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目目 录录 摘 要 Abstract 引 言 1 一、法官释明权的基本理论 2 (一)法官释明权的内涵 2 (二)法官释明权的法律性质 4 (三)法官释明权的分类 5 (四)法官释明权与相关概念的区别 7 二、两大法系法官释明权的历史发展及立法借鉴 10 (一)大陆法系法官释明权的历史发展及立法借鉴 10 (二)英美法系法官释明权的历史发展及立法借鉴 14 三、法官释明权的意义 18 (一)法官释明权有利于实现司法公正 18 (二)法官释明权有利于提高诉讼效率 21 四、我国法官释明权制度的构建 23 (一)在我国完善法官释明权制度的必要性 23 (二)构建我国法官释明权制度的设想 31 结 语 37 参考文献 38 致 谢 41 I 摘摘 要要 辩论原则是民事诉讼法的基本原则。但是完全的当事人主义则会造成诉讼 不公、诉讼迟延、成本增加等后果,影响了诉讼效率和公正。因此,世界各国 都采取了由法官进行释明的措施,从法律和事实的角度给予当事人以更正和补 充主张的机会,来弥补和修正完全当事人主义的缺陷。 近年来,我国理论学界有不少对法官释明权的研究,审判实践中也有一定 程度地适用,但是理论研究都不够成熟,实践中运用得也不够得当,比较混乱, 其效果没有凸现出来。因此,我们有必要借鉴国外关于法官释明权的立法实践 经验,并且形成自己的特色。 法官释明权是指在当事人主义的诉讼模式下,当事人在诉讼过程中未能清 楚或充分地陈述事实、提出主张或者举证时,法官以发问或晓谕等方式,提醒 或启发当事人把不明确的予以澄清,把不充分的予以补充,把不当的予以排除。 简言之,法官释明权就是使不明了者变为明了者,让当事人将自己不完整的陈 述、声明、证据补充完整。法官释明权本质上属于诉讼指挥权的一种;性质上 既是法官的一项权利,又是法官的一项义务。至于法官释明权的分类,根据不 同的划分标准可以划分为不同的种类。根据法官释明权在诉讼中行使的阶段可 以划分为起诉受理阶段的释明权、审前准备阶段的释明权、庭审阶段的释明权 和庭后答疑阶段的释明权;根据是否会导致诉讼表的变更的标准,法官释明权 可以划分为辩论权领域的释明权和处分权领域的释明权;根据行使释明权的态 度,法官释明权可以划分为积极的释明和消极的释明;根据释明权的内容,法 官释明权可以划分为事实的释明和法律的释明。 法官释明权制度是大陆法系国家民事诉讼法中的一项重要制度。它起源于 德国,德国是世界上第一个在成文的民事诉讼法典中使用“释明权”一词的, 而后被法国、日本等其他大陆法系国家吸收利用,也为英美法系国家所接受。 英美法系国家虽然没有在民事诉讼法中使用“法官释明权”一词,也没有明确 的概念,但是其“管理型司法”与法官释明权的功能类似。 法官释明权制度不仅有利于实现司法公正,包括实体公正和程序公正,还 II 有利于提高司法效率,又能弥补辩论主义的不足。因此,对于民事审判方式改 革正在推进、民事诉讼模式正在转型的我国来说,构建法官释明权制度是我们 的必然选择。它是我国民事诉讼模式转换的必然要求;是我国民事诉讼价值变 迁的必然结果;是扭转我国审判实践中错误适用法官释明权混乱局面的要求; 是改善我国司法环境的客观需要;是我国现行法律规定不足的现实需要。我们 可以从在民事诉讼中确立约束性辩论原则、在民事诉讼法中明确规定法官释明 权制度,包括法官行使释明权的原则、范围、不当行使的救济条款等、提高法 官整体队伍素质等方面来构建我国的法官释明权制度。 关键词关键词: 民事诉讼 法官释明权 辩论主义 制度构建 III Abstract The adversary system is the basic principle in civil procedure law. While its existence would cause injustice, delay and increased cost during civil litigation process, affecting the justice and efficiency of civil litigation. Therefore, most nations set up judges interpretation right to give the parties in action an opportunity to correct and renew their claims in terms of law and facts, also to amend and make up for the defects caused by the adversary system. In recent years, there is much research on judges interpretation right in theoretical world and some kind of use in judicial practice. However, research is not mature and practice is unsuitable and disordered. The effects of judges interpretation right are not produced. Therefore, it is essential for us to use overseas legislative and practical experience for reference, and develop it with Chinese characteristics. The definition of judges interpretation right is this: when parties claims, presentations and testimonies are not clear , sufficient and suitable, judges should illuminate and remind them by asking and giving explicit instructions to make their claims, presentations and testimonies clear, sufficient and suitable. In nature, judges interpretation right is a kind of directing rights in litigation. It contains both judges right and liability qualitatively. According to different parts in litigation, judges interpretation right can be classified into four types : interpretation in prosecution, ex-court, court and after court. According to whether litigation object can be changed, judges interpretation right can be classified into two types: interpretation in the field of adversary and punishment. According to the attitude to function the right, judges interpretation right can be classified into activeness and negativism. According to its contents, judges interpretation right can be classified into interpretation of law and facts. Judges interpretation right is one of the most important terms in civil procedure of continent law. It has its roots in Germany, which is the first n
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