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河北大学 硕士学位论文 高职院校英语教师语码转换研究 姓名:刘鸿雁 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:英语语言文学 指导教师:郑悦 2011-05 摘 要 III 摘 要 语码转换是近年来语言学研究领域中颇受关注的热点话题, 如何利用母语和第二语 言之间的语码转换促进外语教学也已经成为一个教学研究焦点, 其在高职英语教学中所 发挥的作用更是不容忽视的。 高等职业教育从20世纪末在中国渐渐兴起,经过十几年的发展,现在已经成为中国 高等教育不可或缺的一部分。随着高职院校的普及,高职英语也成为了一个新的公共课 程。与普通大学公共英语和英语专业相比,高职英语面对的学生基础更为薄弱,全英教 学效果并不理想,甚至无法完成教学任务,所以英语教师在课堂上的中英文语码转换成 为普遍的现象。 本文旨在通过探讨英语教师语码转换的类型及对学生的影响, 找出适合高职院校英 语课堂的语码转换模式,以便使教学达到提高学生英语听说能力,并使学生充分理解接 受教学内容的双重目的。 研究首先通过课堂观察,录音,问卷,访谈等手段收集到高等职业院校英语教师和 学生的大量材料。在此基础上,以Myers-Scotton 的标记模式理论为基础,运用定性、 定量相结合的方法对高职院校英语教师的语码转换现象进行研究。 定性研究通过对课堂 录音,课堂观察和教师访谈总结出教师语码转换的类型和目的;定量研究主要用于分析 课堂上母语的输入和语码转换频度, 并通过对学生问卷的分析总结出英语教师语码转换 对学生的影响及学生对此的态度。 通过调查研究发现,高职院校英语教师在课堂上进行语码转换,主要是为了达到一 些教学目的,如翻译、避免歧义、强调重点、活跃气氛、促进理解等。其中,大部分语 码转换得到学生的认可,但同时英语教师表示,为了提高学生的听力和口语表达,英语 教学过程中还应努力限制语码转换和母语输入,提高英语使用量。 论文共分六章:引言主要介绍本文的研究意义,方法和结构;第二章主要回顾了国 内外语码转换的研究类型和方法,以及其在教学领域的运用;第三章描述了本章的理论 基础-标记模式理论;第四章简要介绍了调查研究的设计;第五章运用定性和定量相 结合的方法对调查结果进行了具体分析; 论文最后通过对研究的总结本文试图得出对高 职院校英语教学的一些启示,同时指出了本研究的局限性。 摘 要 IV 关键词:语码转换 标记模式理论 英语教师 高职院校 Abstract I Abstract Code-switching(CS)has become a popular topic in the field of linguistic research in recent years. How to use CS between the native language and the target language to promote foreign language teaching has become a teaching and research focus. And the function of code switching in EFL class in vocational colleges is particularly significant. Vocational education in China has gradually risen up from the late 20th century, and after ten years development, it has now become an unignorable part of higher education in China. With the popularity of vocational colleges, vocational English has also become a new public course. Compared with the students in universities, vocational college students are weaker in English competence. English teachers can not teach effectively or even can not complete teaching tasks in full-English, so teachers code-switching between English and Chinese becomes a common phenomenon in EFL class of vocational colleges. The aim of the thesis is to discuss the types and influence of English/Chinese code-switching of the English teachers in vocational colleges, and then find the appropriate models of code-switching in the EFL class in vocational colleges, which will not only enable the majority of students to follow and understand the content of the class as much as possible, but also improve students listening and speaking abilities in English. The data is collected through classroom observation, recordings, student questionnaire and teacher interviews in vocational colleges. Then analysis is carried out with both qualitative approach and quantitative approach under Myers-Scottons Markedness Model. Qualitative approach is used to analyze the types and purposes of English teachers CS by class observation and teacher interviews. The quantitative approach is used to analyze the frequency of CS input of the native language in EFL class by class recordings and observation, and summarize the influence of teachers CS as well as students attitudes towards it according to the results of student questionnaire. Through investigation, it is found that the language competence of the students in vocational colleges is lower than the ones in universities, which results in the teachers much input of the mother tongue and frequent code-switching in EFL class. However, most CS is used as a helpful strategy for certain teaching aims, such as for translation, for ambiguity-avoidance, for emphasis, for active atmosphere, for understanding-facilitating, etc. Abstract II Most of these types of CS are accepted by students. However, English teachers also admit that it is necessary to limit the frequency of CS as well as the input of the native language and try to use much English as possible, in order to improve their listening and speaking abilities. Six chapters are concluded in the thesis: Chapter One introduces the significance, methodology and the structure of the thesis; Chapter Two reviews the types and approaches of CS as well as studies about CS in EFL classrooms; Chapter Three talks about the theoretical frameworkthe Markedness Model; the design of the study is introduced in Chapter Four; and the results are analyzed with both quantitative approach and qualitative approach in Chapter five; At last, some pedagogical implications for EFL teaching in vocational colleges are concluded according to the findings of the present study, although there are still certain limitations. Key words: Code-switching the Markedness Model English teachers vocational colleges Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background With the development of globalization and education, language contact is increasing. The phenomenon of bilingualism and multilingualism has become popular, and code-switching (CS) has become a focused topic in the linguistic field. In the past 40 years, researchers has made great achievements on psychological motivation, pragmatic functions, syntax structure, discourse
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