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Lets Do It 1 reading singing drawing dancing;ru ingwalking hop;234reading singing drawingdancingWarm up 1 GreetingHellosong ;2 Reviewsing theRu ingsong;Gue what am I dong ? reading singing drawingdancing;1;2;3Game I say you doIf I say reading you are reading; If I say singing you aresingingLook at the pictures and follow me say the words;and tell mewhats the words meaning .1Practice GameI do you sayIf I am reading you say the word reading; If I am singing yousay the word singing2GameTraffic lightsTeacher If I point to green light you should follow me say theword (reading singing drawingdancing) If I point to red light you should be no voice .Game Wood manAll the children make a big circle sing a song when I say stop you should be a wood man do nothing .Cla is over sing Say Good bye
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