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安徽大学 硕士学位论文 论科技英语翻译的创造性叛逆 姓名:方英姿 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:英语语言文学 指导教师:詹全旺 2010-04 iv 摘 要 摘 要 当前科技英语翻译已不再局限于传统的对源语文本与目的语文本的研究, 而是将 其他诸多因素纳入其研究范围。翻译的“忠实”原则曾一度被视为评判科技译文好坏 最重要的标准。 以往的中外创造性叛逆研究主要以文学翻译中译者的主体性和创造性 为中心,但随着译者主体性研究的不断深入,科技英语翻译的创造性叛逆受到一些学 者的关注。维索尔论(1999)提出的语言顺应理论认为语言使用是一个选择、顺应的过 程,并主张从综观角度,即语言的、认知的、社会和文化的视角对语言使用进行理解 和诠释。本文从顺应理论的角度对科技英语翻译创造性叛逆进行研究,并辅以大量的 翻译实例分析。 顺应理论是语用综观说的核心内容,它认为语言具有变异性、商讨性和顺应性。 根据顺应论, 可以从四个方面描述和解释语言使用, 即语境关系顺应、 语言结构顺应、 顺应的动态性和顺应的意识程度。在顺应论框架内,翻译过程就是在跨文化交际中, 动态地在语言结构和语境之间作出顺应的过程。 顺应论能很好地阐释翻译中出现的问 题和现象。创造性叛逆是翻译的一种特殊现象.维索尔论提出的语言的三个特性和言 语分析的四个语用研究角度相互依存,不可分割,对创造性叛逆有很重要的意义。变 异性为创造性叛逆提供物质基础, 商讨性突出译者实现创造性叛逆以及采用各种原则 和策略的灵活性,顺应性为创造性叛逆提供目标和准则。根据语境关系顺应和语言结 构顺应,创造性叛逆在很大程度上是不同语境和结构相互顺应的结果。本文借助于该 理论主要概念和原理, 按照其语用研究的角度, 对科技英语翻译创造性叛逆进行研究。 在充分的理论研究基础上, 并且结合科技英语的特点和翻译实践,本文得出结论: 创造性叛逆是译者超脱原文语言的制约为实现对原文的高度忠实采用的一种翻译策 略。译者在翻译过程中应充分发挥自身的创造力使语言选择适应复杂的语境,实现翻 译目的。本文详细论述翻译过程中实现对原文作者、译者和目的语读者的社交世界、 物理世界和精神世界,即交际语境的顺应体现的创造性叛逆。此外,本文还进一步论 述实现语言结构的顺应体现的创造性叛逆。为方便研究,语言结构被分为三个层面: 词汇层面、句法层面和语篇层面,并且分别总结实现这三个层面创造性叛逆的一些具 体、实用的翻译方法。 v 本研究为科技英语翻译的创造性叛逆提供了理论支持, 而且拓宽了科技英语翻译 研究的视角;其研究成果在指导科技英语翻译实践方面具有一定的应用价值。 关键词:关键词:创造性叛逆;顺应理论;科技英语翻译 ii Abstract The present EST (English for Science and Technology) translation no longer focuses on the study of source and target texts as the traditional way does, but takes other factors into consideration. The criterion “faithfulness”, once prevailing, is the upmost judgment for a good EST translation. Previous domestic and foreign studies on creative treason are often centered on translators subjectivity and creativity in literary translation. As the study on translators subjectivity goes further, creative treason in EST translation has gained some scholars attention. Verschueren (1999) put forward the Linguistic Adaptation Theory of which one important notion is that language use is a process of continuous making of linguistic choices with different degrees of salience for the purpose of adaptation. Adaptation Theory advocates that language use should be interpreted and analyzed cognitively, socially and culturally, from a comprehensive pragmatic perspective. This thesis researches into creative treason in EST translation from the perspective of Adaptation Theory with the analysis of a large number of published translation cases. According to Adaptation Theory, language has three properties: variability, negotiability and adaptability that make a language user to make appropriate and persistent linguistic choices in the process of language use. Verschueren has advanced four inter-related angles of pragmatic investigation, i.e. contextual correlates of adaptability, structural objects of adaptability, dynamics of adaptability and salience of adaptability. In the light of Adaptation Theory, translation is a process of making adaptation with regard to linguistic structure and context in a dynamic way at various levels of salience. The three properties and four angles of pragmatic investigation, interactional and interdependent, have important implications for creative treason as a whole. Variability provides the physical basis for creative treason; negotiability provides flexibility of principles and strategies adopted by the translator to achieve creative treason; adaptability provides the goal and principle for creative treason. Based on contextual correlates of adaptability and structural objects of adaptability, creative treason is the result of the mutual adaptation of iii context and structure. Creative treason is to achieve the adaptation to the linguistic, social and cognitive elements in translation. With the help of the key notions and along the pragmatic investigation angles of Adaptation Theory, this thesis addresses creative treason in EST translation. Based on the sufficient theoretical studies, the features of EST and the analysis of a number of cases collected from translated EST works, this thesis concludes that creative treason is a translation strategy adopted by translators in order to achieve a higher level fidelity to the original text. Translators should give full play their creativity in exerting the capacity of expression of the target language to adapt their linguistic choices to the complex context. The thesis explores creative treason in the contextual adaptation which includes adaptation to the social world, the physical world and the mental world of the source text author, the translator, and the target readers in EST translation. In addition, the thesis further illustrates creative treason in the structural adaptation from three levels of language structure: lexis, syntax and discourse, and sums up some specific and practical translation approaches in achieving creative treason at these three levels. This study has provided theoretical support and guidelines for creative treason in EST translation and broadened the perspectives of EST translation studies, and the findings of the study have some application
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