中,首先目的节点会根据直传链路的信道状况决定是否需要中继参与协 作,进行数据的转发;其次中继节点根据第一跳链路的信道状况,自适应地选 择其转发协议,比如解码转发或者放大转发; 最后目的节点根据第二跳链路的信 道状况进行中继节点的选择,从而在保证目的节点在成功解码的基础上,减少 中继节点选择的数目。仿真结果表明,与其他中继选择方案相比,本文提出的 算法可以有效降低系统的中断概率,最小化中继节点选择的数目,同时提高了 系统的平均吞吐量。 为了更进一步研究了中继节点选择在协作通信网络中的应用,本文在第四 章引入了复杂网络中节点中介中心性在信息物理学方面节点信息传导效率的相 关理论,并将中继节点的中介性与无线多跳网络中的节点选择问题相结合,形 成大规模的无线多跳网络节点选择问题。本文利用节点的中介性以及中继节点 接收的信噪比信息,提出了基于多跳(Multi-hop)协作的无线多跳网络中自适应 的中继节点选择算法。通过对模拟数据的充分数据验证,试验结果表明基于节 点中介-中心性的中继节点算法与节点的信噪比门限值相结合, 可以较好地利用 了空间分集的社团分布属性,并利用了节点的信息传导特性,从而更有效选择 中继节点,提高了无线多跳网络的数据传导效率,并缩短了传导时间,降低了网 络的传输延时。 关键词:关键词:无线协作通信 自适应中继选择 中断概率 无线多跳网络 复杂网 络 中介性 ABSTRACT III ABSTRACT The rapid development of wireless communications in recent years incurs the higher demand of wireless system from the human beingsThe next-generation wireless communication systems are required to adopt more advanced algorithms and technologies,in order to not only provide higher transmission rate,but also to ensure more application functions and better quality of service which are requested by peopleCooperative communication is considered to be capable of effectively competing the fading, and is thought as one method of enhancing the capacity, which could effectively increase the spectrum efficiency and robustness of wireless systemsFor the past few years,this new technique draws widely attention of the researchersAt the same time, the concept of cooperation is introduced into the field of wireless communication, in other words, cooperative communication network. Comparing with the conventional communication system with Point to Point, it brings a brightly new research area. In this paper,aiming at the current popular cooperative communication areas, some relevant researches on relay selection have been done, theoretical analysis and simulations have been demonstrated as well. The main research contents are as follows: Chapter III of this article bases on the Two-hop Multi-Relays cooperative transmission system, and proposes a new adaptive relay selection scheme (ARSS). In this scheme, firstly, the destination node determines whether there is a need for cooperative transmission with relay nodes, which is used for the data transmission forward based on the channel status of the direct link. Secondly, the relay node determines the forwarding protocols, such as Decode and Forward and Amplify and Forward adaptively based on the channel status of the first hop. Finally, the destination node selects the relay nodes for cooperative transmission, based on the channel status of the second hop, in order to minimize the number of selected relay nodes while guaranteeing the decoding successfully at destination node. Simulation results show that the outage probability decreases efficiently by the proposed scheme, and the number of selected relay nodes is minimized compared with other relay selection schemes, while improving the system throughput. In order to further study the application of relay node selection in cooperative communication network, Chapter IV of this article introduces the relevant theories of the betweenness of nodes in the complex network which is applied in the ABSTRACT IV information transmission efficiency in the area of information physics. Then we combine the mentioned characteristics with the relay node selection in Wireless Multi-hop Network, hence formulate the problem of relay node selection in large scale wireless sensor network. The the adaptive relay node selection scheme is proposed, which is based on the Multi-hop cooperative wireless sensor network. Through the adequate data test, including the real data and simulated data experiments, simulation results show that our proposed scheme in this article, which is based on the combination of the node betweenness/ centrality and the threshold of SNR, could utilize the community distribution property of the spatial diversity better, and the information transmission characteristics of the node is also used, so as to effectively select the relay nodes. Our scheme could improve the data transmission efficiency in wireless sensor network, and shorten the conduction time. The transmission delay of network is also decreased. Key Words: cooperative communication adaptive relay selection outage wireless multi-hop network complex network betweenness 中国科学技术大学学位论文原创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下进行研究工作所取得的 成果。除已特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含任何他人已经发表或 撰写过的研究成果。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的贡献均已在论文中作 了明确的说明。 作者签名:
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