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Unit 7 Shopping Review In the last lesson, weve learned two dialogues between Amy and two shopkeepers. Do you remember them? Q1: What does Amy buy for Simon/Andy? Q2: Does Amy have any money? Lead-in We can see some red apples in the apple tree. We cant see any red apples in the tree. Do you have any bread on your desk? A.Using some and any. Make a dialogue with your partner. I need to buy some Christmas presents. Do you have any money? No, I dont have any money. 1. some 常用肯定句以及期待对方给予肯 定回答的请求、建议的问句中。如: They have some money. (肯定句) Would you like some tea? (建议) Can I have some oranges? (请求) 2. any 常用于疑问句和否定句以及表示 强调的肯定句中。如: Does she often buy any presents for her sister? (疑问句) I dont need any help. (否定句) White matches any other colour. (表强调,意为“任何”) some, any 既可修饰可数名词也可修饰 不可数名词。 Complete the conversation with some or any. Millie: We need many things for the party, Daniel. Daniel: Yes. We have a big cake and _ bread. Do we need _ fruit? some any Millie: Sure. We need _ bananas and oranges. Daniel: What about drinks? Millie: We need _ juice and cola. some some Daniel: OK. Do we need to buy _ paper cups? Millie: Yes, we also need _ paper cups. Daniel: All right. Lets go. any some Lead-in There is a bird in the tree. There are two cats under the tree. Are there any birds in the tree? Yes, there are. Is there any milk in the glass? No, there isnt. Is there any water in it? Yes, there is. Read Part B. Using there be 1. There is a pear on the table. 2. There is some milk in the glass. 3. There is not an orange in the bag. 4. There is not any bread on the plate. 5. There are some potatoes in the fridge. 6. There are some drinks in my bag. 7. There are not any cakes in the box. 8. There are not any fish in this river. 9. Is there a pear on the desk? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. 10. Is there any bread on the table? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. 11. Are there any vegetables in the basket? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. 1. There be 表示“某地有某物或有某人。 There is a chair in the room. 房间里有一张椅子。 There are a lot of students in the playground. 操场上有许多学生。 There arent any flowers on the table. 桌上没有花。 Is there any bread in the bag? 书包里有面包吗? 2. There be 结构中 be 用法如下: there is + 可数名词单数或不可数名词 there are + 可数名词复数 3. There be 结构的否定句是在be后面加not ,即: There is not / isnt any computer in my study. 一般疑问句的构成是将动词be移到句首 。 Is there a chair in the room? Are there any pictures on the wall? 4. 当there be 后面有两个或两个以上的名 词时,动词be要与它最近的名词保持一 致(即:就近原则)。如: There is an eraser and two pencils in the box. There are two pencils and an eraser in the box. There is some milk in the glass. She has a glass of milk. 5. there be 表示“存在”的状态,即:某处 有, 而have则表示“拥有” ,即: 某人或某物拥有。 there be + 某人或某物 + 介词短语 某人或某物+ have + 某人或某物 There is a book on the desk. I have a new watch now. Look at your classroom and make sentences using There is / are 一、用some, any 填空: 1. Is there _ paper on your desk? 2. He doesnt have _ brothers. 3. We need _ fruit at the party. 4. Does she have _ friends there? 5. Would you like _ bread? 6. There arent _ pears in the basket. 7. Could I have _ snacks now? any any some any some any some 二、完成句子: 1. 沿着这条街有两家超市。 2. 我能为你做点什么? 3. 我想买一些不同于埃米的礼物。 There are two supermarkets down the street. What can I do for you? I want to buy some presents different from Amys. 4. 这条河里有鱼吗? 5. 桌上没有任何蔬菜。 6. 书房里有一张书桌和两张椅子。 Are there any fish in the river? There arent any vegetables on the table. There is a desk and two chairs in the study room. Homework Review the use of some and any and there be .
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