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目目 录录 摘摘 要要 . I Abstract . III 引引 言言 . 1 一、元朝约会制度运行的社会基础一、元朝约会制度运行的社会基础 . 3 (一)统一的多民族国家“各依本俗”的治国政策 . 3 (二)封建国家“诸色户计”的户籍制度 . 6 二、元朝约会制度的内容二、元朝约会制度的内容 . 8 (一)元朝约会制度的调整对象 . 8 (二)元朝约会制度的受案范围 . 17 (三)元朝约会制度的管辖 . 19 三、元朝约会制度的历史评价三、元朝约会制度的历史评价 . 25 (一)元朝约会制度的积极作用 . 25 (二)元朝约会制度的局限性 . 31 结结 语语 . 35 参考文献参考文献 . 37 致致 谢谢 . 39 攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文目录攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文目录 . 40 I 摘摘 要要 元朝是中国历史上一个极具特色的王朝,其疆域最广,民族交流、融合兴 盛,它又是第一个少数民族建立的国家政权,为了巩固统治,元朝统治者在政 治、经济、法律制度、文化政策上实施了很多新举措,约会制度就是其一。它 对当时社会矛盾的缓和、司法公正的实现具有一定的促进作用。 本文从元朝约会制度运作的社会基础着手分析和研究。首先元朝作为中国 历史上地域最辽阔的王朝,境内生活着众多民族。在统一、相对安定的社会环 境下,民族融合兴盛。为巩固统治,元朝统治者实行“各依本俗”的治国政策, 这就造成元朝法制不仅保有相当一大部分中原传统法度,还很大程度上保留了 蒙古习惯法,吸收了回回法的某些内容。这种多法源的情况导致了法律适用冲 突的出现。二是元朝人口众多,为了对人民实现人身控制和保证赋役征派,元 朝统治者建立了纷繁复杂的户籍制度,把全国居民按照社会分工、宗教等标准 分成了“诸色户计”,并且法律规定了不同的权利义务,分配不同的隶属和管 理系统,这就使元朝社会普遍存在不同法律权利主体之间的冲突。 在了解了约会制度得以产生的社会基础后,本文通过对元朝民事诉讼和刑 事诉讼相分离、民事诉讼适用属人法以及民事审判权分散等元朝法制特点的分 析,研究约会制度的调整对象、受案范围和管辖,其主要内容有三:一是重大 的刑事案件,无论涉及哪一种人户、民族,都由地方行政机构审理,按照既定 的程序解决。二是轻微刑事案件和所有民事案件由各系统的管理机构审理,如 是涉及不同民族的法律纠纷,或特殊户之间以及某些特殊户与民户之间发生词 讼,则由地方行政机构会同其他民族或户的管理机构,约定时间,共同审理。 约会三次不到,则由地方行政机构独自审理。三是元朝约会制度与元朝司法审 判权的分散、复杂造成的元朝法司设置多元化紧密相关。 最后,肯定了元朝约会制度对缓和社会矛盾和实现司法公正方面所起的积 极作用,通过对元朝约会制度在元朝实施所产生的实际效果的了解,分析其由 于产生基础的阶级性和程序设计的缺陷所产生的无可避免的局限性。所谓“约 会”是在元朝阶级矛盾和民族矛盾相当尖锐复杂的情况下产生的,这就使约会 II 制度成为实现民族歧视和民族压迫的一种司法保证,而且在审理有关蒙古人与 汉人之间的诉讼案件时,蒙古人的主管官员的加入往往是对司法制度公正的破 坏。同时由于其缺乏制约,各部门“各私所管,互相隐庇”致使词讼更为频繁, 或使判决越益迁延。 历史的成功经验值得总结和借鉴,失败教训值得总结。元朝约会制度在缓 和民族、阶级矛盾,维护封建专制国家的稳定上,发挥和积累了实际而丰富的 作用和经验,如何扬长避短,继承约会制度中利于实现司法公正的机制,剔除 其由民族等级造成的影响,值得我们深入细致地进行分析、研究和总结。 关键词关键词:约会制度 民族等级 诸色户计 III Abstract In the Chinese history Yuan Dynasty is a dynasty which has extremely characteristic. Its area is the broadest. The nationality exchanges the fusion to be prosperous, and it is the first state power which was established by the minority.In order to consolidation, the Yuan Dynasty ruler has implemented much many new actions in politics, the economy, the legal regime, the cultural policy. The appointment system is one of the policies.It is very importent in relexing contradictory and realizating the judicial fair. This article begins from analyzing and inspecting the operating social basis of the appointment.The first, Yuan Dynasty is the vastest in the region in the Chinese history, and many nationalities live in the boundarise.In the relative stability and unificatic social environment, the fuses prosperously.For the consolidated rule, the Yuan Dynasty ruler implements the governing policy of the “vulgarly respectively according to it”.It not only causes the Yuan Dynasty legal system to holding the area south of Yellow River tradition law, but also retains the Mongolian common law to a great extent and has absorbed in certain contents of the Huihui law.This kind of law origin situation caused the law conflict .Second, the Yuan Dynasty has large population.In order to realizing the person control and guarantee pay in labor to the people drafts, the Yuan Dynasty ruler established the complex lateral economic ties, the national inhabitant according to standards of social division of labor, religion has divided into “all sorts of household”, and had stipulated the different rights and obligations. It is assignned different subordination and the management system management system, and causes the conflict between the different law subject . After understanding the appointment system s social basis producing, this article study appointment systems controlled member, the document scope and the jurisdiction through analysingYuan Dynasty legal system characteristic separating of the civil action and the criminal prosecution 、the civil action suitably to human law and civil judicial authority disperser.Its primary coverage has three: One is the serious IV criminal case, regardless of which one kind of household involves, the nationality, all by local administration organization trying, according to the procedure solution which decided.Second , the light criminal case and all civil cases are tried by various systems management structure.If the legal dispute involving different nationality or between the special households or between the special households and the civilian househo
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