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沈阳建筑大学 硕士学位论文 辽宁省县域房地产发展问题研究 姓名:于淼 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:管理科学与工程 指导教师:孔凡文 2011-01 硕士研究生学位论文 摘 要 I 摘 要 房地产业作为国民经济的支柱产业之一, 对社会经济发展具有举足轻重的作用。随着 社会经济迅猛发展,房地产业的发展已取得了值得称赞的成绩,在全国大中城市房地产市 场发展形势大好,并已趋于饱和状态的今天,越来越多的专家学者及房地产商开始将目光 转移到县域地区,县域房地产业的发展越来越受到关注。 目前,国内对于县域房地产业的研究略显单薄,以往的研究偏重于国家或者大中城市 房地产业发展。因此, 本文针对辽宁省县域房地产市场发展情况进行深入、系统的研究。 本文共分为七章,其中,第四、五、六章为重点章。文章首先论述了房地产业在县域 经济发展中的地位与作用,介绍了县域经济的相关理论,包括县域经济的内涵和特征,明 确了房地产业在县域经济发展中所处的地位及所起到的作用;其次,本文结合现有的统计 数据,对辽宁省县域房地的发展现状进行分析,包括对县域经济及县域房地产两方面的现 状分析,并在此基础上总结出目前辽宁省县域房地产发展过程中存在的问题;再次,本文 对辽宁省县域房地产发展的影响因素进行分析,主要从城镇化发展水平、经济发展水平和 国家的相关调控政策三方面进行深入的研究和分析;接下来,在本文的第五章中,重点运 用因子分析方法对辽宁省 4 4个县(市)的房地产发展状况进行评价比较,以经济发展水 平和城镇化发展水平这两个公因子作为评价指标,根据综合因子得分进行排名,明确各县 (市)在全省区域总格局中的地位,对各县(市)的房地产发展情况进行综合评价。 文章的最后,综合前述的辽宁省县域房地产的发展现状、存在的问题、主要影响因素 分析及各县(市)的综合排名等情况,从大力发展县域经济、科学制定发展规划、作好县 域房地产需求预测、调整住房供应结构、加快县域城镇化发展进程、优先推进重点区域、 制定和实施有利于县域房地产发展的相关政策等七个方面,提出了促进辽宁省县域房地产 健康发展的对策建议。 通过本文的研究,对目前辽宁省 4 4个县(市)房地产发展的总体情况有了全面的认 识和评价,这为制定县域房地产和县域经济发展的政策和策略提供了参考及依据,对保证 房地产业健康与可持续的发展具有重要的理论和现实意义。 关键词:县域房地产;县域经济;影响因素;评价;发展对策 硕士研究生学位论文 Abstract III Abstract As one of the pillars of the national economy, the real estate plays a decisive role on the development of social economy. With the rapid development of social economy, the real estate has made commendable achievements. The tendency of the real estate market in cities was great, and nowadays it has become saturated, so more and more scholars and real estate business began to shift its attention to the county district. The development of county real estate is played more and more attention. At present, the domestic real estate research for the county is not enough, and the previous research emphasis on the development of the real estate in the country or cities. Therefore, this paper deeply and systematically researches the development of real estate market for the county of Liaoning Province. This paper is divided into seven chapters, the fourth, fifth and sixth chapters are the most important chapters. Firstly, the paper discusses the status and role in the development of the real estate industry in the county economy, and introduces the relevant theories of the county economy, concluding the content and the characteristic,definite the status and role clearly in the real estate industry in the county. Secondly, with the existing statistical data, the paper analyses the development of the premises for the county of Liaoning Province. Including the analysis of existing circumstance for the county economy and the real estate, on the basis of which the paper sums up the current problems during the development of the country real estate. Thirdly, the paper analyses influence factors in the development of the county r eal estate in Liaoning Province, and mainly deep researches and analyses from three aspects: the level of urbanization, economy and national relevant regulatory policies. Fourthly, through the method of factorial analysis, the fifth chapter of this paper estimates and compares the development of country real estate in 44 counties (cities) of Liaoning Province.To the level of economy and urbanization as an evaluation index , according to the comprehensive ranking factor score, the paper defines counties (cities) of the regional total status in Liaoning Province,and evaluates the development of every county (city) in Liaoning Province. In the last chapter, based on the status quo in the development of country real estate, open questions, analysis of main influence factor, and the comprehensive ranking of various counties (cities), etc, the paper offers suggestions to improve the health development of the real estate through seven sides: country economic evolution, scientific development project, forecasting demand of the country real estate, adjusting housing supply structure, speeding up the process of urbanization development , giving priority to key areas to promote, developing and implying favorable policies of county real estate development. IV Abstract 硕士研究生学位论文 The research of this paper offers comprehensive concnition and evaluation for the development of 44 counties (cities) in Liaoning Province , aols offers reference to policies and tactics of the country real estate and county economy, and plays an important theoretical and practical role to the health and sustainable development of the real estate industry.Chapter 7 makes a conclusion and some research prospect. Keywords: Country Real Estate;County Economy;Influence Factors;Evaluation; Development Strategies 硕士研究生学位论文 第一章 绪论 1 第一章 绪论 1.1 研究背景 县域房地产发展主要指县城和集镇的房地产开发建设,但目前我国县域房地产开发主 要集中在县城,集镇和工业区仅有零星房地产开发。我国县域房地产发展起步较晚,但近 几年来发展迅速,究其原因:一是我国国民经济快速发展和近年来房地产业快速发展的推 动所致;二是进入 21 世纪以来,我国城镇化进程加快,县城经济的快速发展,使得非农 人口增加,住房需求随之增加,为房地产市场发展提供了良好的条件。三是大城市不断郊 区化,大城市市区产业、人口和城市建设向郊区转移,因而促进了大城市周边的城乡结合 部和县城房地产业的发展,而日趋饱和的大城市房地产的建设也使得投资者的目光转向县 域地区;四是县城基础设施建设日趋成熟和完善,为房地产开发提供了良好的投资环境。 正因为近年来我国县域房地产发展较快,许多地方政府对之非常重视,在县域房地产 的发展潜力越来越得到关注的同时,越来越多的研究者也将研究重心转移到县域房地产上 来,许多
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